
Why do humans work so hard?

I actually filmed a conversation my teen daughter and I had about why we work so hard when productivity has increased so much. It's long, but I think we work through some of the easy answers and come to a surprising conclusion: TL;DR: You all aren't crazy!


My male coworkers left when I stood next to them

I work at a restaurant on my college campus. It's always very slow on Thursday mornings. I was at the register, and my crush “Tom” and his work BFF “Jerry” were at the expediting window. They were talking to the cook. I walked over to the window, and while there was already awkward silence, when I went over to them, they seemed even more awkward. About ten seconds after I got there, Tom and Jerry went to the back to talk with the cook some more, leaving me by myself. I talk to Tom and Jerry a fair amount, so it's not like I never interact with them. Tom came back to the front after a good 30-45 seconds. He told me “the back of the restaurant is literally on crack”. I don't know if he was trying to make a joke or what. Tom's a very nice person, and…


Help with performance review in new country

A year ago I moved to North America from a non-English Speaking country. I am a tech professional and have been working at a very large company for 10 months now, and we're entering the self performance review phase. Since it's my first job here, I could use help to advocate for myself as best as I can. I have been doing well at my job, I met all the objectives set by my manager and they have said a few times they are happy with my performance. I participated in the most important projects in the team and had important individual contributions. Where I'm from, I'd be comfortable rating myself as “meets expectations” given how I feel about my work and considering I'm a new employee. In my country this would not be seen as a negative review and I'd be entitled to a bonus and a small salary…


Am I being lazy for not accepting a physical job that would make 1800eur/month full time 38h/week

So i little bit confronted this lady who's in charge of helping people finding a job, saying i find it so discouraging to clean people's mess for less than i used to make as a student. My point got where i denied her affirmation that not everyone with a degree makes good money, or either can't find a job at all (not talking about old surgeons) She said that she knows better than me since she sees people. She got defensive, said she didn't want to argue with me about this but kept arguing with me about this lol Are we this matrixed ? What would boomers say back in their time if they had to have a full time for not even 2k per month ?


Another parasite on society


CA Labor Laws: Job positions posted months after layoffs?

I’m guessing it’s not illegal, just shitty, but can a company legally lay off a bunch of workers and then post the open positions months (under 6) later? I don’t know if background is necessary, but I worked for a large company that had 3 rounds of layoffs this year. I was impacted by the 2nd round in summer. I’m still looking for a job and saw a couple weeks ago my old position posted as a new opening. Same job, just hybrid now instead of remote (and probably less pay, it looks like?). I assume it’s just shitty business, not anything they could get in trouble for, right?


The workers at OpenAI are a fucking embarrassment.

The fact that they collectively organized to get their boss his job back is so pathetic I’m having a hard time grasping it. Would he give a fuck if any of them were fired? Yeah I get it they are all “passionate” about the work which in itself is a fucking joke too.


Boss bought us donuts the day before Thanksgiving. Kiss-ass coworker replies all to this email

Like stfu, she bought us donuts stop buttering up to her. Hate kiss ass coworkers like this, how about she give you a holiday bonus or an extra day off? I guess I’m extra irritated cause this boss is useless when I go to her , she wasn’t the one who hired or promoted me, and instead of looking into my concerns she suggests that I demote myself when I go to her with a concern, she suggested i could demote myself if the position is causing me too much stress . I haven’t had many jobs, but this is my worst boss yet


Employment terminated

Hello r/antiwork My employment was terminated today and I was not given any indication as to why it was terminated. I have not recieved any verbal warnings or written warnings in regards to my performance at work. I did however raise some issues with HR that my supervisor and manager didn't like. Without giving too much away, I am in BC, Canada. Looking for a no win, no fee lawyer to take on my case as I feel that this was unfair dismissal on the grounds of my supervisor and manager being upset that I raised my concerns with HR.


Check out this terrifying s***