
advice on quitting after working only a week?

I started working this job a week ago, it was red flags from the beginning— hired on the spot, promised to be cross trained in something that would bump my pay immediately (only for that to be mentioned literally never again..) selling credit cards, protection programs, most other cashiers were teenagers. thrown in practically 0 training, awful environment. my manager literally gave me a name other than my actual name because she “just couldn’t call me (my THREE letter name lol)” i tried to stick it out despite having really bad mental & physical side effects of stress. (posted about these things a lot if you’re curious) and it’s a week. i fucked up and clocked out early today on accident due to nobody sending me my schedule and me falsely believing i was off a little earlier than i actually was. nobody caught it but when i realized when…


Lack of ambition

Am I wrong for not wanting to be the boss, start my own business or otherwise takeover something existing? I don't enjoy “work” but I'm happy to sell my abilities. I just want to exist without the need to be always pumping out ideas and efficiencies etc to plow the business ahead. I just want to exist on a decent wage. I wish there was a middle ground.


UK Supreme Court finds Deliveroo riders have no rights to collective bargaining because they aren’t workers – Brave New Europe


How to get over the guilt of not disclosing to supervisor and company I am digital nomading?

Does anyone feel guilty at times about lying? I work using my own laptop doing project work and admin. No company laptops. They haven’t necessarily asked where I am, they simply assume I am in the region. I don’t correct them and generally just avoid the topic like local restaurants or news. I know they would axe me immediately if they found out. The culture is intense lovey dovey (“we are all a family here type” and “you’re doing a great job but we don’t have the budget to increase pay but you’re making a big impact”). I see the red flags. So I am not saying much. Keeping my head down and working. I speak minimally in meetings and do my own thing. Though I do feel guilty about this disguise and all. Still, there are no loyalties or job protection. Employers generally don’t care and everyone is disposable…


F*** managers that play stupid for their own benefit

Employer uses whenIwork. During the summertime, we're open everyday, I put in my availability, done deal. On days I leave blank I'm not scheduled, on days I put I'm availability (green circle), I'm mostly scheduled. Now that we're only open Friday-Sunday and during the last two weeks of December. I put my availability in, yet I'm scheduled on days I don't “officially” mark as not availability. Yet, there was never an issue before, but now that we're open full time for two weeks and we have half the staff, manager wants to play dumb. In fact, I was late submitted my availability for the month of December and didn't put anything down, yet I was scheduled. Why even schedule me at all, tbh??? I would think then it would result in me missing out on shifts. There's literally never been a set date to submit availability nor has there every…


Contractor doing unpaid “Ghost” Hours

Hi, everyone! I feel confused, and I don't know what to do. I would love some advice! I'm 26F with my MBA and living in California. I currently work as a contractor at a large asset management company. Before this, I worked at a reasonably large consulting company. I currently have a 7-month contract that is up on 1/1. When I talked to my manager a month ago, instead of asking for full-time, I asked to extend my contract. Last week, I told him I wanted to only work from 8 to 5 pm and take my lunch break. He threatened me and asked me if finance was really what I liked and that the contract was not signed yet. For the past six months, I've been working 50-55 hours a week and not getting paid overtime, even though it's part of my contract and is my right as a…


Legal theft.


During an interview, how can I ask for my desired salary?

I have a third and final interview this Monday where I’ve applied to transfer to another state within the company. It will be at another location with the exact same title I have now but a bigger location. At my current location. I make $175,000 but I put down a desired salary of $192,000 in the job application. The job posting salary said it ranges from $172,000-$$180,000 /year. If the question comes up, is there a nicer or easier way to ask for my desired $192,000?


I quit soon after, kept it as a souvenir


Blue-Collar BS

Is it just me, or is the blue-collar mentality getting really old? And what I mean by that is in any male dominated, blue-collar field, the new person gets absolutely crapped on just for breathing. Or if you make a mistake you are worthless. Or if you are not a full on red-blooded republican and have a different opinion than everyone then you are a fruit loop. If an apprentice asks too many questions then they are annoying. If you're not 15 min early then you're late. Men making an insane amount of uncomfortable sexual jokes, and being racist and sexist as f***. Males in leadership positions can somehow get away with being creepy towards women in lower positions than them. Live to work and work to live. “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. And older men complaining about “none of these kids want to work nowadays” when people like…