
Nepo Manager is terrorizing me

I have a relatively newer manager that seems to have taken some kind of fixation on tormenting me while on the shift. I work in a movie theater. Managers are typically 35 – 60 years old, this one is barely 21 and thinks she knows what everyone else's job is better than they do. Especially mine.that I've been working for 8 years now. Come later to find out she was cherry picked by daddy (corpo dude) and placed in the vacant manger spot without any experience . Lately we've been renting out auditoriums to shovel in more money to give to corporate, and at the exact same time we are kept deliberately understaffed during the busiest of days. Today we had a rental just after noon. The previews were muted by the family's request. When the movie was about to start, they asked me (usher occupying the halls) to ask…


Was anyone here a enthusiastic and highly motivated student throughout K-12 and college but was never able to adjust to the “real world” and it’s 9-5 jobs?

I was such a good student. I loved school so much. Everything I elected to study in college were “useless” things (liberal arts stuff mostly and some science) that piqued my curiosity . Basically the inner 13 year old has never died in me. Everything was magical and fascinating pre-graduation from college . The K-12 experience I had instilled a heightened sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around me After graduating college I start looking for work and begin working some 9-5 job and after just two weeks on that job I’m depressed out of my mind. And I’m left asking myself regarding the “real world”: “is this it? Is this the ‘real world’?” Fast forward 15 more years to the present and I still have yet to adjust to this “real world”


18f fired

I don’t want to provide too much info for privacy reasons. The one thing I will say is I missed a call from my boss yesterday (the weekend and I don’t work weekends). With limited information I would just like to know other peoples perspective on this. Since I’m the worker getting fired, of course I’d be upset, but I feel this is a strange termination and didn’t even know I was doing anything wrong. Im an 18 f and I just want to know my workers rights. I’ll provide minimal detail if there are questions thanks.


If I’m in an on call position, do I have the right to not answer the phone if I don’t want to

Genuinely asking, didn’t answer my last phone call from my employer and they haven’t called me in a month. Do I still have a job? Lmao


Who do I go to if an employer refuses to pay?


Took retirement early. Struggling to make ends meet. Ideas?

A lot of this group seems like people complaining about work. Looking at the synopsis of the group it seems like it's also about how to make not working work. I retired 2 years ago from an IT job. I get a small pension, about $3,000 a month. Maybe 5 years ago that seemed like a survivable number but not so much anymore. Does anyone have advice on how to make this work? I've taken two jobs doing it work again since but can't stick with it. Are there parts of the United States that are affordable but not full of dangerous people? It seems the cheaper a place is the more dangerous your neighbors are. What about other countries? I looked into Mexico and Spain but I'm unsure about the ability to make that work. I don't mind working 15 hours a week doing something I don't have to…


Why don’t we have a nationwide union in the U.S.?

I may not be taking all variables into account, but this question just boggles my mind. We have over 100 million full time laborers in the U.S. We have company & profession specific unions that get monthly contributions from the work force they represent to fight for fair working conditions for them. Why don't we just have a nationwide workers union where every full time employee contributes $1 a month to the organization. $100mill+ a month = $1.2bill+ annually With that type of capital to shape policies as the union sees fit, what would stop the general populous from shaping policy to work for them? While we wouldn't have to necessarily get rid of company & profession specific unions, I feel they would be far less necessary and with the load so widely distributed the contributions would be much less than traditional union workers would be used to. So perhaps…


Compensation….. Y’all crazy?

I've worked in a restaurant and hospitality for 23 years. With the recent rise of cost of living with inflation rent rates etc, what used to be a comfortable living has turned into scraping by. I make 56k a year. My pay doesn't cover everything. My wife makes 40k at a hospital and we still are struggling. I've made more but scaled back my job title for less hours. Now I'm looking to get back into upper management, and the pay is marginally better before COVID. A gm for a hospitality group for a high end food court is only paying a max of 70k. (All of the executives for this company have worked or owned or managed Michelin star restaurants) Am I crazy I know for a fact that one of those food courts has six or seven cafes and little restaurants in it and you're the GM of…


I have a viral contagious stomach flu and I’m being told to find my own coverage or come in.

But no one is replying. Why would they? It's SUNDAY. I gave the right notice, doctor notes, was open about what was going on, COMMUNICATION. I'm hella sick, vomiting, sweating, chills, and I haven't stopped sh*tting. I work in food service btw.


A coworker showed up two hours late.

Last night, I was supposed to get off work at 10 or 10:30 pm. One of my coworkers was scheduled to come in around that time. When he had not showed up by 10:30, I sent a text to the company group chat asking where he was. No response. I telephoned one of the supervisors. The coworker who was supposed to come in never called or texted, nothing, to let anyone know what time he would be there, and his phone was turned off, so I had to keep calling the manager's number again and again. So, he finally just waltzed in the door around midnight, and when I asked him why he was so late, he just said coldly, None of your business. So, I left, but once I had made preparations to leave, the manager told me that even if he had not showed up, if no one…