
Recruiter at Work

Is there a recruiter that can explain that to me? Get a Message from a recruiter that i am the perfekt fit for that Job. Okay, you search for a Applikation engineer, im a Administrator. Okay i have some experience in programming and Scripting. – but that is maybe enough for a Junior. And i doubt your Klient want to Pay enough for a Senior Admin – to fill a Junior -programmer place. But, okay, im curios why you think im a “perfekt fit” Write Back that i can Talk. Silence then… Why did they waste their and my time that way? I know, that are Scripts. But whats so difficult to “fine tune them” to give better results?


Lost my job yesterday

After moving halway across the country and working my dream job for only 6 months, they decided to cut my position. Hazard of working for a nonprofit, I guess. No offer of part time or any alternate arrangements. I'm truly heartbroken and now torn on whether to stay because I've made friends and like the area, or upend my and my partner's lives again to follow my career. Looking for some kind words of advice


Reports of AI ending human labour may be greatly exaggerated


Quitting a new job as a recent first-time dad?

I live in Europe, and my wife and I were blessed with a handsome son this summer. We also shifted homes and I quit my job of 6 years for a new one. My previous job was far from perfect and work-related stress along with some personal issues led to several burnouts and one prolonged episode of depression and anxiety in 2021. I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist since then. I really felt I was making progress – I had started hitting the gym, my relationship with my wife was great and I was finally making some headway career-wise. The first two months at my new job were stressful, but my colleagues were extremely helpful and friendly. Then things went downhill. There are several reasons for this: • The workload started to get bigger and bigger, and I was struggling to manage everything with my limited time. As I was new,…


Don’t get to keep tips at work. Am I reasonable in feeling pissed off?

I just got a job as a cashier at a Chinese restaurant. I wait tables occasionally but mostly work the drive through and bag food. Most people tip at least a couple bucks when I wait tables and a LOT of people tip in the drive though (which surprised me because I’m literally doing the bare minimum by taking their order and bagging food but whatever) My boss the first day told me all tips go in a jar by the register, and I assumed it got split between everyone. Nope! It all goes back to the ‘business itself’ (but I assume it goes in his pocket) The other employees said that boss gives birthday and Christmas bonus (not sure how much) and since we get one free meal per shift they all think it’s perfectly fair. Thoughts? Edited to say: I looked up the laws in my state and…


Overtime Thank You Present

Just worked right at 280 hours of overtime this month because they refuse to hire anyone else due to the “work load not being there”. This has happened most months since February. Boss man said he wanted to get me a thank you gift for helping the company out. I don’t know why I got my hopes up thinking it would be a gift card or something remotely worth my time. A water bottle. I got a walmart brand $6 water bottle with a company logo STICKER stuck to it. I mean – at least he tried to personalize it, right?


For the holidays My supervisor just asked me to donate to local families in need and to help employees give a gift to the millionaire owner of the company. In the same conversation.

To be honest this has been the way it's been for years. I know it's coming. It just hit me how silly it is. Here's a family that can't afford shoes and here's a millionare let's give them both money . The owner of our company is very nice and down to earth and I've chipped in in the past but not anymore. The money for the owner was for dinner out


In many ways, automobile workers, especially through UAW, are reviving the tradition of reducing working hours for everyone.


If you fail in school, you have a problem. If you fail at work, you, your manager and the whole company suddenly has a problem

In grade school some teachers might care if you get a bad grade and pull you aside for extra study, but most don't care and wouldn't bat an eye at giving you a D or F and calling it your fault. Theyll contact your parents, maybe. College is even more like that, you can fail every single class and no one will give a single fuck about helping you, they'll just make you pay more to retake or place you on academic probation. But at the end of the day, it's seen as your problem one way or the other. You take the F, not the teacher or school. Work isn't like that. If there's an employee actively failing at their job, even if it's just perceived as a failure, that's unacceptable and needs to be immediately corrected because it 'reflects badly on the team' (i.e. profit). Or maybe their…


Just realized this

I just remembered the rhyme: “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I on company time.” It's insane to think that back in the day a 10 to 1 pay difference was enough to validate slacking off. Now we live in a time where CEOs make 500-1000 times our pay, we can barely make ends meet, and somehow we get yelled at for taking a bathroom break that lasts more than 5 minutes (or one of the other many examples of extremely toxic workplace performance management). Anyway. I'm typing this post while on company time, so take that!