
Guilt for complaining at work.

I seem to be putting myself on a guilt trip, because one day I complained out loud at my work. I won't say what I do, but I work at a busy place in the evening Mon-Fri, 37.5 hours a week. Sometimes work goes later than when my shift is supposed to end and I don't get overtime for it. There is no extra incentive for me to stay longer, so I complained to a sympathizing coworker, but others heard it and talked behind my back about it. What is this culture of “suck it up and do your job”? Am I slave? Do I not deserve overtime if I am being asked to stay later than what my contract says? What's worse is throwing me under the bus is not in their own interests. The bosses LOVE that shit. Keep everyone divided and never try to improve conditions. It…


Worst boss you’ve ever had.

I’ll start off with saying I’m glad that I no longer work at this place. I used to work at a retail store that primarily focused on office supplies. Desk chairs, printers, staplers, paper, some computers, etc. When I started it all worked well. I was labeled essentially as the tech sales lead. I would be in charge of the tech department and whenever a customer would be in the department I’d be assigned to essentially hound them from the time they stepped into my department until they left with our sales quotas. I admit that I am not a salesman. I don’t believe in talking people into buying things they don’t need. Albeit this was a temporary job so try as I must while I worked there until I found a new job after I moved to a new town. All things were going well until the store traded…


Have all the “good” jobs been taken?

I come across a job that seems great, until I lookup employee reviews and customer reviews from multiple sources and they all say avoid, add to that their constant re-advertising of the same job, it seems like everything out there is the dregs, left overs from companies that are only looking to exploit. Or is this just jobs in general?


Let’s say it together

Fuck HR. That is all!


I’m just trying to take out my sick pay…. Please explain why is has to be in multiples of four


My manager asked me if wanted to take time off in December, should I be worried?

Basically my manager asked me if I wanted more days off in December because it’s Christmas and a part time colleague has over a week free so can take my shifts. I politely declined and said I needed the money. His generous offer was completely out the blue but should I be worried?


Uniform Policy at Chick Fil A


My boss who has their own office turns down our workspace temperatures even in winter.

My boss has their OWN climate controlled office but occasionally walks through our workspaces (doesn’t even work there, just walks through or stops to talk to us). They prefer a freezing office space and make us suffer through it. I live somewhere with a cold ass winter and everyday my boss will fight with us to turn the thermostats back down any time we slightly turn it up. I work in a big office so it’s not like my boss is personally responsible for the heat bill and we never make it unreasonably warm, just bearable. It’s just “too warm for her” when the rest of us are freezing even though she sits in her own damn office all day. In fact I often wear sweaters to work and I can’t stand how cold I get, other people bring blankets. Seriously, we need blankets (even when it’s not cold out)?…


I don’t understand what’s going on at work

I started working at a company in February, this is my graduate first job after university. I’m my boss’s first and only employee but he merged with another company and I work in the other company’s office. However, they belong to the other company. Over the summer and just before summer my boss paid for me to get on a course to start taking clients, I passed the course and he started training me in august. But since august he stopped, he gave me a lot of praise and said I’d be able to go forward but that was it. This wasn’t even a promotion, just more responsibility. My boss hasn’t come into the office for a month, he hasn’t trained me since august, he arranged a meeting with me to talk about my absent level. I was unfortunate enough to be really sick for 5 days so this is…


Chomsky on having a job