
This sub has strength in numbers. Why can’t we agree on 1 thing at a time and try to make a difference?

Everyone complains about everything here which gets no attention and will never change. All I hear is get a lawyer and sue them from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Why can't we all decide to fight for a cause together? For example I think after 1 million in profits each company should have to share the rest of the profits with their employees on a trickle down effect. Or if a CEO is to get a 100 million bonus after the 1st million 10% should be deducted and split up among the employees. If we all agree on 1 goal and figure out a way to show candidates that supporting this goal will get you votes I think we can actually make a difference.


AIG leveraging terrible but common management practices to scare you into buying insurance


Idiot bootlicking coworker

I've noticed a particular behavior from one of my junior colleagues that made me curious. During our in-person group meetings, he often makes various sounds, ranging from “mhm”, “yes yes”, “right”, etc., and is quite proactive in voicing his eagerness. Keep in mind this isn’t a 1:1, but a gathering of coworkers listening to our manager speak. One thing I've noticed is that he regularly tries to finish our manager's sentences, almost every few moments. Our manager would say something like “This quarter we would like to focus on event driven archi…” and the dude interjects with “…architectures!” I'm in a bit of a quandary here, Is this a common practice in meetings? I’m asking because everyone doesn’t seem to be bothered by his near constant parroting. This is also the same guy that would every single day, pour coffee for mid level engineers and constantly asks people if they…


Do you feel that everyone around you is a follower of the cult of work?

Ever feel like everyone around you's been sucked into some sort of work cult? Like, seriously, what's the deal with chaining ourselves to desks and machines for the better part of our lives? We're all just burning through our time on Earth, trading it for a paycheck in factories, offices, or whatever other soul-sucking places. And for what? To survive? To buy stuff? It's like we're stuck in this endless cycle of work, sleep, repeat. Where's the time to actually live, to enjoy the little things that make life worth living? I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's like we're in survival mode, just working to make ends meet. But amidst all this hustle, when do we get to actually experience life? We're indoctrinated with this idea that we've always got to strive for more, be better, push to the limit. It's a fast track to burning out…


Temp workers paid more than me

Hey everyone. I need some advice for a situation at work. First, a little context. I started as a temp worker for $16.50 for about three weeks, then got a permanent role at $15.45 which is min wage here. Their argument for the pay cut was “you'll eventually make more as a permanent employee with the pay cut than what you would have made as a temp employee with the higher pay.” I thought the argument was flawed but I took the job anyway for the convenience of location and flexible scheduling. It's been about 4 months and it's coming about time to hire temps again. I obviously knew this was coming but it just feels ridiculous to be doing everything the temps are doing and more, but getting paid less. I'm not sure how to approach this because on one hand I feel like I haven't been working long…


My HR Report About My Manager (Ontario, Canada)

I know this probably won’t go anywhere, but I just quit my job after barely being there for a week and a half, and this is the message I sent to HR due to the shitty nature of my District Manager. Information has, of course, been redacted to protect privacy. I will admit, I got a little snotty in this, but I had already quit and was VERY heated when writing this email, plus I know HR likely won’t do anything about her regardless. Anyway, here goes. Hello, My name is u/OkuroIshimoto (Employee #1234567). Up until today, for the past two weeks, I have been helping to set up the newest Bluenotes store in Lindsay, Ontario as a Team Lead Supervisor. (Keeping this in in case anyone lives around there. You should know how they treat their staff.) During my interview with District Manager (DM), the subject of this report,…


“I am looking for ways to feed my family” pen & paper, myself, 2023


Guy just broke into my house

A guy just busted in through my front door, then after we got him out, climbed over the gate to our side door and busted in there. He was walking up to our kitchen when my boyfriend came at him with a baseball bat and forced him out. I'd locked the side door, but it's super weak and he just had to bash it twice to get it open. I asked for an hour or two off so I could go to home depot and get a reliable new doorknob and lock. This was the response. I'm shaking and terrified, and I just want to quit now, I work at a small family owned business. I'm the only non family member employed there but she's already touted how much I'm family. Now I just can't, there was nothing there, no empathy, no nothing. I'm done.


does getting a degree earn you real value in the eyes of the capital owners?

long story short, i was fired from a supervisor position last month and i have no experience beyond that, general customer service, and some restaurant work. i’m struggling to find anything. i apply, i might hear back, i might have an interview, and then i don’t get the job. it’s an endless cycle of disappointment and anxiety at this point, and this has pushed me to go back to school to get a degree so i can use that to (hopefully) get a job that will value my skillset vs seeing me as a disposable tool for generating capital. am i just digging myself deeper or am i pulling myself out by doing this? i’m sure a lot of people have different, nuanced experiences so i’m open to hearing everything. for additional context i was fired for trying to organize a union, not for any reason regarding my work ethic.…


I hate my job and my company.

My job has been hell lately. A few weeks ago, my supervisor sent an email discussing unprofessional workplace behavior and our work values. The email itself was pretty unprofessional, vague, and downright anxiety-inducing— lots of vaguely threatening language too. A week later, I expressed that my morale was low. My boss immediately went on the defensive and asked to give her examples to show why. I explained my reasons (poor treatment by coworkers / management, lack of communication, empty promises, layoffs) and she basically lashed out and said I’m a hypocrite and told me that email was about me (and a few of my coworkers). She told me someone had complained to her, but she didn’t have any context or proof. I refuted the allegation and she didn’t believe me. I met with HR to express how I feel about the situation and I’m informed that HR was never informed…