
Changing multiple supervisors in half a year

Within the course of six months, I have changed three supervisors with each lasting about two months per supervisor. These people are seconded from HQ, and I am supporting them. It gets super tiring having to adapt to a new working style of that supervisor, and having to rebuild trust and relationship again! Am going to quit because I've been told another new supervisor will be coming in two months later – I've had enough. Am I overreacting or is this just plain bullshit company practice?


I worked as Embalmer for a Major Funeral Service Corporation..

I'll never forget, years ago I was the top embalmer for a Funeral Service Corporation when COVID went off like a fucking bomb in funeral service. I was embalming 5 to 8 decedents per day, my prior average was 2 per day. I worked near 40 days straight, being called in on every single day off, massive overtime, tackling the worst of cases while my younger and some older colleagues were scared (COVID had no vaccine and we didn't know much about transmission) and just didn't have the experience to keep up. In the end after seeing these corporate fucks through a very difficult time and even embalming many of my neighbors who succumbed to COVID, I was questioned about OT, why I was embalming hundreds more decedents than the next most experienced embalmer and was rewarded with some Snickers. That's right candy bars. To anyone who thinks that any…


Denied vacation request: legal but dick move?

Hi everyone, new dad here. Wanted to ask if it's reasonable to feel miffed about how I've been treated. I work at a small business in the U.S., in southern California. I've been here 7 years. Benefits not great. Everybody gets 4 days PTO/ vacation and 3 sick days annually. We get 6 holidays to cover the normal US holidays. We accrue these days throughout the year. No rollover, so vacation pto gets paid out at the end. Recently had our first baby and took leave. 8 weeks as what's covered by the state. I requested to take 4 days vacation at the end of that leave so I can spend a little more time with the baby. I was approved for 3. I had accrued 20.8 out of 42 hours by the time of birth. I hadn't earned the third day yet so I was paid the 20.8 hours…


Laid off after 20 years today

Laid off after working for the same company today. Not a SINGLE person reached out to me to say they were sorry, good luck, etc. I feel worse about that than the prospect of finding another job. I thought these people were my work friends.


Gave 2 weeks notice. They gave me a list. I said “meh”

Long time ago… I put in my 2 week notice. The company in their infinite wisdom introduced a program called FORE1000 (Future Of Refining Excellence in 1000 days). They gave all employees the option of resigning, and they would pay a generous severance (2 weeks pay for every year of service, full PTO payout and an add'l $2000). They wanted 35% to take the offer. Turns out about 55% took it. Stupid MFers. And it was the 55% that left were probably the smartest, able to get good jobs elsewhere. The motivated folks, leaving them with the lazy, sad dregs. My 29 person engineering dept had shrunk to like 8, and I was one of the 8. I didn't envy the workload I'd have if I stayed on. So, I found a dream job at another company, and put in my 2 week notice. My boss and my boss's boss…


How to delicately handle a job letting managers in the tip pool temporarily?

Hey, I'm posting from a new alt. account for a few reasons related to anonymity. The TLDR version is: I work at a local craft brewery. Our GM is recovering from back surgery and made the schedule 5 weeks in advance. And although illegal…I wasn't too bothered by this place letting our “lead bartender” (one of two people total and never on the same shift) being let in on the tip pool because we don't really need a manager to run the bar. I do however have a big issue with a lot of us not having a single shift for 5 fucking weeks due to our GM being gone and making the laziest schedule he could because our owners are as lazy as him and didn't wanna hire mgmt short time…or show up to comply. And having 1 employee (of 2 total…they've allowed to do both roles on the…


Never forget!

Never forget that “We are currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes” is just code for “we don't want to hire enough staff.” It is played before your call has barely been answered, not because it's true but because they want you to believe that it's the *customer's* fault that your call isn't being answered. The truth, as we can all reasonably work out, is that they cheap out on staff to save bucks for the share holder profits.


my coworkers and i feel uneasy

im f21, lena is f22 and beau is 17. we work at a vitamin store and everyone has to be trained on the register before theyre moved up. beau is only 17, but they’re training him to get used to being in the aisle and learning about the vitamins, so he’s not allowed to be at the registers for 2 weeks today lena and i just found out that we’re head cashiers. lena is head cashier the days she works and the day we work together, im back up cashier and we’re not allowed to be at the registers together if it’s not needed, because our boss said two cashiers together just talk, which is understandable, but we’re also not allowed to leave the registers. the cashier is the first person customers see and if there’s just one of us up there, then people will ask us questions, but we…


A Slave to Money

Money is on my mind constantly. Yes, I have a decent job that pays a living wage, yet even in my free time I am always trying to find ways to earn more of it. Rather than use my free time to do things I actually enjoy, I spend a lot of it trying to learn more skills that might put me in a higher paying role, or use it to try to build something I can sell. I want to break free from Money. I want a sizable parcel of land I can farm and garden off of. I want to use my programming skills to create online platforms and services that everyone can access and use for free. As unachievable as it is, I want to develop a new nation where everyone is only expected to work only 4 hours a day and for that to be enough…


Working two full time jobs ?

Hi everyone I’m 23 , so I’ve been working a WFH job for a month now from the hours of 11:30am-8pm which only pays $15/hour. My rent is $1293 and my power bill monthly is usually around $100/month, phone bill $50/month and internet $55/month . If you do the math you can see that’s really tight with the income I receive . I’m currently about $3000 in debt with no more savings, and I literally have .38 cents in my bank account until I get paid from my day time job which isn’t for another week so I’ll already be late for rent again this month. I don’t have a car because I sold it to pay for rent due to a timeframe of being evicted within 3 days and that was my only quick choice of getting cash in a great amount of time which was only $3000 some…