
I’ve seen this way too often in the U.S.

What's up with the American mindset when it comes to work (specifically those in a position of even a little power)? It's honestly really, really annoying to see myself or others get mistreated at different jobs, because we do the tiniest things to “inconvenience” someone else for a few moments. I'm originally from Germany, but have lived in the States for a good 15 years and completely understand why a lot of people don't want to work anymore – bad/abusive/crazy & constant micro management from management (aside from the obviously underpaid majority of us). I see comparisons between Germany and the U.S. all the time. Germany on one hand has actual worker rights when it comes to vacation, sick time, healthcare, paternity leave, or a much healthier balance between life and work. What really made me want to just vent a little is a friend of mine complaining about their…


My boss ate my snack

You won't believe what happened to me at work. I was in the office, and it was time for my coffee break, so I went. I had packed some pieces of watermelon at home, really looking forward to eating them. So, I opened the fridge, and it wasn't there. I checked on top, below, nothing. I left the kitchen and went to talk to my supervisor. She casually says, “Was that your watermelon? I love watermelon and couldn't resist.” I couldn't believe it at that moment. I started laughing; it was true. It's just one of those things employees go through. Now it's a joke at work, haha.


Fed up with shitty managers (long rant!)

Title truly says it all. back up acct bc my manager stalks her employees social media accounts (confirmed by other coworkers) Before I start, If I post this in the wrong sub lmk and direct me to the correct sub please! Pre context: I’m diagnosed with autism but mask well enough for the public to think I’m normal. LMFAOOOO Context: When interviewing for my current job, I said that I was a fast learner, which was true! I really did catch on quick before I caught Covid a week before I was meant to start and it fucked my brain cognitive and mental function. I’m noticeably slower now when trying to learn things, and it frustrates me to no end. I can tell my manager is seeing this too and thinks I’m full of shit or whatever. Which is fine, I can see from her point of view since I’m…


Insurance company ended my contract early

I work for an insurance company (one that just had a major layoff earlier in the year). They ended my contract early. Now they're saying I was never in a contract, and are fighting with me to supply my contract documents so that I can see if they have to pay me for my full contract term. I came into the company on a 6-month contract, which I signed. After my time was up, they offered me a full-time role but told me they had to take some time to create my position so that I could formally apply in their system. As a placeholder, they put me on a “temporary” 1-year contract, and told me I'd only be in the 1-year for a few weeks. After a few weeks passed, they walked back my full-time role offer. They told me the company was in a hiring freeze and that…


Reverse Hiring

'Reverse hiring', the sneaky way to get rid of staff without them realising ( I didn't realize this happens. A firm or manager hires an external recruiter to solicit a current employee the firm wants to remove, instead of firing or laying that person off. We live in strange times.


I want to quit but don’t have an alternative

I studied at and art school, trying to become an artist, making paintings, characters, 2D animations, whatever, but out of the school, the only jobs I can find in Italy, are working at bar or at markets, that's it. Now I'm working at a bar for 8€ per hour, I want to quit, but can't find and alternative. I'm thinking to find maybe an online remote work, maybe animator, character designer, but even italian translator it's fine, but how do I do? Where do I go?


Creating a Union

Where to start?


Should he file for unemployment?

My first post so apologies ahead of time. This did not happen to me but a close friend. He works at a low end retail store and was assaulted by a customer. He has filed charges against the customer. He has since been suspended pending investigation and is no longer on the schedule but not fired. Can he file for unemployment in Texas ? Will add any info that I can.


Live & Let Live OR Burn that Bridge?

Hey all. I’m seeking advice to either move on and let go or burn my previous boss to help the last remaining friends I have there? As for the background details, I recently left my last job a few months ago due to a toxic manager. I’m happy with that decision and so are the 3 other employees who left since the beginning of the year all because of him. As of this week, the 2 employees that replaced me have been struggling. 1 quit on the spot and the other has admitted it’s a struggle because of the manager. I found out today he’s spinning the situation that they just couldn’t cut it. Other coworkers are also talking about leaving because of him. If you’ve kept count, that is 5 employees in 11 months that have left because of him. We all hate this guy but the crappy thing…


Disputing Overpayment?

Former employer sent me an invoice billing me for my entire paycheck in April, claiming they overpaid me. When I asked about it I was told they are billing my April paycheck as overpayment to make up for an overpayment that occurred in October of last year. I’m no longer an employee, and in Michigan an employer only has 6 months from overpayment to make deductions to an employee’s wages (and has to notify them 1 pay period before they do so), and these deductions can’t be more than 15% of gross pay (they’re billing my entire month’s pay). They’re backdating, but whether they’re claiming overpayment in October 2022 or April 2023 their 6-month window has passed and I’m not even an employee any more. How valid is their invoice and can I successfully dispute it?