
why is it like a crime to be unambitious?

i don’t want to work any more than i am. i don’t wanna move up. i don’t even wanna change jobs. if i had it my way, i would work here until i retire. better yet, not work at all.


New job, already hell

I've been at this job a little over a month and I've already spent a couple nights rage scrolling indeed, which is pretty much a new record for me, but today takes the cake. There are a million things I could complain about (coworker hostility, lack of management support, 8 hour turnaround times between shifts) but the one thing I absolutely don't tolerate from a job is messing with my pay. I've received three checks since I started this job. The first one has no issues – I was still training and had only worked day shifts so no real issues. The second check felt a little light but I thought I was imagining it. Then an HR rep sent me an email informing me they didn't give me my pay differential (I had started training graveyard shift and should've gotten an extra 50 cents an hour for those shifts).…


A victory for fast food workers

Fast-food jobs are among the lowest paid in the nation and also have some of the lowest rates of union membership. A labor law to take effect in December will make it easier for workers to organize. We dive into the issue in our latest Watchdog newsletter.


Anyone want to be my reference for work (2 people) for $30/pp on CA?

I’ll send a script of what to say and your job role & ill explain my job roles and responsibilities. Once you complete the interview and they lmk I got the job, I’ll send each $30 on cashapp asap. Pls help a fellow citzen in help. I have no one 🤧


Had to call in this morning….

I am new-ish at my job, on day 62 of my 90 day probation period. My kid got sick on the school bus this morning headed to school and I had to go pick him up. I’m having trouble finding someone to come watch my sick kid (obviously). Fridays are our busiest days. My boss’s boss says to try not to take off Fridays. So I cringed and called my boss. Her response? “It’s not a problem. If you come in late, come on in. If you need the day, take the day. Take care of your baby. Breathe, you sound stressed.” 🤯 I’m in my 30s and I’ve NEVER worked for or with people so great. They’ve been amazing since day one. I’m a single mom of two and my son is autistic. He rides a special bus to a special school. During the interview I asked my now-boss…


UAW members on strike against CVR Nitrogen. The company rejected 4% yearly raises and attacked their 401(k).


Shift is understaffed

People that leave are not replaced at my work. The remaining people are lazy and when someone takes off, it puts a lot of burden on the remaining employees. Is there anything I can do legally, cus it's affecting my mind. Ontario, Canada. Federally regulated company.


I don’t care about my job.

I can’t tell if this is because my job pays a dollar over ONT new min wage or if it’s because I am used to a harder work life. Management doesn’t seem to care all that much. The job interview mentioned lower pay. The coworkers are all relaxed. It’s actually a nice place to work. They keep wanting better work but don’t actually have a plan. It’s funny I guess. Is it me, or is it that I took a job that’s for kids who are right out of high school or just average people who can’t find better. I might have turned into a crappy employee.


Manager has not read my resignation email

Hi everyone! I was employed at a retail store on a casual basis in April. However, I have not been rostered for 4 months (since June). During this time I've found another job more related to the degree I am studying. Over time, I've completely forgotten the availability days I've put down as they require staff to do so one month in advance and I have been so overwhelmed with my other 2 jobs and exams and assignments. Recently, I randomly decided to check my roster and it turns out I have been rostered to work tomorrow (Saturday). I immediately sent a resignation to my manager over email effective immediately, yet I have not received a response and it has been over three days. Now I am wondering if I should still show up for my shift and if I don't, what should I say when they contact me?


So now I’m a fucking property manager/office assistant/ JANITOR??!!

They’ve been dirtying up this place the whole month I’ve been here. There’s a ducking orange ring around the toilet. According to them it’s MY JOB TO CLEAN THE WHOLE OFFICE AS WELL AS MY OTHER DUTIES!! I don’t want to say I quit but I don’t want to say I’m not comfortable doing that and then get fired and not be able to collect unemployment. I’m in NY btw. They said that it’s in the list they put on the notes app in the iPad for things I have to do but I never saw it until she said something. They could’ve at least reminded me before a month went by and everything got so disgusting. I have to do it before the end of the day. How tf am I showing off houses, entering things in their tax software and fucking scrubbing toilets all in the same day?!…