
“Freedom” (self-submission)


How do you put in your two weeks?

Do I just tell them my final day? I’ve never quit a job before. I plan on doing this tmr.


I quit my job at a BigLaw Firm

I put my notice in. My time with this firm has been something. I started out as part of a class of younger attorneys that were brought on at the same time. From the start, we ran into several issues: A long time insubordinate assistant who was all kinds of racist and discriminatory; Expectations of long hours; Absent management; Management, when present or available, was abusive or unprofessional; Partners that were ridiculously nit picky, to the point where even management did not give them the time of day. These among many other things. I’m hoping the new firm im starting at is going to be better. People say I’m good at my job, but I just need the right environment.


I think I’m getting quiet fired

I just saw a job posting for the company I’ve been contracting with. It includes the address of the office I’m working at. I’m currently making the same amount as before ($24.50 a hour) and the pay range is $12.00-$17.50 a hour. They are also looking for someone who is bilingual. This company took over my former company’s department and kept me as a contractor for one month. They extended me three more times but they didn’t extend me for this month nor tell me my status. There is NO WAY I will be training my replacement.


Denying benefits

Just is just a rant to get it off my chest, honestly. I’ve worked at my place since March. I was labeled as not benefits eligible until recently because my hours could technically fluctuate. I just recently got a promised full time schedule, so I was moved to benefits eligible. They’ve decided to treat me as if I am a brand new employee. So I have to wait another 30 days before getting health benefits (sure, fine). 90 days before I can access vacation time (this is a little more annoying, I’m clearly not probationary, but whatever). No holiday pay until December (this really grinds my gears, there’s no work to do on bank holidays so I just am forced to go without pay?). The real annoying thing is they’ve freezed my sick time for 90 days. That’s the one benefit I’ve always had. And now, I can’t use the…


The movie The Prestige provides an insight why bosses want work from home to end.

If you have seen the movie, it explains the 3 parts of a magic trick – the pledge, the turn and the prestige. The prestige is the final reveal and the pay-off that gets the audience to cheer. This is where the magician takes the bow. The movie shows how unhappy Hugh Jackman's character gets to give the prestige to a body double. The crowd and the cheer is the ego boost that is denied to him. And the same happens for workers that work from home. Their absence denies the higher ups that ego boost, that audience, the crowd that looks upto them in a full office. The Prestige. Their need to have workers back in office… It is not about productivity. It is about prestige.


Most of the garbage we buy is eventually thrown in the trash and you’ll spend your wage and earnings buying this trash.

Holidays are a perfect demonstration of “supply and demand” working in real time. So we're told anyway. Halloween is officially over for the year and you'll get your standard 50 percent off sales and if you're lucky something marked down 75 percent. Many decor merchandise, glassware, ceramics and holiday related inventory is supposed to sell out until the next holiday is up on the calendar to stock the new inventory. What happens when these items don't sell out? There are several things that could happen. An item gets “pennied out” and is determined valueless and is sent back to distribution. Another option is the items are actually brought into the back storage area and then will be attempted to be sold during the next holiday cycle. With inflation being a chronic problem. This is ideal. An item that doesn't sell for $10 this year maybe will sell for $12 next…


What’s the route to go?

I’m a 19yr old working as a dental assistant for a private practice. I live with my partner and I’m currently trying to save up for a car/ house one day. The problem is, I get paid 13/hr, this is after asking for a raise of my previous 12/hr back in the summer when I explained to my boss that cost of living is so high, etc and I was hoping for more than a dollar raise but too nervous/ scared to push forward. And I have a hard time advocating for myself. But I can’t keep living paycheck to paycheck and I’m not able to save any money due to bills and basic necessities. Anywho we’re short staffed so I’ve been busting my ass even more so than usual, and I feel like I should getting paid way more. Minimum wage in my state is 15 and dental assistants…


Rant from my ALMOST previous job

I am working (for a couple more days) for a small grocery chain. I HAVE been working for them, for nearly two years. I was poached, by a customer, who said that they like my insight on a specific field and when I went in for a job interview, it took all of 15 minutes to get what I had been trying to achieve the past two years within the current company. Better pay, more vacation days, bonus payments, support, less wearing several hats. I started working at the current store and within two months, I was working just about anything within the store. I was responsible for the entirety of the store – checking expiration dates, cleanliness, and organization. I was put on the spot and made fun of when I missed a single product by one of the two managers. When I asked for additional help, I was…


I have to work on a 14 year old computer and it’s making everything so much more difficult

Just here to vent. I’ve been on the job for about 14 months and have been mentioning that the computers are too out of date for me to perform my job tasks effectively. I am an ecommerce director and we are in the middle of migrating our huge catalog and the computers just won’t work. I’m made to feel like I’m complaining or asking for the moon when I bring it up. I brought my own laptop in for about 4 months but when the company started acting like it was their equipment I stopped. I just want to do my job well. How can I be expected to run an online store with a huge catalog with super outdated equipment? So tired of begging for basic tools that will help make my employer more money.