
Can your boss fire you for family emergencies?

I was supposed to work on Sunday (Nov.19) last week and got it called off because my dad was admitted into the hospital for heart failure. My boss was okay with it and said I shouldn’t worry about it since they can replace me. Today, Sunday (Nov. 26), I was notified that my dad would have open heart surgery on Tuesday, which is when I should be working. I texted my boss today, two days from now, saying that I am not able to go to work for night shift. He left me on read and I’m not sure if he’d fire me. I’ve made mistakes in the past, but I never abruptly called off for work a day or two before. I always called off 2 weeks prior. The fact is that I can work, I have time in my day, but I don’t think I’d be able to…


Withdrew my application and told them to go f*ck themselves

I had a good interview with Company X, but they are in a shitty location downtown with bad parking and the work from home option was only two days a week. These bitches also didn't even validate my parking. The reason they wanted a second interview was because the hiring manager said the candidates were so close that they couldn't make up their minds and wanted 1. A written test assignment and 2. A second interview. The assignment was actually a ridiculous amount of work given that I was not yet working for them: Put together a 10-20 minute presentation on this (real life) earnings report. What this assignment says is, “Chicken Dinner, if you come to work for us, we will expect you to bust your ass overtime as the standard and we will not ever consider compensating you fairly for it.” I mulled it over that weekend and…


Leaving My Toxic Job Behind: Finding Happiness at Home

Hi Reddit i am 28 male I need to talk my my story with u all . I used to work at this huge corporation where my boss was, let's just say, not the most respectful person or just a b#tch . I was putting in crazy hours, my normal work day was around 10-11 f hours and it felt like no matter how hard I worked, it was never enough for him. There was this one time when things got out of F hand. We had this massive project, and my boss asked me to pull a 33-hour shift to get it done. I surveid it only on coffee and energry drinks. Is f”” carzy I was beyond exhausted, and it hit me—I couldn't keep f up my mental helth of this job. So, I made the call to quit. It was scary, but I knew I had to…


I started with this company in August and I am a supervisor.

This is a nursing home and it changed companies as I was being hired and at the beginning of my employment. They officially took over the beginning of November but we have never officially met anybody from the new company. We were told by the HR lady from the original company that we had to like reapply again, they installed a new time clock the whole nine yards. For ONE: I was told I was making one wage, and then found out that I am making a dollar less than originally planned. This place is like the Flintstones and I never signed an offer letter, it was all a verbal agreement between my boss ( who interviewed and hired me). That I haven't gotten over in the last 3 weeks, but I really do like it so I'm trying to weigh things. Second of all: With the original company we…


friend was assaulted at work

dont really know where to post this but my friend 16m was shoved at his fast food job by what he said was a 50 year oldish man after he was refused a gift-card because my friend didn’t know how to apply funds to one, he says the manager wont do anything about it and he’s in the wrong for whatever bullshit reason. this infuriates me as i dont really know if theres anything he or i can do


The normalization of needing to do side hustles disgusts me.

No, people should not have to do side hustles because otherwise they're ruined financially. It sickens me seeing this “just work your life away” attitude taking hold.


Multi-Billion-Dollar Employer refusing to accommodate disability

Hey all, so I wanted to pose a situation and ask for input from those who may have gone through similar. I’m going to endeavor to keep the story general as otherwise it would get incredibly long with the details included. I have a disability and I started a new job about 6 months ago at the aforementioned employer. My disability is generally invisible and I have a good bit of experience hiding it well enough that nobody (at work) knows about it. I haven’t ever even had to formally request any sort of accommodations for it (in over 10 years throughout multiple companies). I encountered an issue less than two weeks into this job that forced me to bring up an informal accommodation request to management. They did not place weight on it at the time and instead chose to ignore it. For ~4 months following that, I kept…


The threat of being penalized for being sick

I started a new job. I got sick . I’ve been out for two days. Today is the third. I don’t want to make a bad impression I just got a job in retail at a department type store . 2nd week currently. I started feeling sick the day before thanksgiving. Then thanksgiving I was super sick, coughing, congestion, feverish , overall fatigued. (We already had thanksgiving off) I gave advanced notice on teams and then the next day I called that AM and the next day. When they answer it’s clear in my voice that I’m very sick. Today I called again. I was hoping I’d be fine today but I spent the entire night hacking and being hot and cold. Today I still feel terrible, super congested, hacking constantly, my fever broke but I’m still fatigued and feel hot and sick. My body , muscles, ribs and chest…


Is Loud Quitting the new Quiet Quitting?

Loud quitting is a workplace trend that involves an employee making a scene or openly expressing perceived negative aspects of their working experience before or during resignation. I hate my job, should I just slack off (quiet quit) so I can get fired and collect unemployment or should I go out in a blaze of glory?


We need to assemble a protest because the U.S. Government doesn’t actually care about autistic people. The Social Security payments aren’t even enough (r/autism, r/antiwork crosspost)