
Manager stalking me on CCTV outside of work hours, what can i report him for ?

A manager is looking to fire me and he just wrote me up for some things that he saw on CCTV outside of his working hours ( i work 12.00-22.00, he works 14.00-22.00, incident happened at 13.00 ). What can i report him for ? ​ From my understanding he is not supposed to look at CCTV without a reason. I was told its a GDPR breach. ​ Dereliction of duties ? ( him not doings his work to look at other shifts ? ). ​ What can i report him for ? ​ Cheers.


How do you deal with rumour mill?

So 2 weeks ago a manager took a nasty tone with me and I cried. I’m sensitive as fuck (always have been). A coworker noticed I was crying and asked if I was ok. I spilled the beans and then today get pulled into a discussion with said manager because it got back to her that she “yelled at me”. I never used the word yell. I said snapped. I feel like I can’t trust anyone I work with. How do you manage? I can’t change that my stress release is crying, it’s just how I am.


Snap lays off 20 product managers to speed up decision-making

I find it hilarious that finally a company is seeing that middle managers do nothing. ​ ​


Snap lays off 20 product managers to speed up decision-making

I find it hilarious that finally a company is seeing that middle managers do nothing. ​ ​


My company only hosts work parties on Saturdays and Sundays. And they’re always potlucks.

Am I alone on this, or is this absolutely tasteless? I never go and it's infuriating to be obligated on my days off on this way.


I fantasize about d*ing just so l don’t have work (vent)

I used to love my job and my career, but in the last few years, I've struggled with my mental/physical health, which has obviously impacted my ability to do my job well. Now I dread every day that have to get up and go to work. I actually fantasize about being d**d, just so I don't have to endure another day of spending all of my energy trying to not get fired. Just to be absolutely clear, don't have any thoughts of self-harm (so please no “Reddit Cares”, ty), I just envy the potential calm found in nothing. No impossible deadlines, no disappointed bosses, just peace. I've been working jobs since was 14. No meaningful breaks ever. I never wanted to have a life that revolved only around work, but when you have health issues, you burn through almost all of your energy just getting through 40 hours of work.…


How do I get rid of needles after I finish work?

How do I get rid of needles after I finish work? ​ Many people in today's society are integrated into their lives, as well as into their lives, because long working hours are almost impossible to get out of work without needling on their hearts


I essentially make $25/hr with no OT for an average of 60 hour weeks…

I've been so frustrated with my job. I put up with insane behavior and berating. I put up with the expectation of giving up hours outside of my salaried hours for free. I thought 65,000 was what made it worth it… but I'm commuting 2 hours a day on top of the 55 hours I work, if I don't work FREE OVERTIME as I often do making it 60 hours. All for a boss that insults me, digs into my personal life, and has even sexually harassed me in the past. Why am I even here?


Screamed at by coworker

I'm just really frustrated with all of this and I've essentially been told to just get over it. Ill say that this all started because i struggle with my mental health combined with having no support system in my personal life. Because of the struggles I went to my boss and asked for a change in schedule. One that would give me another day off in the week by working longer on 3 other days. This actually benefits our department as well because we are shirt handed for those 3 hours. Due to breaks ill work 39.5 hrs instead of 40 hrs per week (negligible IMO). I will still work every other weekend as well. This coworker was VERY unhappy with this when the new schedule came out. She doesn't want the schedule, but it isn't fair that I have it. My coworkers, bosses, and I all agree the screaming…


Can you guys let me know if it’s time to go or not.

To make this short and sweet I work with a small team of individuals. However our manager is best friends with someone on our team and while this doesn't effect us too much on a personal level, career wise it's posing a problem as multiple individuals have been waiting for recommendations to go to other sectors of our business but have not got anything back, but this other individual who is the favorite has been named and head of all these unofficial roles within our team. To me this poses red flags, but my co worker seems to think I'm overreacting. Thoughts?