
Supportive bosses. It’s real or just and illusion?

In general… My bosses seam to be supportive of me and my decisions. However… do they do it just because they are afraid to lose me? Do they really trust me? I feel most companies nowadays will replace you in 3 secs if they need to. How committed/loyal should you be to your job?


The pros and cons


Update on my Grievance

So, I got laid off on the 9th. That they told me was it was due to reasons related to my neurological development disability, but also it wasn't (they decided it wasn't related, but told me my exact symptoms when explaining the termination). Anyway, the Union was given a completely different letter using the collective bargaining agreements language that stated I just wasn't a good fit. Now my probation was extended at my request because I wanted more training and the company still failed to provide that training & coaching in the extended probation period. They just kept telling me everything was fine and other then personal stuff that wasn't job related (like wanting me to change my detergent) never indicated beyond demanding I work faster despite me getting everything done within expected timeframes, that something wasn't working or I was doing something wrong. So a week after submitting an…


So apparently instead of spending 15k on sandwiches and coffees you should make it at home for 99 cents, savings and investing the rest

This guy claims that apparently we spend 15k a year on Starbucks and sandwiches. I just did the math myself and I actually spend on average 2k a year and that's me ordering three times a week. I usually skip lunch and maybe get a coffee every few days which means I'm spending roughly 800 a year. If I were to add that to my savings each year y'all wanna know what I would have? An additional 800 a year in savings. It's hilarious that these jackasses that rake in millions a year think we can budget poor pay and unnecessarily high inflation


Not festive enough

I think my coworkers and boss have not caught on to the fact that I hate my job. Any job. I hate the customers, I hate the mall, I hate the company- all of it. So when I told them for black friday I would be in all black, with heavy makeup and a permanent frown they did not think I would. I don’t know why. But now I’m getting passive aggressive comments about not being festive enough. “Well your look screams NYE, not really Christmas…Well I don’t know how we’ll get our picture for corporate…Well Gee! You look so intimidating- I hope you’ll have a smile on so customers know you’re friendly hahaha! Well someone might mistake you for a customer, you look so out of place! Well maybe we can just take off the black lipstick?” Well, well, well, well…. Pleased to report that dressing like a very…


Should I apply to other jobs?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I just saw my job was posted online 10 days ago, with the same requirements and everything. My supervisor isn’t responsive when I email, or text her for anything. Any interaction we have, has been her praising my work. Nothing has been mentioned to me about my quality of work or anything. They wanted a Spanish speaker for my position but because I speak another language, they were able to bypass the bilingual requirement. Before they hired me, they had the position open for 8 months. 🤷‍️ Should I worry? Should I start looking for other jobs?


This is amazing. It has helped me understand how we got to this point , this “dysfunctional” system of employment hell.


On the brink of being self employed. Any advice?

I've been at a lot of my talents and hobbies for years and I'm finally gettinf recognition and customers. If it wasn't for this job I'd be all in on what I'm doing. Im tired of working for people who decide my pay for me. Forced to deal with people constantly. Little to no room for enrichment of long term skills. The music over the speakers. Unfulfilling busy work and the idol time I could spend doing something to actually help me in the future. Being around people who are sick and should've stayed home. Having to wait on others for even a break. Only spikes of high moral and having to pretend I'm happy. I don't want to be toldto stick to a regular job when I've done this all before I had the knowledge I have now. I have dreams that are more than dreams and I'm not…


Get fucked Phony Stark

Elon is a little mad about facing powerful unions.


I won’t let my boss drag me because I’m the newest employee

I have an office job that is quite repetitive and to have a product many departments work simultaneously, one person in notified when one stage is completed to move to the next one. No biggie, right? Well, this person didn't do his job right and I get a passive agressive email for not scrutinizing his job before starting the next stage. We are all adults and every time they send an email I shouldn't feel like I need to grade their job, I have catched a few things here and there but it was literally the easiest scenario they could get and he still managed to mess it up. I'm not this person's boss and he has been here way before I was hired, why do they want to clean their hands on me?? If someone is getting clocked should be him for literally not doing his job. Inconsistencies on…