
Refusing to let me work a double shift

I love my job overall, but recently got pissed at my admin's decision to not let me work a double. I work overnights, not by choice, and it's very difficult on my health. I got schedule changed to attend a training during the daytime. The problem is this is in the middle of my work week, so I'd have to break up my routine/schedule by waking up early on my Wednesday just so that I can be able to fall asleep that night at a normal hour instead of going into work that night. Then after my day of training, I have 8 hours to go home and do what I have to do before going back into work for my “Friday”, which will leave me inevitably ehausted, yet if I don't wake up early on my Friday, I won't sleep that night, and my whole 2 day weekend is…


Temp work

I am getting so tired of companies hiring people on as temps for management positions. And then hold them as a temp for years. Everywhere I see the companies are hiring through a temp agency now. Terrible way to avoid paying out benefits. Just needed to air that out.


Got fired so I can “continue to pursue the work I’m most passionate about”

Emailed my manager asking for more hours since I haven’t got any (0) the past 3 weeks in a row. The job is part time casual. I have another part time. She said she’s “found it difficult for to work around my hours on the jobs they have” 2 days later I receive and email acknowledging I was hoping for more hours. When hired I said I wanted 1-3 shifts/ week averaging 15-25hrs a week. Been working there 3 months and haven’t even got close to that. 1 month ago they offered me a full time position. 1 month later I’m fired because I asked for more hours (or literally any). This screenshot is my availability every week. The company is closed on weekends. I give them an average of 30 hours availability every week.


What did UAW members at the “Big 3” gain with their strike?


$15/hr is not enough to live off of for full-time hours.

You need to interview someone four times in order to make a decision on whether or not to rip them off on the cost of living standard? ​


My boss is extremely incompetent

Well. Here it goes. My boss has been pushing work (out of the defined process) and giving deadlines without any follow up on their part. They lacks strategy & even a communication cadence. They have pushed return to office and my office sucks. We have 7 people, 4 have offices. The rest of us live in these high wall cubicles with bullshit lighting and the stink of garbage overwhelming the office (were located in a basement adjacent to the dumpsters). The dumb thing about return to office is the “office dwellers” come in and sit in their offices without interaction. They want us there but there really isn’t a “why”. I’ve realized that this is simply a job. There is no advancement. My boss cuts people off above them, that is the only strategy they employ. I have zero support. I get pushed projects that are beyond my scope and…


My boss is extremely incompetent

Well. Here it goes. My boss has been pushing work (out of the defined process) and giving deadlines without any follow up on their part. They lacks strategy & even a communication cadence. They have pushed return to office and my office sucks. We have 7 people, 4 have offices. The rest of us live in these high wall cubicles with bullshit lighting and the stink of garbage overwhelming the office (were located in a basement adjacent to the dumpsters). The dumb thing about return to office is the “office dwellers” come in and sit in their offices without interaction. They want us there but there really isn’t a “why”. I’ve realized that this is simply a job. There is no advancement. My boss cuts people off above them, that is the only strategy they employ. I have zero support. I get pushed projects that are beyond my scope and…


My boss is extremely incompetent

Well. Here it goes. My boss has been pushing work (out of the defined process) and giving deadlines without any follow up on their part. They lacks strategy & even a communication cadence. They have pushed return to office and my office sucks. We have 7 people, 4 have offices. The rest of us live in these high wall cubicles with bullshit lighting and the stink of garbage overwhelming the office (were located in a basement adjacent to the dumpsters). The dumb thing about return to office is the “office dwellers” come in and sit in their offices without interaction. They want us there but there really isn’t a “why”. I’ve realized that this is simply a job. There is no advancement. My boss cuts people off above them, that is the only strategy they employ. I have zero support. I get pushed projects that are beyond my scope and…


Sexism / Disorganization?

So I work as helpdesk at my second job. 90% or more of the company and office is male for some reason. Maybe this is not weird for you, but my last and first company was at least 50% women, and now I feel kinda surrounded. If you are a man, you probably would not understand the feeling unless you worked with all women before. Adding onto this feeling I already have whether it is valid or not… I have been training for the last few weeks, and all my trainers were also male, and I have been asking a lot of questions because I’m really bad at reading the room or getting things that are supposed to be assumed or deduced, so I have to ask extra questions to make sure of what is wanted. Well, they have been kind of acting weird as if they already answered the…


I work at Harbor Freight and the sales manager threaten

I used beaverment because I lost a family member, then got sick so I called off work today. Market manager contact me saying we can work the schedule out so you don't see you the sales manager during the investigation. My question do I continue to work there? Just need someone opinion on this matter