
Toyota provides immediate wage increases (~9%) in response to UAW’s pending contracts w/the Big 3


Work ethic mindset

This happened to me at a cafe, and sometimes go in , it’s an old woman slaving, sorry i mean serving. Anyway, i must of been too honest one day and said im not working. Then get questioned or followed up about work like shes my boss. 🤔 Like when honest i said i’m unfortunately not working .. “ oh that’s no good (my name), what you gonna do” like she knows me even.. Baffuling thing is what does it or i even matter to her, whether employed or not ? 🤨 That meme “ just shut up and take my money” 🤣 And she’d also say a statement on “ hard to find a job , take something.. anything!”. This sort of further impends this whole work stress to me. Cause feel only point she is saying it, realistically , although i respect her for her service. Is she…


HR asking me to reconsider leaving

Apologies for using a burner account; I intend on deleting this post in a few hours. I recently provided 1 month's notice at my job. My main reasons for leaving were the commute (2 hours or just under each way, by public transport as I don't drive) and expectation to be in the office 4-5 days a week. I am in my mid-20s and since graduating from my Master's degree two years ago, I have been lucky enough to land a few short-term (3-6 month) entry-level research positions with a university and have also been commissioned to conduct research on the side for a small non-profit. Far from impressive, but it's what I enjoy doing and I enjoy the flexibility it offers with the drawback of course being that the contracts are only temporary/short-term. I accepted my current entry level job in a completely different role to what I had…


It might be just me, but this seems like a freakish amount of steps for such a run-of-the-mill job.


Work for free,25_KE26,43.htm?jl=1008954054002


Bust of an interview today

It was a group interview with a company that helps people qualify for the government's internet subsidies. Ad made it sound like some sort of customer service position to help families navigate the government sites to get the application done. What the ad didn't tell me: I knew it was a group interview on Zoom. I didn't know 300 people were in the group. I didn't know it was a 1099 position. They made that sound like a benefit. Total pay – expenses; pay tax on the remainder. They didn't mention that on 1099 you pay both the employee and employer taxes. The ad also didn't mention it was not customer support, but sitting outside grocery stores to find prospects. It also didn't mention there's no base pay. I did a few days of canvassing for Green Peace; they at least paid a bit over minimum wage regardless of donations…


The “4am Club”

Anybody else sick of hearing about the 4am rise, cold showers, power workout, meditation, working whilst everyone else sleeps is going to make you a billionaire bullshit?


Poisoned at work

Posting on behalf of my sister (who doesn’t have a Reddit) Background: My husband was sent to work on a machine at an off-site location. While at the off-site location, he picked up his water bottle (plastic disposable) and when he took a gulp of it, he had to spit it back out, it was not water. Turns out an employee replaced the water with something that is poisonous. He was admitted to the ER, spent the night for observation. His esophagus had some minor irritation as well as his stomach lining. They sent him home the next day. However, over the weekend he was in excruciating pain and was admitted to the ER again. His stomach lining and an esophagus are completely inflamed. He was given some painkillers. Situation: My husband informed his work place of what happened as he was he was transported to a bigger hospital (we…


A person with illness that struggles to find a job and abused by parents.

I have serious spondylosis scoliosis and dermititis as well as sleep apnea. I struggle to eat and drink and always choke up because of the narrow airway. I haven't been able to sleep for months due to the pressure on my neck and spine. My parents are psychos whom beat me tease me all the time and bully me as well as other horrible things I'm not gonna say out loud. I dropped out from school and my parents control me and threaten me to kick me out of my tiny room. The doctors they find said my health conditions are not that serious but that's a lie because I suffered so much. I have no friends to talk to because I am not allowed to get out and they even took away my phone many times. Last time I call the police about domestic violence they have great lawyers…


No notice deadline change + hr cc’d emails

Yep, back in the ol they want me gone phase 4-8 of a relatively new job. Phase 1: try and sync with management and team Phase 2: learn responsibilities and stake holders of said role Phase 3: try and enhance current offerings to org (oops you're an outsider, no info for you, good luck) Phase 4: fight the isolation tactics Phase 5: fight the BS work that isn't related to your skillset Phase 6: document all communications Phase 7: fight bs work with documentation Phase 8: find new role at org or outside org Phase 9: wonder how I'll pay for shelter, food, family needs. I really wish places wouldn't isolate folks and be honest up front of a role isn't a good fit or of the team don't want you. At least then I'd know if I was valued. Also sending your subordinates mixed signals doesn't help either. I…