
Should I be getting paid to be on standby?

I'm currently working a casual role, paid hourly (contract says working hours are 9 – 5, but of course thats just general). However, there are multiple days where I am not given a task, or any instructions on what to do next after I have finished the previous task. I open my laptop at 9am every morning, and just sit around waiting for my supervisors to give me something to do. I cant even bring myself to leave the house for an hour during “lunch” time, incase my supervisors want to have an impromptu meeting during that time (which has actually happened, luckily I was still at home). I have also gone to the office, as it helps me focus more, but was not given any work that day until they called for a meeting at 2pm. So I wasted petrol and time driving there during peak hours, to just…


How to deal with a pack of Sociopaths?

The upper management group I work with is a total group of sociopaths, I’m looking for another job but I get tired of the constant politics gas lighting and throwing of shade. Nobody where I work ever gets ahead on their own merit, just how well they can perpetuate a clown show for corporate and throw shade on others. This has led to a toxic environment full of lazy people managing the place, and unmotivated people that have the misfortune to report to those same people. Any tips on how to beat these style of people at their own game?


everyday is the same

clock in, get yelled at by customers, feel like i’m in everyone’s way, clock out and then my paycheck is like nothing


You want me to chill?

My mom's story from about 10 years ago. Cracked my cousin and I up so I thought I'd post it here. My mom (“Beth”) was in a meeting with her boss (“George”) and about ten other people. She was talking about something (a safety issue in one of their plants IIRC) and George wanted her to stop talking to he said, “Beth, chill.” My mom didn't particularly like being spoken to in that way, but she stopped talking. Later in the meeting, George wanted her to comment on something and she wasn't saying anything, so he said, “Beth, do you have anything to add on this?” And she said, “No, I'm chilling as directed, George.”


“Unlimited” PTO Policy

I just found out my company's Unlimited PTO Policy not really Unlimited. My manager capped at 20 days per year. Has this happened to you? How did you handle it? I know that it's never really unlimited, but I was hoping to get at least 30 days off, and not just 20.


How can a corporation make a mistake and yet I get the axe for it

This is my first post here, I have a question. Why in the world am i to blame for my seller store being suspended? For context here I had this Etsy account for less that a week, I made a paypal preemptivly for Etsy sales and potential side gigs. Setting up the store wouldn't have been so hard after getting the merch and store name and all that jazz. I finally was able to set up shop on Wednesday/ I then linked a debit card as the way I would pay for the Etsy fees and enabled auto billing. Sometime after my store is up and running, but when I logged on today to check on my store (Friday), It was suspended for $0.60 in unpaid fees, I looked at my bank account and I still have not recived a single charge from Etsy even tho auto-billing was enabled to…


Company doesn’t want to give an enough raise

So I've been working in the company (picking up startup) for 3 years and I am the most senior employee. I see that I am very valuable and I am fair and working hard. I am from Poland, the company is from Belgium. My salary is at least 50% lower than enployees in the origin country. I propose 25% of the rise and I got response with 12% of raise and if I don't accept it then good bye. I tried to negotiate to 20, 17, 15% but nothing. Only I have to tell do I accept it becaude they need to adjust to the situatuation (in the other words – you take it or see ya). I understand the differences in the economics, but really? Is it normal around the companies that they prefer waist more money and time in searching and learning new employee in HR proccess? I…


(NC) Need Advice: Employer wouldn’t tell me how much PTO I have and now says I overused

Hello! The position is through a recruiting/contracting agency (3rd party recruiters find employees to work for their customers) The contract agency is responsible for distributing my paycheck and handling my benefits (including PTO) I reached out to the contracting agency multiple times over months to ask them how much PTO I have and if there is a way to check (my paystub has never updated to be reflective of accrual or even the amount of PTO I had used. It has a start, earned, taken, and leave balance that have all remained at 0 despite my taking leave and my supposed to have been accruing time) and was ignored every time. I know I was ignored and the emails were seen because they have 1) responded to the emails, but addressed other things, and 2) one of the emails provided my new address, and they updated my paystub, so I…


Rant about the shite we have to take

I work as a carer assistant for the elderly, honestly almost all the residents are bloody wonderful! However the management is utterly dreadful! we had to deal with 27 residents between only 4 members of staff (alot of times it's just been 2,once just me.) we had no gloves to protect ourselves and residents, and were told to get on with it or leave. we were told to not take our breaks because we fell behind a member of staff ligit fainted from exhaustion, yet they still won't assign enough staff, they just take staff from other areas (often the dementia care side (which needs 5,because 1 person is needed in the lounge) I keep getting pressure into staying a 12 hour shift, the nurse keeps guiling me to do it. If I didn't genuinely love seeing the residents and need money i just wouldn't show up. I didn't even…


Got screwed by corporate america this week

So, currently I'm employed with an ad firm and have been contracted in to a large corporation for the last year and a half. I work exclusively with this team and consider them my coworkers. In the last 6 months they've been pushing hard to bring my role internally and went ahead with approaching my boss about hiring me and cancelling my contract for 2024 once HR approved the role to go internally. Well, 2 weeks ago they posted the role and had so many applicants that now I will not even be allowed to post for my current job as planned. I'm absolutely devastated to say the least and the person who is the top applicant was someone I considered a mentor and friend – and knew I'd be likely unemployed if they applied. Luckily my firm is being super supportive and scrambling to find me something and supposedly…