
Whoever saw my post an hour ago!

Deleted it bc I was getting paranoid about company staff seeing it ! It was the one about asserting London Living Wage is £13.15 when the manager was saying that it was £11.95 (this figure is from over a year ago) It felt good to get some solidarity in my corner and it’s been sorted out now ! But yeah kind reminder to self advocate wherever you can, I know it’s easier said than done 🫶 Big love to u all xx


Btw…I attempted a binding spell for one of my supervisors after I quit.

Disclaimer: This post is meant to be lighthearted and not meant to insult those whose seriously practice Wicca or other belief systems that recognize spell work. I'm actually curious about all of it. So please don't read too much into this. So, yeah I keep a journal and I had wrote down all the things that one supervisor did that I definitely took as taunting me and bullying me. Always nitpicking and threatening me that she will tell the GM I'm doing this or that. It was all minor things. I lowkey think that she was attracted to me physically but as a proud gay man I simply never paid her that kind of attention. She would from time to time reference her titties or her hips. *Which I think that does count as sexual harassment technically. Not sure. The thing is as a man I don't think I ever…


How to survive boring jobs?

I just got hired at a movie theatre and it's one of the less busy ones in the city. In between cleaning theatres, there's really not much to do. I had my second training shift yesterday and I had 4 1/2 hours of downtime in between films and there was literally nothing to do. We're only allowed (1) 30 minute unpaid break throughout our shift, no other 15's and this is the first time I've ever worked somewhere where we're not allowed 15s + our lunch break. It's one of those jobs where you can't sit down and you need to make yourself look busy and it's only minimum wage. I only took it because I needed a new job to pay rent and save some money. How do people survive in these jobs? I'm trying to find a servers job currently and I've been having a hard time because…


My 64 year old mother keeps getting yelled at by her managers – what can I do?

As the title says, my mother keeps getting shouted at by her managers. This is not a daily thing, but it's often enough where it's upsetting. She has high blood pressure and take medications for it. This is not the first time this has happened and I have already complained to HR about these 2 managers. The majority of the time things are fine at her work but every once in a while, the store manager yells at her about something. This has happened in front of other employees but not in front of customers as she works in the back room. Over the past 20 years that she has had at this job, this has happened over 10 times but it has only been documented with company HR 3-4 times. HR said they would get this resolved with this manager but clearly nothing has changed. My mother speaks broken…


Fries Prank!

i deserve to not work and shoot fast food all day


Judge rejects attempt to enshrine abortion rights on Nevada ballot


Unaccountable power is the problem, whether that’s government or private.

I am left wing, probably somewhere within the socialist label – does that mean I would support communism as in the form of the USSR? – not at all, because whether it's the private owner of your company, or a government official, anywhere there is such a power imbalance leads to authoritarianism and abuse.


Horrible Job Sent Me a Bill After I Quit

So I had a horrible, horrible job for about 9 months. The mandatory overtime was ridiculous, the coming in on Saturdays was almost every weekend. It got so bad I couldn’t make plans with my family because I never knew when I was getting off work or if I had to work Saturday. They got all the employees together one day and announced we had made so much profit they were giving us all a big raise and a bonus!! Everyone was excited until the $0.25 raise and $500 bonus was handed out. It was a slap in the face so we was promised pizza every Saturday we worked like that somehow made up for it. Well about a week later I walked out of there. A week after that I got a bill in the mail for the $500 bonus!! I laughed as I crumpled up the paper and…


The time my supervisors reprimanded me for ‘not looking happy enough’

I worked at a famous food chain restaurant for a yr when I was 18. At my first progression meeting, I got told that although I complete all my duties diligently and in good time, they are not happy because I do not look happy, apparently. Spent a whole hour being told that we're a family and that I should smile more, not at customers (which I did) but at them lol. Thing is, I wasn't even unhappy, I'd just show up, do the job and leave. I actually had some very good friends who I still keep in touch with 10 yrs later. Funniest thing is, those two supervisors never asked me if there is anything they could do to help. Family is supposed to help each other right . This company recently got dragged over the news for not paying its employees overtime (illegal here) and I got…


Project Going in Wrong direction | Needs Help

The project that I am associated with in my company is going in wrong direction in almost all design and code aspects. I have been not abled to make teammates explain why their design is wrong. But I am not finding it right integritely to just support them and keep doing the wrong thing they are expecting me to do just for the job. Not sure what options do I have should I ask for change in my project or should I directly go for leaving the company and let the HR ask this question to me?