
LinkedIn has become Facebook.

I’m not sure when they made the switch but LinkedIn has become a mirror image of Facebook. It’s just another insufferable online social platform but worse because it’s your colleagues rather than friends and family. Just one kiss-ass after another congratulating each other on just being employed from the looks of it? I received a notification asking me to congratulate someone for having worked at the company for x-number of years. Why? So she can see how many “likes” her colleagues (many of whom don’t know her) give her? It’s exhausting that people fall for this shit.


“Slavery” is the phrase they prefer (just to save you time from reading this garbage article)


Hey, Circle K. Give people their fucking raises back.

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush. Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who…


Hey, Circle K. Give people their fucking raises back.

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush. Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who…


Hey, Circle K. Give people their fucking raises back.

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush. Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who…


Not Sure if this is appropriate to post, but I found a post of an “ethical” business owner who needed input about firing all their stuff.


Boss going back on her word

I'm currently at a job that overall really isn't too bad. It's a small business and I'm one of like six employees. At our last staff meeting, the owner of the buisness asked if I would take over handling the buisness emails on my three days off in exchange for three extra hours of pay each week. The owner said it was because they wanted response times to emails to be under 24 hours. I agreed and once I had access to the accounts I started right away. This week I noticed I did not get paid any of the extra hours I worked and when asked if she was still going to honor it she backtracked completely, claiming she never said that I would get paid three hours, she said she'd pay me for one hour to handle all emails during my three days off. Needless to say, I…


I am 36, living with my mom in order to prepare my plan to work less

English is not my first language and I don't live in US. I just came back to my mom house after splitting with my partner. It was supposed to be temporary. I was looking for an apartment to buy to leave asap. I also had the pressure of people saying “36? You should leave ASAP!!”. Now hear me out. I hate working. I became a freelancer 1 year and a half ago so I could manage my working time and chose my projects. I still hate it. But it's better than being part of a cult aka company. In France, to borrow money from the bank, you either have to be a freelancer for 3 years OR have a permanent contract with an employer. I was about to change my status for the second one to buy an apartment faster. Then, I had a chat with a close friend. She…


Will I get into further trouble if I appeal a write up?

tldr; I got in trouble for something I didn't do. My previous post: The person who wrote me up is a supervisor but I'm thinking of going directly to the department managers and explain my situation because I feel like the supervisor will just try to get the dirt off his hands. I'm just concerned that trying to appeal will make me a target and they will actually fire me if I actually screw up next time. So my choices are to: 1. Fight for my innocence 2. Move on and/or prove my innocence if the case progresses. After writing me up, I am now basically their logical explanation of the incident because I had “screwed up” and re-opening the investigation of some sorts will make things even more complicated for them. This whole thing is stressing me out and has made me pretty upset. I'm wondering if it's…


Designer is political and hard to work with

From our team one of designers got promoted to senior designer. The issue here is I know everything what she is trying to do here but not too sure how to handle this. The senior designer also works as a freelancer elsewhere where she gets paid more than the full time work so she is not too bothered here but only works here for consistent fixed salary. We do not have a lead designer but have a manager who manages us. Our manager is extremely laid back who doesn’t even do any work tbh and doesn’t care what our team does since she is not technical so she agrees to everything our senior designer says or else she usually argues with the manager ensuring things should be going her way only and why with the help of chatgpt. Also, the funny thing is our company has a policy we cannot…