
Black Friday blahs

Any other desk jockeys out there working? No? Just me? Cool. While my entire family is home hanging out. I'm not bitter at all. Days after holidays before the weekend suck.


Quit my fast food job.

So I work at a fast food restaurant and I no longer want to work there. How do I quit? Do I just stop showing up to work?


Should PTO / sick days be mandated?

I find that far too often. Jobs are really cheap about PTO and sick pay. I don't think anyone should ever have to feel ashamed for calling out of work when they're actually sick or are dealing with a difficult illness. The system is set up so that you feel a sense of shame or guilt whenever you call out of work and if you have no PTO or sick days to use, you're just giving yourself a strike by doing so until you no longer have a job. I think the skimpiness of PTO and sick pay, especially in the entry level jobs is bananas. I worked at health insurance company that considered incidents and PTO the same using a PTO day counted as an incident and after 10 incidents you would be terminated. I know people who work in the service industry as social workers, nurses, therapists etc.…


Wondering abt the work conditions in india

To preface this, I'm living with my parents who still work from home. The other day I heard them talking abt how the traditional arguments abt how the employer needs the employee don't work because even if you consider only 10% of the population is qualified for their job – 150million -'that there's enough competition to replace you easily. This means you have to suck it up and do overtime, work on Saturday etc. Thoughts?


My work makes us work the day after Thanksgiving

Yet most of management has taken the day off. This double standard pisses me off to no end.


Tried to call off work because I was sick as shit, boss says no to me but yes to worker who “had an assignment pop up”

2 weeks ago I texted my boss at 4ish AM letting him know I was sick as fuck and didn’t get any sleep. He says I can come in an hour or two later then when I was scheduled. I say awesome, and thank him for his understanding. I would have preferred the day off but I was grateful for what I could get. Fast forward to this week, on Monday we had 3 of our employees call out. For reference, we only have 5 staffing the store during our busiest hours and 2-3 during the slower hours. Because of the 3 that called out I was forced to work open to close. I try to be as understanding as I can, but the excuses they had for calling out were ridiculous. The first called out because he was sick, same sickness I had and I believe he actually caught…


I felt so humiliated by my latest internship. Is this normal?

I am a fourth year Computer Science University student. I recently completed a 6 month web development internship in a small start up company. Immediately after I started, I regretted my decision to join the company. The new batch of interns consisted of me and 1 other student. There were two older interns who did a one week “handover” to us, and then left the company afterwards. Other than that, there was one “senior developer” who was working part time and outsourced from an overseas agency. We were only able to contact him for questions via WhatsApp during his working hours, which was 3 hours a day. He did not look through our work or provide any other sort of supervision. Other than him, there was no other tech educated person in the company. We reported directly to the CEO, who would give us tasks to do, but was also…


The CEO called everyone to the office today to sing a 5 hour choir

I just couldn't believe, i arrived at the office today seeing everyone in the cleaned office workspace, with all desks removed. Then my coworkers called me to rush in, it was the CEO, leading a singing class with nearly everyone in the company, everyone were singing a chorus/choir and i had to get in and start singing too. It was 4 hours long of cringe and embarassment (some people have arrived an hour earlier and that to endure 5 hours) i could see in the faces of other people that some were creatly discomforted, there was a girl in the verge of crying. And all of that because the board wanted to show that “working at the office is much better for productivity and targets.” The CEO ended the whole thing complaining how horrible was working from home, that she needed the human interaction, and how exhausted she at the…


I don’t need a job and I feel great. There’s nothing good that having a job would do for me

I have a lot of passive income now, enough that I'll be living very comfortably doing whatever the f I want for at least the next couple of decades and no this isn't a joke I don't feel bad. Society hasn't ever done anything good for me that i should feel thankful for so why should I contribute to the system that hasn't done jackshit for me? They wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire. I can wake up whenever the f I want, do whatever the f I want, whenever and whereever the f I want. And no I don't employ people, I just got passive income, a LOT of passive income now And yes, I want to be a “unproductive, useless leech” at least that's what society would call me if I said these words Im sure. But who cares? Literally the only reason a reasonable…


Overtime in quarter end

I work in finance and we're expected to work a lot of overtime (average week 50-55 hours for two consecutive weeks) at the end of the quarter. Since I was hired, it was establish that beyond a certain number of hours we could accumulate our time and take it off later as vacations. My boss met the whole team last week to tell us that he no longer wanted to recognize our overtime, that it was normal to do some because we have professional-level jobs. My colleagues are really angry. But to be honest, all I can do is tell myself that I'm going to give myself my own vacations, never full days, but afternoons or a couple hours in the morning. Since we’re all WFH 3 days a week, as long as it's not too much he can't even tell if I'm away.