
30+ years for nothing

This isn’t about me but for my dad. My dad has been with his company for 30+ years working with heavy machinery. After hitting his 30 year mark he was considering on retiring fairly soon. He’s much older now and he understands his body isn’t the same. A few years ago his company had been bought out. Everything the original company had promised him had been wiped out and now he’s too scared to retire for fear of losing his insurance. He recently had a fall at work, usually a fall doesn’t seem like much, but with the way he landed he ended up overstretching some muscles in his arm and ankle. They had to put him his arm in a cast and he has a slight limp. After a few days of being out he started getting messages asking when he plans on returning. He struggles to stand up…


Drug policy BS

Hi everyone, first time post on this sub. For starters, I actually really like my job. The pay is good, the people are nice, the work is work but it's not terrible, we aren't overloaded or anything. The thing that frustrates me is the drug policy. I work/live in Oregon USA, thc is recreationally legal and the company doesn't test for it. In other words, they are ok with employees smoking cannabis. Here's the kicker, if you were to get into an accident that is bad enough that insurance is involved, possible termination etc then they DO test for it. Thc stays in the body for a pee test for 1 month. So this to me sounds like a clever strategy to have half or more of your work force be in a situation where if they are responsible, always come into work sober, but then they get into an…


SOS reference request Ontario

I am in dire need of professional references for a life changing opportunity for myself and my children. I am a single mom, personal support worker by trade. I am looking for a nurse of another healthcare professional who would be willing to pose as a reference for me, I would be eternally great full.


Sick and tired of this job, feeling guilty

This is my first job out of college. I’ve been working here since February. I never understood why no one stayed in my position for more than a year, but I get it more and more every day. I work in human services and am basically doing case management for adults with mental illnesses living in the area. $18 an hour is not enough. I see my coworkers busting their asses for their clients, and I wish my passion for this field was enough to get me there. It is not. I cannot bring myself to work until 5 pm every day, work through lunch, have stress headaches, etc. No one above us is doing their jobs. I am burning out, I have little to no supervision, the training for this job was not enough. Every day I feel like I am floundering and truly feel like a total idiot.…


Tips for improving perception/doing minimal work in corporate?

For those of you in corporate (hybrid or remote jobs), any tips you found helpful to create a positive perception of yourself while doing the bare minimum to coast? As you know in corporate it's all about perception and everyone's pretty much acting and putting on a show – e.g. sending emails late at night, responding quickly for chat messages, creating a perception that you are very busy…etc The challenge is finding that balance of not doing too much but not doing too little


Tired of working and only 25

This whole thing of “grind till you die” really kinda sucks. So many people (boomers, mostly) talking about their retirement and shit like that, and i cant even find place that has a retirement plan for employees. Working my ass off every day until im 65 really doesnt sound fun, especially if im barely making ends meet working in trades? I dont know, just a rant cause im on lunch break and frustrated about the fact that i cant just spend time at home with my wife and child 🙁


Business owner & unmotivated

I've been working in construction and home improvement industry since the early 2000s. In 2019, I opened up my handyman business, and since then, things have steadily progressed. This past year, I made the most since opening but I don't think I can work as much as I did and continue a healthy, stress-free life. I'm always tired, I have problems with my neck, back and that's causing nerve pain. I'm also becoming extremely unmotivated not only to work for my business but even at my home. It's becoming depressing. I feel like a jerk complaining about this but sometimes it just helps to vent.. I can't bring in laborers. They are slow, don't care, usually the work is sub par, and tools become missing. I'd also hate to close the business down because most companies in my field pay extremely bad ($18-$22 per hour) when I'm making over $50-$100…


Every company claims to have values until they do budget cuts

A few weeks ago I was completely blindsided by the company I had been with for 5 years when they told me my position had been eliminated due to budget cuts. The company always said how they treat each other like family and the usual bs. But when it came down to throwing half a million dollars at a nationwide advertising campaign, they chose to get rid of me to cut costs. I was the Senior Graphic Designer and was there for 5 years. There was also a Graphic Designer who was there for two years. They kept her over me because I was more expensive. Seniority and nothing but stellar reviews for 5 years meant nothing. The cherry on top was that the week they let me go, I was in the middle of refinancing my house to take care of some debt, and I had just found out…


Speaking out about a toxic employer?

I worked for a small tech startup with very reputable investors a few years ago and the whole thing went south. Real south. They basically decided they weren’t making a product, they were starting a religion (not being hyperbolic), and their employees were followers who had to help spread the word. It ruined quite a few people’s lives, at least for a bit. They broke people down, isolated them from colleagues and family, and tried to build them back up in the founder’s delusional image. Anyway, the company is all but done (everyone’s been let go but the CEO is pretending things are ok) and a few of us have spent this time picking up the pieces and comparing notes, emails, screen recordings (that so many of us thought we should start recording things was probably a red flag). I have been approached by some mutuals to either work on…


I think, but not sure

I've been subbed fir a hot minute but haven't really been on in a while. I don't know if this violates any rules, but it doesn't feel like it in any way to me and it feels like it fits given the subject matter of this sub so… Send this to your boss when you quit. Link is the song from the latest episode of Helluva Boss Fizz sings before quitting.