
Can employer deduct payroll costs from paycheck?

My spouse just learned that their employer has been deducting $2.00 per direct deposit for each paycheck they’ve received. When asked what other methods of payment are available, the employer offered paper checks for a $1.50 fee. There are no options to receive the paycheck without incurring these administrative fees. Is this legal?


Can employer deduct payroll costs from paycheck?

My spouse just learned that their employer has been deducting $2.00 per direct deposit for each paycheck they’ve received. When asked what other methods of payment are available, the employer offered paper checks for a $1.50 fee. There are no options to receive the paycheck without incurring these administrative fees. Is this legal?


Hired as a 2 day a week in office job 3 remote…. Changed less than a month later.

I was hired to work 2 days a week an hour away and 3 days a week from home giving me more time with my children and a overall better quality of life. I got a email a month into that position I had worked hard to get that we were returning the office 4 days a week adding 8 hours of unpaid drive time to my position. I quit 2 weeks later. Found a job in that time period thanks to God and moved on. I don't think corporate America realizes we're over there games.


What to do when the job market is this bad?

What do you do when the job market in your area is horrendous but you can’t afford to move because you make $15 an hour, and the only available jobs on indeed pay less than $15 and will make you more depressed than your current job? Not to mention my immediate area is a lot of small businesses and the only way to apply to these small businesses is to drive around and see who is hiring and to drop off your resume and I don’t have time for all that. I just want a fucking serving job and there’s literally nothing, and the places I’ve applied to are almost an hour drive but they haven’t gotten back to me anyway. I moved from a big city to a small town and I’m regretting it so hard.


Destined for Less

Are younger generations destined to just work and work until the roll over and die? I am seeing good people turn into zombies and hallow shells of their former selves by grinding just to get ahead. What is the point for us? Whatever returns we may get will never get us to where out parents are today. So are we just destined for less?


Amazon hit by strikes, protests across Europe during Black Friday


Lying on applications

Do you guys do it? How do you go about it? I feel underqualified for most work I'm applying for, so I try to fluff and exaggerate things that can't be verified, like certain areas of experience like “leadership”


My bosses boss let me work sick and I feel awful about it

(Sorry if this post is worded really weird, I have no idea how to put this neatly into a short post) Recently I got sick with some form of respiratory illness. I called my boss, and he directed me to the store owner (he's the guy who owns the pizza joint, and he's the guy who actually said school comes second to work as he told my boss to tell me that's why he changed the schedule) who said it's not serious and that pizza gets cooked at high temperature anyways so it's fine (never mind the fact that I'm in charge of making salads, sauces, and other ready to eat items that don't get cooked) and so I went to work because I didn't want to be fired. Just a few days later, everyone else working there got sick too. I feel terrible, because my bosses (not store owner)…


Just trying to survive?

23f trying to find happiness in my life. I wake up, go to work from 8-5, come home and go to bed. I feel no joy and feel like I cannot go anywhere or do anything Becuase I have to save money to move into a place that I don’t make too much money for. I’m exhausted! My partner and I just don’t know what to do at this point. Is this just how it is?


I’ve HAD IT with employers rewarding poor employees and abusing the good. – a rant.

I just need to vent man. Last week this coworker (Call her Karen) screamed at my manager and quit her job. Head office then calls me and asks me to work her Saturday shift. Sure no problem boss. Friday boss tells me Karen is “willing to work her Saturday shift after all” and takes the shift back off my schedule. Then on Saturday. Karen bails 15 min before her shift. They call me and say it’s you or we have to close the store. I admit my boss I haven’t slept since before my shift on Friday. (It’s now Saturday- 24+ hours with no sleep) Boss basically says come in or it’s my job. So I go in. Only to find out I now also have to work Monday too. Not because Karen is fired. But because she’s being given the “week off she wanted” I-I have no words. I’ll…