
They expected me to buy a new phone before continuing the recruitment progress.

Hello everyone, ​ I have learned about this subreddit from channels like The Click and Emkay. And I never thought that I would make a post in here but here we are. This may be a little long but I need to rant and finally get this out of my chest. And perhaps have a reassurance that I'm not going crazy. I'm on mobile just to let you know. ​ To make a very long story as short as possible. I'm from Costa Rica, this is important. Over here we are experiencing a problem with inflation in the sense of American dollars. Our economy is so filled with them, that it has reached a point where our coin (colones) is more valuable than the American dollar. Many companies have noticed this and to nobody's surprise, suddenly almost half of the companies here are paying in dollars in other to get…


Is My Manager Bad, Stressed, or Somewhere In-Between?

So get this. I don't want to reveal too much, but I'll say that I was laid off from my job about a month ago; Fast forward to about two weeks ago and I get a call back from my manager who I had already removed their number from my phone, so I go there to see what's what since other places I was applying to weren't responding to me (Until I already went back to the job I got laid off from that is, had to turn down like 3 people lmao. Anyway, this is where we get to the juicy part. Without revealing my exact job position or anything like that, I will say this: I was terminated because on one of my shifts it showed I was around $200 short. Definitely a good enough reason to let me go if I had actually done anything wrong… and…


No call no show for seasonal position

Just did no call and no show for about two weeks. At Macys. Didnt get any calls from any managers about pressuring me to come in. And before you judge me, I never did this before. I left Macys because the toxicity of customers and overwhelmness of being on register just before the holidays. Along with some distant co workers and managers. Since it was a seasonal position, my computer training was basically cut short and I had no interview so those two shouldve been red flags. Also, what irked me is a higher up (not a manager but I believe one of the HR members?) said “oh? its your fourth day and you dont know where ____ is? nobody told you about clear bags?” like no ?


To put it simply

The hammer and sickle, the logo this subreddit LOVES, actually stand for PHYSICAL LABOR. If the USSR was here today, they’d all think you’re just lazy slobs. Please look up what a symbol means before using it. Thank you


We have No Rights, if we dont have a Right to Life itself.


We have No Rights, if we dont have a Right to Life itself.


We have No Rights, if we dont have a Right to Life itself.


Boss wanted me to work through lunch because I asked for a short day.

I'm new to work at this factory job where I assemble widgets. Available hours are 9-6, M-F. I put in a request for 4-6 off on a Friday according to company guidelines and had a weird interaction day of with the floor supervisor. He asked if I was still taking 4-6 off, which I replied yeah. He then asked if I still planned on taking my lunch, to which I gave him a puzzled look. He tells me that most guys, when they have a short afternoon like I am, will sometimes skip lunch when asked because they can't help out the team for the full day. I say that I'm still clocking out at 1 and he replies that we'll talk more about this on Monday. What I find interesting is that the way the job does schedules, there isn't anything marked lunch or a long shift. People aren't…


Boss wanted me to work through lunch because I asked for a short day.

I'm new to work at this factory job where I assemble widgets. Available hours are 9-6, M-F. I put in a request for 4-6 off on a Friday according to company guidelines and had a weird interaction day of with the floor supervisor. He asked if I was still taking 4-6 off, which I replied yeah. He then asked if I still planned on taking my lunch, to which I gave him a puzzled look. He tells me that most guys, when they have a short afternoon like I am, will sometimes skip lunch when asked because they can't help out the team for the full day. I say that I'm still clocking out at 1 and he replies that we'll talk more about this on Monday. What I find interesting is that the way the job does schedules, there isn't anything marked lunch or a long shift. People aren't…


Boss wanted me to work through lunch because I asked for a short day.

I'm new to work at this factory job where I assemble widgets. Available hours are 9-6, M-F. I put in a request for 4-6 off on a Friday according to company guidelines and had a weird interaction day of with the floor supervisor. He asked if I was still taking 4-6 off, which I replied yeah. He then asked if I still planned on taking my lunch, to which I gave him a puzzled look. He tells me that most guys, when they have a short afternoon like I am, will sometimes skip lunch when asked because they can't help out the team for the full day. I say that I'm still clocking out at 1 and he replies that we'll talk more about this on Monday. What I find interesting is that the way the job does schedules, there isn't anything marked lunch or a long shift. People aren't…