
Sad and Over It

Just had a realization… I’m unemployable. BS in Business Administration, MBA and in my current role for nearly 10 years. Looking for a new gig for nearly a year. Can’t land a new job to save my life. … in and out of depression and dealing with anxiety and burnout throughout the past year due to present work situation. … If anyone else is feeling sadness and overwhelmed, hopeless even… you’re not the only one. … I wish work didn’t have to consume our lives as much as it does. … even when living a simple (non-luxury) lifestyle, we’re made to work ourselves literally to death at times. … I hope all who read this post find what they need soon; a physically and mentally healthy employment situation. Sending good vibes to all of you.


I don’t want to be a goddamn accountant

I wanted to produce electronic music, write songs and perform those songs for a small but dedicated cult following, but now I'm stuck at an office slaving over balance sheets and just generally trying to cope with the mind-numbing ennui of this boring dystopia that we're all stuck in. You might say: “That's life. Better make your peace with it, because it could always be worse.” And the terrible thing is, you'd be right. There's absolutely nothing I can say in response to that. We're the lucky ones. Most people outside of the “western world” would be grateful to have our lives and that just makes the pain worse, because it adds guilt. But accounting has poisoned all of my hobbies. Whenever I sit down to make music, there's a little voice in my head that goes: “What are you doing? You're not a musician, you're an accountant. Grow up.”…


I don’t want to be a goddamn accountant

I wanted to produce electronic music, write songs and perform those songs for a small but dedicated cult following, but now I'm stuck at an office slaving over balance sheets and just generally trying to cope with the mind-numbing ennui of this boring dystopia that we're all stuck in. You might say: “That's life. Better make your peace with it, because it could always be worse.” And the terrible thing is, you'd be right. There's absolutely nothing I can say in response to that. We're the lucky ones. Most people outside of the “western world” would be grateful to have our lives and that just makes the pain worse, because it adds guilt. But accounting has poisoned all of my hobbies. Whenever I sit down to make music, there's a little voice in my head that goes: “What are you doing? You're not a musician, you're an accountant. Grow up.”…


I know he deserves more money, but capitalism says it belongs to me.


I know he deserves more money, but capitalism says it belongs to me.


Placed on the very public “wall of shame call outs list” for calling out the day my dog died.

My work places in the staff break room a list of everyone who calls out for the month to “hold employees accountable” due to staff complaints to management of being understaffed. When I spoke to management asking for them to please reconsider adding me to the list and the sensitivity of the nature, losing a family member, I was told this was an unexcused absence and that I had to be on the list. I provided a final bill for the vet ICU including the date and time which matched my call out day/shift time. Was told it’s to keep everything fair no matter a verifiable excuse. If they allow me a pass, everyone else will want one too. Am I overthinking this? Overreacting? I’m obviously disgusted with this horrible moral of team “unbuilding”. Just ugh. I have never called out before. I work in health care. Update: I was…


Placed on the very public “wall of shame call outs list” for calling out the day my dog died.

My work places in the staff break room a list of everyone who calls out for the month to “hold employees accountable” due to staff complaints to management of being understaffed. When I spoke to management asking for them to please reconsider adding me to the list and the sensitivity of the nature, losing a family member, I was told this was an unexcused absence and that I had to be on the list. I provided a final bill for the vet ICU including the date and time which matched my call out day/shift time. Was told it’s to keep everything fair no matter a verifiable excuse. If they allow me a pass, everyone else will want one too. Am I overthinking this? Overreacting? I’m obviously disgusted with this horrible moral of team “unbuilding”. Just ugh. I have never called out before. I work in health care. Update: I was…


Placed on the very public “wall of shame call outs list” for calling out the day my dog died.

My work places in the staff break room a list of everyone who calls out for the month to “hold employees accountable” due to staff complaints to management of being understaffed. When I spoke to management asking for them to please reconsider adding me to the list and the sensitivity of the nature, losing a family member, I was told this was an unexcused absence and that I had to be on the list. I provided a final bill for the vet ICU including the date and time which matched my call out day/shift time. Was told it’s to keep everything fair no matter a verifiable excuse. If they allow me a pass, everyone else will want one too. Am I overthinking this? Overreacting? I’m obviously disgusted with this horrible moral of team “unbuilding”. Just ugh. I have never called out before. I work in health care. Update: I was…


Sick so I called out saying I had Covid

I don’t know if it is Covid or not, but my boss gets stupid pissy if you call out for any other reason, even if still sick. First time I called out due to Covid so I didn’t know this before hand, but there is a Covid line we have to call. What should I do? I have no idea what the line will ask me for Edit: work at Ralph’s fyi


I’m not meant for this world.

I can’t stand working the job I have and all I want to do is end my life. For context: I work in an office building with my own cubicle, doing menial boring admin work like putting together mail, hospital checks, and submitting medical record requests. This job is easier and better than every other retail, customer service, sales job I’ve ever had. Yet I don’t want to keep living anymore. If this is all life has to offer, I don’t want to keep going. Fuck America, fuck capitalism, fuck the world.