
How do you deal with the cost of hobbies but also not having time to do them?

I find myself always day dreaming about the day I get to have my own little studio with materials to pursue my art hobbies, and how as a human I wouldn't have to be stuck in this BS capitalist hellscape system and just exist co-creating and contributing to a community instead. I used to be a really creative teenager and young adult who was always making things and I had the utmost patience and dedication to it, but, I didn't have bills to pay, I didn't have to work – and coming from a somewhat privileged family, my “only” obligations were to study. All the free time was for myself. I have one particular hobby that I never put on hold but that's because it's my absolute passion and I also make some money from it every once in a while. But everything else, it's always a matter of money…


Do I tell the truth about former supervisor

Quick and short, I was recently asked to write a little blurb about memories and experiences of a former supervisor as she has been nominated for an annual award. While I think back, I can't think of one good experience or memory. So what do I do? Write a satirical essay of all the terrible interactions and the valuable lessons I was taught on what not to do?? Thoughts? Also to add I'm sure my excerpt will not be included but I feel that it's important that whomever is nominating my old supervisor knows how they truly are as a person.


I’m barely out of the egg and I’m sick of it all. What do I do?

Hey r/antiwork. Somehow I find myself here at the young age of 25 from somewhere unfamiliar. Here's some context on what I've been through. I'm born and raised in a third-world country, one which an American tech start-up decided to exploit its labor force in the spirit of conspicuous neocolonialism. To put it into perspective: minimum wage here is around US$70 a month, and this company paid from $800 all the way to $2,000~ a month. A can of coke here costs $0.20. It's a good deal. A great deal. Of course I signed up and was very content, as the work itself was genuine and honest as honest work could go. That's until I got promoted into a middle-management role. I oversaw a dozen, and I wasn't actually given a job description at all. I'm just a team leader..? Anyway, to keep this story short, piles of bullshit began…


Security camera legality question

I live in California and teach music lessons at a private studio. I do not own the studio, and the clients are not mine. I simply show up and teach. There is a security camera in my room to monitor our lessons, which is reasonable considering most of my students are kids. However, I have just been informed that the security cameras have audio capability and the owners do record audio. Is this legal?


5 months ago, I quit my job

They simply weren't paying me enough. I had been there for over 2 years and can run any station in my line. I was quite literally 1 of 2 people on site that could run the plas table (the other being the guy that trained me, who is a line lead elsewhere AND running a forklift, so he has no time for it). I made improvements in my station that led to cuts and welds being more accurate. People would stop by my station on the way to the restroom to watch me work and ask for pointers. Even one of the managers stopped by to take pictures of how I did things so that it could be used in training (true story). I was getting paid $17/hr. As we started losing people for various reasons (life changes, substance abuse, emergencies, etc), they hired more and more people. The lowest…


Screening Employers by how they respond to the Salary question

Little background, I have a little over a decade experience in my line of work. I had someone tell me (after offering me less than the posting advertised) “sorry we can't match that, we're a not for profit” Response I give them “I don't recall applying for a volunteer position with you” “We don't discuss Salary this early” Response: “I'm trying not to waste both of our times here, would you rather have 3 interviews with me and me declining the offer then? Or would you rather have a 10 minute conversation and move on to someone who would be interested and is a better fit for what you offer?” “We're looking for someone who believes in our mission and values and isn't so focused on money” Response “I'm looking for an Employer that has realistic expectations of the real world. Your “values” won't keep the roof over my head”…


macaulay caulkin if he was golden freddy


Told I’m being laid off at 8 months pregnant. My last day is 5 days before my due date.

I'm shook, upset, and pure livid. I work in HR (the irony) at a senior level. I started with my current employer in March 2023. The firm I work for is making money hand over fist. They are an electric engineering firm, with a bunch of engineers in 4+ countries and bloated salaried support staff members. In my interview, I made it very clear I had minimum empolyee-immigration experience, however, I was very eager to learn. Kay made it clear to me, too, that her immigration knowledge was basic. I was hired by the new CPO (we'll call her Kay) as one of the 2 SR HRBPs, with intention to eventually promote me to HR Manager. Shortly after starting, I realized how unbearable Kay was to work with. She is your typical micromanager who kisses ass to the executives due to her own insecurities of not knowing her position as…


Question for the sub… how do you know the offense between genuine feedback vs micromanagement ?

Yeh this it yall. I’m at a new job and the feed back I’m getting to me feels more like censorship. For instance I’m told not to use the word “accommodate” and to get back to outside parties in 5 minutes. And to how to name my files down to which letters are capitalized. … ummm is this the Norm of feedbacks or a blend of the two?thanks!


“Work should be an integral part of life..” and other gems Here is one of my favorites; feel free to highlight your own: Many families feel both adults have to work to make the money the family needs, not to mention that when one member of a couple works outside of the home and the other stays home, the one staying home can build up resentment for the one who gets to leave and go to work. But the fact is when both of the parents have to work, the other side of the equation is both have home and parenting duties to attend to as well. That makes it hard for either to fully dedicate themselves to work.