
Beautiful Words


Staff required to remodel store

My workplace is currently going to be doing a store remodel this winter. I work In the office pt, and as a cashier pt. One day the office manager quietly pulls me aside and says that some days when I’m in the office and it’s slow, I will be working downstairs moving shelves etc. Helping with the big move. They are basically moving all the 21 departments around, painting and putting up new shelving. Huge project. At the time she didn’t ask and just told me that I’d be doing it. I said yes I can, and don’t mind but now I’m thinking about it, is that ok for them to be using their staff to remodel the store? Or should they be hiring externally? If so, how do I deal with letting them know I would only do it if they are compensating me for it? We also had…


How can people still believe Free speech is real when capitalism is censored?

Go on, tell me a government who is openly able to talk about capitalism that is not praised and promoted if they are presenting it via the censored version, aka “capitalism is wonderful” VS someone who the moment they dare say anything real, based on statistics and data, how harmful capitalism is, will not be allowed to talk again, will be dismissed, or caused of some scandal like sex crime. ​ Please tell me how many articles, news and more, show capitalism how it really is VS almost every last one of them just praising it and blaming the workers for any issues. ​ Do you know all the billions the parasite class, ah, sorry, the owner class, you know, the one who LEGALLY get billions in profit because the others are working, you know, the one that ACTUALLY are not working, but get more rich, not paying taxes, but…


I never got paid

Sorry if this isn’t the correct subreddit, i’m just searching for help. As the title says. I was working at spirit halloween in October. It was honesty just a side job and I wanted to try out retail for the first time as well. It went great, but nearing the time for the store to close I ended up getting covid. Around this time I had also been locked out the mail room to my apartment because I lost my key. I had assumed that my manager would mail me my paycheck (When I received my first paycheck she gave it to me at work, it had my address on it which is why I assumed it could be mailed to me) Anyways fast forward maybe 3 weeks later I finally get a key to my mail room and I noticed I was never sent my paycheck. I have no…


I worked somewhere so toxic, I took up running.

I don’t run. I “ran” a 5k once 10 years ago and never had any interest in running. But along comes the worst boss I have ever experienced, and boom I found my motivation. This boss came in to the small organization, a retired millionaire who wanted to make the organization his passion project. He had preconceived ideas of the failings of the organization and refused to acknowledge anything from the past (he admitted he wouldn’t consider stuff from the past). He gossiped and micromanaged staff, spoke aggressively and whined when things didn’t go his way. In the month and a half I stayed during his takeover, one staff was fired, another quit, citing his toxic management and I went on sick leave because of his behaviour. He promoted another (incompetent) staff to be my boss when he was well aware we didn’t work well together (she told other staff…


How do you submit a 2 week notice?

I’m moving out of state January 2024 for higher education. I don’t necessarily hate my job, I hate the mean girl clique. My manager is amazing, though, and the company I work for is massive and has multiple places across the state so I’d like to end on great terms. My manager is already aware of my possibility of leaving, but now it’s official. When submitting a 2 week notice do you hand write it? Type it up? What do you actually say in it? Do you email it? Or hand deliver it? How personal do you get?


Anyone have experience with the RACI model?

Hi all, I’ll try to keep this short. I currently really like my job as my team is small and we all work pretty independently and can fall back on each other. We have our own credibility and don’t often need to deal with upper management unless there’s a big issue. I like this independence because being micromanaged makes me anxious. Recently we got a new manager and he wants to implement the RACI chart into our team structure. I looked into it and it seems interesting, but I’m worried about it causing micromanagement. Has anyone had experience with RACI? Thanks in advance 🙂


When did this happen?

When did the world decide that adults don’t also deserve breaks during the summer? Or at all? Am I crazy to question why we built our entire society around work and not our work lives around life?


Unionize. It works.

The NLRB has made it easier to unionize, and harder for companies to do union busting. I'm just a casual lurker but I 100% support you all!!


“But you all had no problem coming into the office 100% before 2019”

I'm tired of this argument today. The old out of touch management board bleat the same shit. My bosses are attempting to increase the days we have to come into the office, but we all know that they want hybrid working dead, despite all the arguments made by my colleagues that Hybrid allows us to be more productive, gives us more peace and quiet and allows for better work/life balance. The pre-Covid world is dead. My bosses remind me of businesses who tried to suppress music streaming, when they knew it was the future. People are already always reporting health and wellbeing issues related to the increased workload and they think slowly killing a system which made the workload bearable will benefit the organisation? The idea that forcing people back into the office will increase productivity is ridiculous