
Should I get my bad boss fired, or just hold it over her head?

Last week I had a very bad day at work. I was called into the office by bad boss and given a write up that was pretty outrageous and suspicious as well, because it came from the word of a secondary manager that I had reported a week prior. I was pretty pissed, and I told the rest of my team about the write up and they too were shocked and validated my feelings. I was then called back down to the office and yelled at by a very angry bad boss, who told me I was not to speak of this in a way that was negative towards management. Cue music and that is where she fucked up. Turns out it is illegal to forbid employees from discussing their disciplinary measures with each other. And backstory is that I had already (anonymously) reported bad boss for a labor law…


company screwed someone over at eoy

just gotta put this out there. i’m doing seasonal work in national parks and the company i work for has had a few issues but this is a new level of fucked. i have a friend here who’s been scheduled for 9 days in a row (we work 5 on, 2 off, 40hrs) at least twice and 12 days in a row as well, twice. without any prior conversation w management, without agreeing to work two weeks straight without a day off, some of that being clopen shifts so not even a full 12 hrs off between shifts. without being paid time and a half. that’s bad enough. same guy had to get his car worked on so he asked his mgr and it was all good, got it done. i missed all this cause i was off but my friend told me a few ppl were mouthing off abt…


Day of the Dead [OC]


Reading Time

At a recent all-company meeting, the CEO handed out copies of a book, one for everybody. Book is about making the sale; my job is as far away from sales as I can get. When is an appropriate time to read this book? My former now extinct boomer bosses would suggest take home and read. Read at work? Or just stick a bookmark in it somewhere and read a paragraph, such that when CEO drops by he thinks I’m reading it, and I’ll have a paragraph ready to talk about? Other ideas?


Background check failed due to bad credit?

Not sure if it's ok to share this here but… I applied for a nongovernment private security job and with most of these jobs, they have you fulfil a background check but apparently i failed because my credit was a problem? I graduated from college and couldnt find a job right away and I do have student debt to pay but i didnt know it would damage my credit in a way that means i can't work certain jobs… why is that a thing? do they think i will be manipulated due to debt or maybe steal? it's a security job for a small refinery. I guess I just don't understand if this is normal or not, have any of you run into this issue before with a background check?


Is this legal? Working off the clock but will be compensated with cash.

As the title says. I don’t want to disclose too much revealing info but basically I get paid $14 an hour. 9-5, one hour unpaid lunch so I log on average 35 hours per week. I am now expected to work an event off the clock selling product. I will be compensated with cash $15 an hour. Is this legal??? I know it is illegal to work off the clock however I am still being paid so I couldn’t find a clear law on this. By the way: in the two shifts I will be working, I will log 12.5 hours. If this were on the clock I wouldn’t technically be hitting overtime I would be just under at 38 hours.


Work Gossip

Work Gossip I recently received a promotion and then next day I overheard two of my coworkers gossiping. One I respect and one I don’t. The one I don’t is my current boss and she was complaining about my work ethic. I have picked up everything she has asked me to and have done so with a smile, even though she is often unpleasant in her requests (and quite frankly very lazy herself. I often do the jobs she doesn’t want to do) so I don’t know what she is talking about. The one I respect is her superior and she was talking about how many more qualified people there are to do this job. The job is remote and a great job. My question is, how do I approach the one I respect, or do I at all? I wish I didn’t hear the conversation and I honestly didn’t…


Welp, laid off from my dream job

Boo. The worst part is I knew it was coming. Somehow, I thought I would get around it. But, dang it, it didn’t happen. I’m just crushed right now.


You know today’s your last day, right?

Around four weeks ago, my bosses informed me that this wasn't a good fit. They told me I should start looking for a new job. While it was considerate of them to give me notice of termination (pretty unheard of here in the US), they never gave me a final date. No emails, no paperwork, nothing. It was always stated as “a few weeks”, “about a month”, etc… While I knew it was coming up, I wasn't sure when. The pay period ends on Friday, so I was assuming it was possibly then. Until yesterday morning, that is, when the CEO said “You know today's your last day, right?” My reply was “No, but thanks for letting me know.” That was it, no off-boarding, no instructions. I just left at the end of the day. They didn't even ask for their key back, I remembered as I was leaving and…


Received a promotion at StubHub but was terminated hours before I was supposed to start new role

I want to start off by saying I am an extremely hard worker and very competitive with myself. No one at StubHub I worked with would say otherwise. I got accolade after accolade. I was a top performer month after month at StubHub and received some of the highest bonuses in my department. I included some of my awards in the link below. I have never been terminated from a job before. I was fired from StubHub at 4:30pm Oct 30th the day before I was supposed to start a new role in a different department which included a significant pay raise. The department head of my department I was in called a 1 on 1 meeting at 4:30pm. My supervisor and I headed into the conference room. The department head was on the big screen with a HR member (zoom meeting). I honestly thought he was about to…