
New study finds stressed employees become too depleted to properly recover



Can anyone relate to being moved away from co-workers, to “focus”?

Having a really hard time staying sane, at my job. I feel sorta abused. As I've been moved to focus on my job. While I get that chatting can be unproductive, it feels inhumane to deny my ability to talk to people by moving me away from everyone. Despite my best effort. I maybe get an hour of conversation per 40 hour work week. That's 5 to 10 minutes here and there. I would honestly bet I get to talk even less than I think I do. I know it's not a right of mine, but I just feel depressed going to work everyday. I feel stripped of my autonomy, and more or less like a machine.


False Profits

Last night I wrote a vent piece and posted it here. Nothing too serious but just wanted to get my thoughts out. Got alot of good advice and an abundance of ideas. To spark my interest back into life I wrote a poem to reflect my thoughts Pray to the Tower of Infinite Growth, Where devotion bestows your soul, Rewarded to indulge in scraps of echelons above. Feed the beast of avarice, and let the world invest in nothing. As the unchaperoned seek a divine fault, Unable to teach that through each atom's dance, Is found connection of interlaced cosmic flow. Designed faith bargained around wealth's illusion, Festering boundless to a finite scale, As Cults seance for entangled visions, Calculating algorithmic charts. Unraveling the spectre of humanity. Crusading for a final number, to call God, Primal alarms ingrained our souls, Indulging in disreality, surely it can be satiated. False profits…


my boss keeps promising to give me two days off and a row but never does when he makes the schedule

i’ve worked at my job for almost 5 years. as a department manager, our boss has always given us two days off in a row. he recently changed my schedule due to the heavier workload and it’s really making me upset, as i’ve confronted him about this numerous times and he’s been telling me when another department manager returns from maternity leave, he’ll give me friday and saturday off. i’m currently off either tuesdays and saturdays or thursdays and saturdays. it’s never the same each week which makes it really hard to plan anything or make appointments. this other department manager returns from maternity leave tomorrow and my new schedule two weeks out hasn’t changed. literally every other department manager gets two days off in a row, most of them one weekend day and one week day, and another department manager always gets weekends off. i’m just sick of having…


Last straw with new job because they are asking me to do something illegal and I have no HR to report that to

Company has no HR department, my boss is the CEO, and they have now asked me to record calls even in 2 party states without consent. I explained why this was not a thing I could or would do (it’s a criminal misdemeanor in some states) and their solution was to give me a recording technology and ask me to just do my calls on speaker and record. I am so tired of feeling like everything I say to them goes in one ear and out the other.


Does it make sense that my company is telling me I have to move states to keep my job in January?

Obviously, I’m looking for a new job but is this legal? I could understand it being in the same state but asking me to move to a different state is not resonable at all. I have family to consider. I realize I will get let go but my only concern is that I want to be laid off not eliminated because technically they offered me a job but I would have to move. I honestly wish they didn’t offer me a job because then I would get laid off. I’m afraid they’re using this to not have to pay me insurance. All I want is to claim insurance and unemployment since no one is hiring at the end the year close to the holidays. I don’t mind being laid off, but I want to be laid off not eliminated. Do I have any rights?


Christmas bonus feel like a slap on the face

Got my christmas bonus this morning. I did not go the the staff party on the weekend as i had prior plans, but the average cost per person was probably somewhere around the $100 mark per person and we got to bring a guest. Received a cheque this morning for $150. After getting vacation denied for plans I had made long ago, after doing the work of 3 people, after getting multiple contracts assigned to me and the company having an amazing year profit wise. This feels like such a slap on the face with how expensive everything is. On top of this getting an email getting an email to contribute to a gift for the owners of the company? Just needed to come on here and rant a little bit because I was pretty floored by the number


Swedish food delivery company (owned by Doordash) signs collective bargaining agreement. Ensuring pension payouts, annual salary increases, overtime pay, extra pay for weekends/late nights, insurance for work accidents among other things

It ain't much but it's at least something for our gig workers.


Thanksgiving holiday weekend?

Isn't the whole point of Thanksgiving being on a Thursday so that everyone can get Friday off and have a 4 day weekend?


Colleagues want us to care when people cancel their insurance. But with how I’ve been treated by both them and customers, I just don’t anymore.

Customers are leaving left and right because of rate increases. But not before going completely off on the phone. I’ve been insulted, cussed at, etc. So when they say “I’m going to shop around” as a threat…I don’t care. My coworkers and boss want us to fight to keep them. Even if they’re berating us. I don’t have the energy for that anymore. My coworkers bully me. I stay in my own lane all day, mind my own business, stay out of gossip. I prefer to spend my lunch breaks alone reading. I’m the only introvert. I’m not into the stuff they’re into (football, reality tv) so I really don’t have much to talk to them about. And because I’m the quiet one, the different one, the black sheep, I’m the outcast. I have become the scapegoat for their lack of work ethic. It has become a “rules for thee…