
Is anyone else having a hard time finding a new job?

I’ve interviewed at 20 places and none of them hired me. I’m so stressed and discouraged.


A moment of respect for all those working today.

Today should be a day spent with family, enjoying leftovers, and relaxing before the weekend. To all retail workers forced to show up today to accommodate the glorified consumerism of “Black Friday”, you are noticed and we care for you!


I’ve lost all motivation

As someone who has worked since they were 21, nonstop, in corporate America (20 years), I have definitely seen a shift in my motivation to care about anything for my employer. Work has seriously sucked the life out of me. I used to be motivated and care (early 30’s?), but having to balance work and life has ruined me. I see others enthusiastically share ideas in meetings while I barely speak. I dread sitting at my desk all day and count down the minutes until I am out of there. I avoid my coworkers and employees because I just don’t care. How do people do this?! I’m not even close to retiring so I need to figure out how to get happy…


“Curtailment” days at my workplace- no worker agency to take time off or work.

I have Thanksgiving off, as its a federal holiday. What is odd is the “curtailment” day that follows. On this Black Friday my workplace is closed. But I'm not paid for today. I either take my own annual leave, or take a pay cut for the day. Either way, I have no agency as a worker to make the choice to work or take time off. This lack of choice seems wrong to me. If my place of work is closing, either give me the day off or allow me to come in to work to get paid. Has anyone else experienced this treatment on Black Friday?


America is broken right now. It feels like there’s no hope for a better future no matter how hard you try

I got laid off by a big Fortune 500 company that boasts about having billion-dollar revenues every single quarter. The reason? Unprecedented economic times. Just threw me out, told me to fight to get back into the company and acted like I was some ordinary person off the streets even though I'd been recognized, went above and beyond, worked late nights, worked on weekends, went to forced corporate fun like kickball and stuff like that… But it didn't matter how much effort and time I had put in for the company, it was just here we're going to throw you out on the street and you can fight tooth and nail to try and get back in… So after 2500 applications all with cover letters, hiring a resume writer that had thousands of good reviews, making myself look like an all-around excellent candidate… I got a whopping 10 interviews, five…


‘Reverse hiring’, the sneaky way to get rid of staff without them realising


Cynical Manager Trying to Catch Me Off Work Time

I am a unionized hospital worker in critical care, I was sick for two days but was going back to work Friday (today). My manager says I have to be 24 hour symptom free which hasn’t occurred yet so basically she's forcing me to stay home sick due to hospital policy which is fine. The issue is that I had previous plans that were made months ago, to go to a concert last night but I decided not to go due to being sick. My manager knows I was going to go because a coworkers kid was babysitting for me. That coworker must have told our manager that I was going to a concert the same day I was calling in sick to work and would be calling in the next day also due to this return to work policy. My manager accidentally sent me a message saying “we just…


Looking for a volunteer to test my open source labor automation AI project.

I personally think people shouldn't have to trade time for resources. I think we should automate everything we can and share the resulting prosperity, instead spending time with the people / places / things we love. We're not there yet. But the leap AI has taken over the past year or so has gotten us a lot closer. ​ I'm developing an open source product to fully automate jobs. My business goal is to launch a company with this (free / open source) product that, after helping people automated their jobs (because employers need you to train your replacement for AI automation to go smoothly), helps negotiate with employers to keep paying the employee to hand over their automation workflow (which the AI figures out just talking to you, the employee) in return for X years of continued pay at 100% for no work except coaching the AI if it…


How do you plan a 2 day vacation activities?

I have 2 day vacation period as I want to unwinding from the routine and from my exhaustive work. However I don’t know how to organize my day, I want to get full rest but not waste all the 2 days on Netflix. How do you plan your short vacations? Thanks!


If asked for the impossible, it’s OK (good actually) to not deliver

Hell, it doesn't have to be impossible, just impossible within the constraints of your working life. My co-worker is insisting on getting started on a project that hasn't been signed off yet and that we don't even have full requirements for because “there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline”. I've tried to reason with them, and to my face they will agree that particular things need to wait, but then they will just carry on with the work anyway. I think they're panicking. I wish I could make them understand that if there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline, and you've communicated that, then the thing to do is to not get it done. All you're doing otherwise is reinforcing the idea that our estimates and concerns can be ignored with no consequences. If something can't be done within the allocated time…