
If you want to be double insured, it’ll cost you an extra $100 a month because fuck you.

Multi-billion dollar company I work for decided that their Healthcare costs too much. So they're charging us an extra $100 PER MONTH. Healthcare in the US is broken, and corporations want to keep it that way.


Going away party

On mobile forgive formatting So I work for a consulting company. Massive layoffs going around. One person resigns Then the office manager sends out invites for a going away party for the person who resigned…..with 30 invitees 15 of them (including my self) having their last day that week due to layoff….. What the hell


Suburban pancake house ordered to pay $110K to employees for wage violations


I have to write a review for myself after a year when all my projects were delayed

Anyone know to translate … “I did everything you dorks asked me to do while being provided nothing in return but headaches because this place is an unorganized shit show that has no money” Into professional?


Funny, somewhat predictable outcome.

I was a construction worker for 25 years. Asphalt. For the last 9 years at a company that was great to work at for the first 5. The owner really took care of us, great money and work life balance. The owner built the company from the ground up. Could run any machine and do any job on site, knew every aspect and could do it all. He knew what it was like to work really long hours, which is the norm for the industry, he did his best to not work his guys to burnout levels, we would work 45 to 50 hours a week.He was getting older and wanted to take a step back so he “sold” the company to his son. His intentions were to protect the company and the workers rather than sell out to a bigger company so they could pick it apart like a…


Tired of convoluted hiring processes

So after months of applying, getting interviews, and hearing nothing back, I finally got a job offer. They wanted to hire me there on the spot. I accepted and was excited because I have a friend that works there and the pay is great. Wasn’t the most ideal job but I’m just looking for a job that pays well at this point if possible. Well, they had apparently changed systems this year and had a new hiring process. They said it could take 3-6 weeks. My interview was 2 weeks ago. I don’t have access to a computer, but it says it’s easy to do on your phone. Good, I can do that. It’s a background check that leads into a drug screen. I thought it was weird the company didn’t do it itself but whatever. I completed the background check but was confused because it didn’t lead into anything…


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…are you sure about that Vox?


Recruiter won’t pay

I started a new job and we don't have access to the timesheet system since it's a new system and there's a lot of people onboarding at once. I told the recruiter this yet the recruiter won't accept anything but a timesheet screenshot from the company's system. Until then we cannot get paid. Is this legal ? I called the recruiters payroll team yesterday and they told me submit an email to my lead and they would accept it. Then today someone else on the payroll team with the recruiter said they won't accept the email. As far as I understand, as long as I worked those hours, the recruiter has to pay.


Why am I not getting any calls back

I’m 21, about to graduate undergrad (and go to grad school after a gap year) and I’m searching for a simple job. My town has had a recent population and business boom. When I was in high school, I could pick up a job easy. At the beginning of the year I secured 3 jobs. Now, I can’t get anything. I improved my resume a lot and am even applying to jobs that’ll only pay me $13/hr. What is going on??????


Thus movie scene has an the biggest impression on me since the first day of my first job. Without union’s this is the capitalist dream. I was lucky to have great teachers in high school who made a point about unions and labor. They made us watch old labor strike movies. They explained government really well. I've always loved reading about politics. John Stewart was another comedian who was really a politician for the small man. Also this scene alone shows you that one manager who really has no real power taking wages away. Stealing wages sorry. This is the big conservative love line They spew everywhere. The capitalist dream. What dream??. Working all day every day for the rich to not pay taxes and change laws?? Rant over.