
I actually want to work, but it seems like even that is not possible.

Yes, I dream of not working. I don’t dream of labor. I love my days off and I shut my brain off after work. But I can’t even seem to keep a job in this capitalist hellhole. People are yelling “no one wants to work”, but then they lay off people left and right. I’ve already been laid off from one job, found a new job, and now they’re talking layoffs at the new job. I could be jobless any day now, but then no one is hiring, but then no one wants to work???…make it make sense. And all I want to do is go to work, make money, and live my life in PEACE. I don’t even make much. Im still struggling. I’m technically lower class. But fuck the poor and lower class people right? I truly just want to give up but I don’t want to be…


Like cats to laser pointers


Boss (maybe) fired me, and refuses to respond to my messages

My boss decided to schedule me for a day that I told her I had a doctors appointment, I chose to go skip work for it because I’m not sacrificing my mental and physical health for a minimum wage job. Apparently, despite this being the literal first time I missed work, this was apparently a fireable offense! Told me I “wouldn’t be able to work here anymore” if I couldn’t find someone to cover my shift, and of course the one person who wasn’t already working left me out to dry. So, context over, the day after I texted her like. “Okay are you actually firing me?” because I wanted to give her the chance to stop being an asshole, and she has just… not responded. Complete radio silence for 3 days now. I don’t even know if she’s still expecting me to work the last day I was scheduled…


Boss (maybe) fired me, and refuses to respond to my messages

My boss decided to schedule me for a day that I told her I had a doctors appointment, I chose to go skip work for it because I’m not sacrificing my mental and physical health for a minimum wage job. Apparently, despite this being the literal first time I missed work, this was apparently a fireable offense! Told me I “wouldn’t be able to work here anymore” if I couldn’t find someone to cover my shift, and of course the one person who wasn’t already working left me out to dry. So, context over, the day after I texted her like. “Okay are you actually firing me?” because I wanted to give her the chance to stop being an asshole, and she has just… not responded. Complete radio silence for 3 days now. I don’t even know if she’s still expecting me to work the last day I was scheduled…


How to look out for red flags during interviews? Clearly…I suck at it. Bad.

TLDR: I have an unfortunate knack for landing myself in radioactively toxic companies. I know to look out for the obvious “We are a family” wording in descriptions or interviews, but what are some other major (or less even obvious) red flags to look for? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX My first “big girl” job out of college was fantastic. I had the most nurturing and caring mentor for a manager and it was thanks to her that I had a baseline of what decent management ought to look like otherwise, I would've thought all of the managers I've had after her were the norm. Because, after I left, my first job after that was so toxic I spent every morning dry heaving in the bathroom before walking to work (every single work day for the first three months). I watched people walk out during lunch and never appeared again or just clocked out…


I lied on my resume and it helped me get a much better paying job lol

1) Lied about being promoted at my previous job. Said I was promoted to Software Developer II even though I never was 2) Lied about not having taken a medical leave that led to my firing and unemployment for 9 months 3) Lied about my major in college Lol. Was unemployed since Feb and just got a high paying remote offer. Anything else I should lie about for the future when I'm job hunting?


I am starting to suspect that a previous employer is badmouthing me. How do I find out?

Hey folks, so I had this awesome job last year, in a field that I’ve always wanted to be in. I was promoted in a short period of time and did a lot to help improve my department’s output and general functionality. I promise this isn’t me just saying this, my bosses all sung my praises and gave me tons of positive feedback. Unfortunately, the place folded and had massive layoffs. I missed the first couple of rounds but eventually I was laid off too. The company eventually folded and was bought out. Now, I never wanted to believe that there could be something my boss would do, but I’m starting to really wonder. They wrote me a kickass recommendation letter, which has gotten my foot in the door several times, but without fail the jobs will seem to backtrack and do a complete 180. I was even hired at…


The powers that be say hard work never killed anybody.

This article is a few years old, but it still holds true today. No, hard work didn't kill me, but I've been disabled for 15vyears, now.


What was the point you realised your workplace DGAF about you?

As the title says, what was the pinnacle moment you realised your workplace DGA(flying)F about you?


My boyfriend is getting taken advantage of by his indian boss

Seeking advice for my boyfriend in a tough job situation at a two-star hotel. He took an offer for $500 every two weeks and a free room, but it’s been challenging. No set schedule, on-call 24/7, and handling maintenance and front desk duties. Recently, after working a 20-hour shift covering for the front desk, his boss claimed his drawer was short $150, docking it from his check. Now considering a homeless shelter, but moving in with family isn’t an option due to our area’s poverty and strict landlord policies. Notably, his Indian coworkers have set schedules, making the situation even more frustrating and seemingly unfair. Any advice on handling this situation or alternative suggestions would be appreciated. It’s been tough, and we’re desperate for guidance. Thanks for your help!