
Amazon, DoorDash, Walmart, trapping workers in poverty: UN rights expert


Moat of the ppl complaining in this reddit are usa?

Just wondering cause it seems like us has the worst labor conditions compared to other countries


Personal Phone for Business Use

My company is having me attend a First Aid course next week. I’ve been asked to download a booklet to a mobile device ahead of the training. I am not provided with a company phone, as I don’t need one for my position. I prefer to keep my personal phone for my personal use, and have been directing everyone to contact me via proper work channels (there were some staff who had my personal phone for texting, but we’ve recently installed a new phone system that allows for desktop texting). Since first aid is a skill I can use outside of the workplace, I am thinking downloading this booklet to my personal phone would be an okay line to blur. Thoughts?


Coworker suggested I come in on my free time to clean up after her, for free

I had a coworker who sincerely believed that because she had a college degree and I did not, that She did not have to clean up after herself. We worked at an art studio. Seriously she thought she didn’t have to clean her paint palette or anything. So on days I didn’t work, our supply would just be bathing in paint water. To prevent this, she suggested I come in after she was done on my days off and clean up after her. Because none of the rules applied to her because she had a degree


Forced to add boss on LinkedIn

I had my boss and other people at my company blocked so I could be able to look for jobs, comment on postings, write openly. Yesterday, my boss wanted to add me and said she couldn't find me (because she was blocked). I had to add her so she could add me as an “admin” for the company linkedin page to post stuff. I… guess I can't use my personal LinkedIn anymore to job search and post. 🤦‍️


Think the job that I interviewed for is lowballing me because my current employer is doing layoffs.

So at the end of this month, my employer will do another round of layoffs, unfortunately I have no idea wheter I will be affected or not. It's a real plague this year in the video game development world, as it's layoff after layoff. I've applied for a position with one of the bigger developers, after they've heard the new of layoffs in my current company and today they gave me an offer, which is seriously undercutting my current pay by around £500 a month, and they want me to start in an entry level position whilst I've been in the industry for 5 years. I had done a step down in my current job as I really needed it 2 years ago, and to now possibly having to do it again if I want a roof over my head feels so insulting…


I made the mistake of discussing how horrible modern work and capitalism are with a wealthy friend from college who hasn’t worked a day in her life.

TLDR: A College friend wants to have a reunion of our old club. She's been obscenely wealthy her entire life and can't fathom that most of us can't drop everything for a week, fly to California, and do what she wants. Laments that simply being alive even though I am poor, depressed, suffering, and desperate is better than anything because I can always follow my dreams. An old friend from college called me out of the blue. We were in the same obscure anime/gaming/DnD club at our school with about 15 other people (before geek culture was considered cool) and became close because we were social outcasts. She wants to get everyone together in her city and have a reunion. Fun right? No! Let's call her Amy. After we graduated and went our separate ways, Amy moved to Southern California and has been living off of her multimillion-dollar trust fund…


Lil ol price rant

Don’t you just LOVE it when higher ups at your job who make a lot of money complain about EIGHTFIVE (85) CENT (CENTS!!) toast. I do. I like my job that I now make enough to keep my head above water though not much. Just had to rant about something that people who make twice I do but you know food service workers are the lowest rung of workers.


Forcefully Invited to Lunch by our corporate overlords

In the early 80’s at a corporate office we were told specifically! Not! to buy our own lunches and to attend the free lunch that they were providing. “Everyone is welcome! To come and enjoy! We are so happy to be generous to you!” Kind of announcement. FOLLOWED BY our managers telling us in small groups a “Don’t insult our BigBosses, this tea means a lot to them and they Will! Notice! if you don’t come!”, inferring that we’d be in trouble if we didn’t accept the invitation. We arrived to find ONE 6-foot sub for 25-ish people; I and many others each took two pieces because they were I kid you not, TWO inches wide apiece. Also, there were ZERO other items. No drink, no chips, no salads. Just the single long sub. At the time I was certain that they were going to put out more subs and…


Missing pay, what recourse do I have?

Hello! My company didn’t process payroll on time. I was supposed to get paid Friday on 10/20. They told me that they would process it and pay me within 5-6 business days. At this point, it seems like my pay won’t be coming in until this week (basically a whole new pay period). If be tried emailing and calling folks at the company but they’ve basically been telling me that there’s not much they can do. I’m angry and quite honestly frustrated. This is also isn’t the first time this happened. Last time they didn’t process on time I didn’t get my pay until the next pay period. And I lost money due to taxes (my total pay was larger so I got more money in taxes taken out). What should I Do?