
How do so few people know their rights?

I come on here because I agree with the sentiments. It’s a little disheartening to see so many unhappy workers in the United States and I understand completely. I’ve been there too. What I don’t understand is how so few people recognize illegal actions by employers, especially basic stuff. Refusing to allow employees to take breaks, use the bathroom, eat or drink, or take sick time off are all common themes. These are all rights that were won for us in the industrial revolution and should be ingrained in our minds as our basic human rights.


I quit after taking maternity leave, employer is demanding I pay back my time off

I am so sickened by this entire ordeal. After having my third child, I decided not to return to work (I'm in North Carolina) after taking my 4 week maternity leave. I received an email from HR not long after I gave my notice instructing me how to pay back what they paid me during my leave. I always thought my employer was different than the ones I read about here, and yet here we are.


Annoyed by boomers and politics

Im sure some of you have seen that video of conservatives making fun of a blonde girl tik tok video, where she is crying about not having any time for anything. It just really pisses me off how the people who are making these comments saying “duh our generation is so lazy” already has their lives set out for them and havent been in the grind for years. Hell even my own parents were making fun of that video and I felt sad when they sad they had to work so hard to get where they were like it was some sortve accomplishment, rather than the standard. Thats the reason most young people turn away from conservatives and politics in general because instead of hearing people like her out they bully and harass her and act like the rat race is some sortve gift we get to be apart of.…


I don’t understand 2 weeks notices.

Honestly, it seems unfair. And as someone who has both handed in my 2WN, and been fired, I don't see why employees aren't given 2 weeks notice before they're fired. I understand why I was fired at my first job, I was a young teen who liked to mess around a little too much. But now that I'm an adult, these two ways of leaving a job are not equal. One requires you to type up a message, work for two more weeks, and then you're done. The other just skips to the last part. TLDR: 2WNs are terrible when you can be fired whenever.


Tragedy in Four Words


Tolerable work-from-home data entry job converted to a unbearable phone outreach center. Oh, and that data entry part? Overtime only!

Not even a day into my new data entry role, my coworkers and I were assigned a couple of hours of phone calls to do a day. I mean, nowhere in the job description does it say “regular phone calls for outreach.” It's a data entry position. The job description only asks for data entry experience, though the description itself was a bit sparse all things considered (by sparse, I mean… two sentences. One about attention to detail, the other about effective communication). Anyway, so doing these phone calls as a weird side quest is not too bad. Most of the time, I am just entering data with an audiobook running in the background. Then, I prep myself for the calls (I have always struggled with making phone calls, but my experience at my previous front desk role helps a lot here), bang them out, and move back to data…


Entry level jobs feel just like school?

Anyone else feel like the 9-5 in an entry level position feels not at all different than taking college classes? I recently started a position as a Process Manager, takes a little experience in sales and operations but is still pretty entry level in Nature. Colleagues are individuals in 20s and early 30s, myself included. You know..Gen Z and millennials. Most are immature and weirdos quite honestly. Smart I would say some of them but still have an employee like mindset. Kinda cringe to me. We are in training right now for 2 more weeks and we just read material from PowerPoints and play kahoot quizzes over the material we learned. It's all compensated ofc but damn it just feels like the same exact vibe from high school or college. I know it's bound to be different possibly when we get out on the floor but still, I spent 5…


NLRB Judge Orders Starbucks to Give Union Employees Wage Increases in Catch-22 Case


How do you deal with toxic management?

I used to hang with a guy who's since left and he would always talk shit about our manager, mainly accusing him of being a bully. From experience I've learnt it's not best to say anything and despite his comments, at the time I thought he was decent and my response was always hes been okay with me. He's my manager right? he's got a job to do and so do I, were not best friends. I get the dynamic. We generally get on just fine and will sometimes talk about our personal lives and ill walk away thinking he's a nice guy, he's just doing his job. Recently I was tasked with a project that stretched a little over 3 months were I was working non stop with 0 space to breathe. At the end of it after meeting all my deadlines, all I got was a “you did…


Boss dismisses us every day, no set time or guidelines to go home. Is this normal?

I work in a small office of 8-10 people. We are all salaried. Every day we are not allowed to go home until our boss dismisses us. Usually at around 8.5-9 hours of work. Does not matter if your work is done you sit there and wait until you are allowed to leave. This is my first time working in this kind of environment, and it has been bothering me since the first week. My question is this normal for this type of office? Or just my boss on a power trip?