
What is your opinion regarding people who mocks the reduction of working hours ?

Hello everyone, I was looking at a post about a Tik Tok by a young girl, who, struggling with her first job, rightly criticises the 9-17 “model” [ +commuting hours ]. I totally agree with the girl, what irritates me most are in fact the comments. Leaving aside the fake mature-wise people who call her spoiled and other crap, every time the subject regarding reducing working hours comes up, punctually there are the classic comments that can be summarised as: In country X they work Y hours, don't complain ! I work 25h/day, 8days/week, don't complain ! wElCoMe iN tHe AdUlThOoD, you'll get used to it This is life/This is the world ( and I might add, so what ? ) What do you think drives these people to think this way ? People, who almost always do not correspond to the wealthy-ruling class but to the working class, which…


On top of various red flags, pizza place near me is ADVERTISING unpaid training in their online job posting. I think this is illegal?


What’s the deal with calling travel jobs “remote”?

From the job ad: “This position is 100% remote in the USA where you have the opportunity to travel throughout the continental USA on an average of 3 days / 2 nights a week” The actual job is a service engineer for wastewater treatment plants


On Tuesday my manager was talking about pushing for my promotion. On Wednesday I was laid off

This is just a bit of a vent. I had a cushy consulting job. Fully remote and a fairly generous salary. My manager had been talking all year about putting me up for an end of year promotion to senior consultant. On Tuesday he was talking about getting my metrics together for a submission deadline on Friday. Wednesday I was laid off. Second lay off this year. I dodged the first one and figured I was safe for a year or so at least. My manager loved me so I was good right? He didn't have a say nor a clue, it was all above his head probably based on bullshit metrics. But got to pay the investors somehow, amirite? The severance is decent and I have a support net if that doesn't last long enough but still sucks. In America, I'm lucky to even have the severance.


Have to rant somewhere

Had to call off three days in a row. This was my supervisors one and only response to me. Not so much as a “Hope he gets well soon.” About my husband being in the hospital. He’s been there since last evening due to severe dehydration and internal bleeding not that she cares. Petty context: spent two days carving a pumpkin for a contest at work for my department. Had to call out on Halloween and everyday since, but brought the pumpkin in anyways with my three year old in tow. I honestly don’t understand how that makes me look bad and I don’t care beyond the mean girl response of implying the entire staff is not pleased with me. Petty BS. I’d bet my right butt cheek everyone would have been more pissed if I didn’t bring it. I will remember her lack of response to my husband’s hospitalization…


This the stupidest reason I’ve ever had to leave a job

Long story short, I've worked for a large corporation for 7 years. It's actually a great place to work. Not soulless and evil. I love my job. I believe in the company's purpose. I do great work and get recognized and appreciated almost every day. Due to a merger, my responsibilities and workload have increased quite a bit this year. Still fine with that….it's a natural career progression that I welcome. Problem is, I've only received a 'cost of living increase' for 3 years. My salary has only increased by $5000 in the last three years. My actual cost of living is more like 15k annually. So doing the same job, living in the same house, no real change in my circumstances, I can now no longer make ends meet It would be really bad for the company if I leave. I have a lot of specialized knowledge. I don't…


The toxic positivity of linked in redundancy posts

So many people use linked in incongruently, explaining that they have been laid off and that they are looking for a new role in the same industry doing the same thing as they have had a rewarding year.. why!? You haven’t had a regarding year, you’ve been laid off, you realise that your industry and area is toast yet you still want to get on the old delusional life ride again. Anyone feel that this false positivity is a huge industry in the world or work that allows modern businesses to pull audacious stunts in peak capitalist times.


An amazing look at how one Japanese employer dealt with employee moral and mental health.


Rant about my union’s lack of morale/lack of support

I'm a unionized worker at a university. We don't have a super great union local… outside of bargaining and dealing with grievance processes, it's mostly inactive (no social engagements or mobilization). I've attempted to support mobilization in the past, but found our local president to be both disorganized & controlling, and that I couldn't really contribute much because of this. I also get the impression that we don't have a ton of support from our union's central committee; our staff rep is constantly reprimanding us for not being mobilized, but doesn't ever offer support or suggestions. We have been bargaining for nearly a year now, and we just voted no to ratifying the employer's “best” offer, so we're moving closer to a no-board and potentially a strike. Lots of our members are very freaked out about striking which makes total sense given that our union doesn't have strong social connections.…


Company taking away my health insurance- any info appreciated

I have worked for this company for almost a year. I originally was part time, but about two months in I switched to full time to have access to benefits. The company standard is you have to average 30 hrs a week or 130 hours a month to be eligible. My scheduling manager overhired a couple of months ago and everyone in my department had their hours significantly cut (I’m talking 5 shifts to 2-3) for about a month and a half. I had to get a second job to make ends meet during that time. I emailed my manager during that time and told her a.)this is not enough money and b.) if I am only being scheduled 17-25 hours a week I will lose my insurance. I asked if I could pick up shifts in another department to make sure I didn’t lose my benefits. She assured me…