
The aggressive businessman and the aggressive worker

I realized today that society at large really idolizes the aggressive, hard working businessman far above the aggressive, hard working laborer. If you're a businessman, you're expected to be ruthless and tireless to get what you want. When you succeed at this, society usually praises you and talks about your “elbow grease” and “hard work”. But whenever workers are aggressive in asking for higher wages, organizing unions, or militant in general, they are communists or class warriors or some other pejorative. Has it always been like this?


Quiting this stupid job

I am paid minimum wage and my manager is a complete dickhead. The amount of times I have been forced to do extra hours because a co worker is sick is insane. I am a human, not a damn robot. I quit!


I don’t understand the people who go into work nearly sick to death yet will call out because it’s a nice day

Again I understand call outs. People sometimes need a mental health day. Yet, I don't get when people still show up to work when they are clearly sick. Even if the boss gives a hard time being sick is a better “excuse” than wanting to go to the beach. If you are feeling like shit stay home. Neither the company or yourself benefits from you showing up to work sick other than “being another body”.


Why would a company offer you severance to quit?

About month ago the tech company I work for offered 3 months severance if you quit within a few weeks of the announcement. This got everybody I work with stressed and worried. The deadline has now passed and a few of my colleagues have resigned and took the severance. Now I'm hearing that layoffs are being considered. So, this got me wondering why they gave us the option to resign in the first place. The company has to benefit in some way, and I don't see how it's beneficial to us if we quit as opposed to being laid off. At least when you get laid off not only do you get severance you're eligible for unemployment as well. I'm also thinking that the company wants to avoid some labor laws or restrictions by making the offer as well. Overall, I feel like something toxic and nefarious is going on…


Need Help Tweaking My Resume

Hi everyone! So I'm hoping to land a job as a data analyst or in a marketing position. I have a degree in “Apparel Business Merchandising and Management.” Should I just shorten it on my resume and just say I have a business degree? Or Marketing? My past employer also said that he'll back me up on whatever I say I did in my last role so want to know if anyone has ideas on what I should include. My past company is in the mortgage industry so I can spin it in a lot of ways


Told to wear shirt or leave

I work retail and part of my job is breaking down nightly loads of freight. This takes place in our employees only storage room where customers cannot even see us, so if we don't have our official work shirts on, it's not a problem. Many of us wait till the freight is broken down and it's time to head out to the sales floor to put on the shirt, often for comfort because it's a sweaty, strenuous job, easier to do with less layers, myself included. I was approached and ordered to put the shirt on while processing the night's freight. I declined and asked why. They could not give me a straight answer or an explanation that made sense. Said we have a week to get the store “in order.” My best guess is it likely meant cleaning the departments that miserably failed their health inspections, but that has…


BIG LAW, little people

A reminder to all the people that HR is not your friend. They are not there to protect you but to mitigate risk for the company that employs them. I work for an international law firm. Our department’s litigation support has half the staff we had when I started. As paralegals we earn less than a half of a half of what the lawyers earn but we’re doing the majority of the complex work. Recently I disclosed a learning disability I would not have disclosed previously because I was able to keep up with the work when there was a full complement of staff. Now, because we are overworked and under-resourced, I am an anxious stress unit whose performance is suffering. Their solution – a) no accommodations in the interim, and then accommodations but only after a third party has independently evaluated what accommodations I need which will take time…


Just had orientation for a new job, and I just noticed something…

So I'm what you'd call a “job hopper” (oh no, the horror!) did a small stint in the Army, and have since bounced from job to job, some manager positions, some not. I just landed a new job at a quaint little spot near to where I live, in an assistant GM role. And of course as with any new job, you must drudge through the “nO tOLeRaNcE” policies (sexual harassment/bullying etc) for the first week, or few days if you're lucky. So today, as I was sitting through hours of these stupid videos, I thought how ironic it is that they force you to watch these cringey ass videos, while the actual reality is the workplace is toxic as fuck, and bullying very much takes place, and basically the runs the show. I will say I've worked with some pretty good crews before, but its always the places that…


Rejected Application for wrong Linkedin link

So i recently got rejected for a job and i just want to understand if this was a fair thing because seems like absolute BS to me. So my CV has my linkedin link on it and ive gone to linkedin and shortened it as much as possible (my full name is quite long and i couldnt go with just my first name as the link was already taken). So my CV has the link in something like this, mainly due to spacing issues, it wasnt able to go out on one line. www.linkedin. com/firstname /lastname/- I applied through an ex-colleague and she was very keen on my application, saying that they were actually hiring for that position at the moment. The next day i get a message from her saying that the senior partner rejected the application citing that when he clicked my linkedin link, it took him to…


Job fired a friend after making him the scapegoat for theft.

I work at a certain warehouse retail outlet which I will not name for safety reasons. An employee was stealing merchandise on the regular and was eventually caught and fired. That wasn't the problem, though. My friend is supposed to check receipts on the way out as a sort of asset protection thing to stop theft. Now, the thieving employee reportedly got past everyone that worked the door, but for whatever reason they needed to pin the blame on someone. Despite having worked there for years with one of the best track records of stopping theft, they chose to can him on Halloween of all days on the spot when he came in and I'm livid about it. It just goes to show you how utterly fucking disposable you are to these companies. I'm tempted to quit in solidarity, but I know I would be ineligible for unemployment if I…