
How is it that a miniscule percentage of the population gets everything whilst the vast majority do absolutely nothing but roll over and take?

Like really? How is it possible that for the rest of our lives we will toil the majority of the time given to us in service to some piss-ant who will get all the benefits of our efforts and give us essentially nothing in return. My boss charges 250 an hour to the client for my time and effort and I get 30 of that. And my wage is considered to be relatively high. I work 5 days a week, am exhausted so the 2 days that are mine to live with how I see fit, are spent doing nothing but recover for one and running around trying to get everything done so that I can survive the next 5. Been like that for 25 years now, gonna be like that for another 30 till I have nothing more to give and I can finally die. When are we, the…


How is it that a miniscule percentage of the population gets everything whilst the vast majority do absolutely nothing but roll over and take?

Like really? How is it possible that for the rest of our lives we will toil the majority of the time given to us in service to some piss-ant who will get all the benefits of our efforts and give us essentially nothing in return. My boss charges 250 an hour to the client for my time and effort and I get 30 of that. And my wage is considered to be relatively high. I work 5 days a week, am exhausted so the 2 days that are mine to live with how I see fit, are spent doing nothing but recover for one and running around trying to get everything done so that I can survive the next 5. Been like that for 25 years now, gonna be like that for another 30 till I have nothing more to give and I can finally die. When are we, the…


What debt can you get working retail? Is this legal?


What debt can you get working retail? Is this legal?


I’m eating breakfast and an older couple was sat next to me. The guy has been complaining about the younger generation not knowing how to work for 10 minutes now.

This guy is probably late 50s /early 60s and he's literally listing people at his job that took time off for Thanksgiving. He's complaining about how he's the only one who cares and the owners don't appreciate him working more, they just expect it. I would feel sorry for this guy, but he's being weirdly aggressive to the waitress.


I’m eating breakfast and an older couple was sat next to me. The guy has been complaining about the younger generation not knowing how to work for 10 minutes now.

This guy is probably late 50s /early 60s and he's literally listing people at his job that took time off for Thanksgiving. He's complaining about how he's the only one who cares and the owners don't appreciate him working more, they just expect it. I would feel sorry for this guy, but he's being weirdly aggressive to the waitress.


[VENT] I (20F) never worked, and now…

Now, the pressure is getting bigger. My family, my friends, my guidance counselor… All of them, they make sure I understand that there is no escape, and that the time I'll need… No, excuse me, HAVE to work is getting closer. None of them understand, I'll tell you why: I'm an artist. That's litterally my life. I play music, I listen to music, I draw, I get inspired, I gather knowledge, I breathe FOR ART. I can't have a day without making and imagining something. I can't have a day without doing any of those things, which, you guessed it, take my WHOLE day. There's no time where I'm not doing it, and all of it is for MYSELF. Them, they're not artists. Artists are the minority of the human race. We're outsiders. “You have so much talent why not use it for a job, why do you lack confidence…


Work from home jobs?

I keep getting scammed while looking for work from home jobs. It’s turned into just constant advertisements or surveys after I submit an application and it seems there are no credible ones that I’ve applied to. Does anyone have any ideas on simple customer service/admin work from home jobs or just how to look out for these fake job postings in general?


Capitalism in inherently abelist, regardless of what the law or boomers say!

Bit of a rant here. To start off, I'll point out that I was born with nerve damage I one ear so my hearing is permanently weaker on that side. Not a massive issue, I may ask people to repeat themselves at times, but I can manage conversations just fine. When I fist started looking for work after college in 2014 I'd fill out hundreds of applications. In the UK it's common for them to include questions about disabilities as is required by law for the sake of “diversity and inclusiveness”. Well my little naive self would honestly tick “yes” and write “hearing loss”. I never got an interview. After a while I eventually stopped filling in that box and just ticked “no”, while keeping everything else and my CV (resume) the same. I ended up getting 3 interviews in one day. I was baffled at the blatant ableism that's…


Has customer service permanently destroyed my self esteem?

I realized that customer service internalizes the belief that your own needs don't matter and only other people matter even if you don't know them. I lost a lot of my selfishness which isn't healthy.