
Patient was abusive to me and management sat there and did nothing, but wrote me up

I’m so upset. Last week a man with a very thick accent called and was on a speaker phone while driving. He was already in a bad mood and started yelling at me when I answered the phone. I struggled hard to hear him and asked if he wouldn’t mind repeating himself so I could get him the proper answer. He called me a “stupid American bitch” and said I was “ a worthless fuck”. My manager was sitting next to me and admitted she heard him. I did what I could and ended the call Yesterday, I was written up because I asked the man to repeat himself on the call. I asked if I was rude or did something wrong. I was told no. Just I asked him to clarify what he was saying. Oh, and because I didn’t smile while on the phone. WTF? I explained that…


“It’s so disappointing that you haven’t sent this letter on our company logo letterhead”

Like seriously ? Anyone else get emails like this and want to fling their laptop out of a window?


Had to leave first ever job I loved and was actually good at due to discrimination. I feel like shit

A bit of a pity party (?) but for the first time ever, I worked a job I both loved and was good at (I have learning difficulties so I was shit at every job I previously did and eventually got pushed out). I ended up developing a condition which now gives me chronic pain every month for a few weeks without fail, so this inevitably adds to my list of insecurities alongside the learning difficulties. My colleagues, particularly my assistant manager were odd. They would give me indirect, hostile treatment whereas when it came to none POC colleagues they were friendly as ever (for context, I've NEVER been rude to anyone and have consciously tried my best to be supportive and professional). The worst happened and my assistant manager became my main manager, and I knew this creature would be out to make my life worse – which she…


Why doesnt this sub name companies?

Do you people want actual change? or do you want a blog for reading about peoples interesting stories? kind of r/relationships only for working people? If people don't name the work places they interviewed or worked at (unless they fear retaliation) than what is the point?


So much for the gift of giving

Last week was a short week due to Thanksgiving. I had was supposed to have Thanksgiving day off and have Black Friday half day paid. On Wednesday right before lunch I got a text from my mom saying that my grandma is at the hospital after having a heart attack and that she will be prepped for surgery soon. I asked my manager if I can leave for the day and submit PTO to cover the rest of the day and I will update him if I would be able to make it Friday and if not if I can submit PTO in order to receive holiday pay on both Thursday and Friday. I was told yes and left. Friday morning my grandma was barely getting her surgery and I had to inform my manager I wasn’t going to make it in and if I can submit PTO. I got…


Very long story about why I’m retiring and paddling out to sea for a mariners death.

In May I was kicked off worker’s compensation(grade 3 hamstring tear) unexpectedly. I work in aviation maintenance, and it’s tough work. I ended up finding what I thought was a good job, and I moved for this position. I ended up getting a major concussion at work, and my boss stepped over my unconscious body to check the wing of an aircraft that I hit. I was regaining consciousness when I saw his foot almost hit my face as he was hastily going to check the status of a 100$ part that I hit. I quit that job, I couldn’t work with anyone that could care more about an aircraft then an unconscious employee. Well a month goes by and no offers have come through yet. Whatever, something will come up. I ended up accepting this position in my home state that was out in the bush. They paid an…


Disrupt the routine. Destroy the machine

What would it take for a massive portion of the world population to stop working, simultaneously? Mainly from the private sector. I want take away power from the uber rich, 1 percenters. No matter how much you think the world governments are fucking up, I'm pretty sure the 1 percenters are behind it. However, the actual power does rest with us. I'm sure we can support eachother while taking away from them. It's possible, we just need to organize a massive undertaking


You owe work nothing.


My boss told me he’s letting go two of my coworkers after the holidays!

I’m a current employee but will be resigning from my 3 years old teacher position next week. My boss had let me know that they plan to let go two other coworkers after the holidays and had only offered me a small raise for next year because “there isn’t enough funds”. What should I do? On one hand it’s not my business to get involved in this but I’m also feeling guilty that these coworkers are going to be blindsided and will not have another job to fall back on. I’m not planning on saying anything to them or my boss on how they should handle their business, any thoughts?


Is this legal or am I the crazy one ?

Throwaway for obvious reasons. I started a new job in Feb. Small company non union about 90 employees. After my probation period was up I was given 40 hours vacation and 24 sick time. I used 2 days while I was sick in June. August came and I scheduled a week off for summer vacation in August. My boss approved it but said I won't have enough hours for Christmas, WTF? This is where I was made aware of the company shutting down for a week between Christmas and New Years day and employees had to save some time or they won't get paid. Is this legal? Everyone here acts like this is normal and are so happy we get a week off for Christmas. Newsflash Karen we don't get a week off if it comes out of our time other then the 2 days for Christmas and NYD. I'm…