
Reflecting on 18 years at Google

I wanted to share this here in /r/antiwork because this paragraph echoed loudly in my mind: ​ Much of these problems with Google today stem from a lack of visionary leadership from Sundar Pichai, and his clear lack of interest in maintaining the cultural norms of early Google. A symptom of this is the spreading contingent of inept middle management. Take Jeanine Banks, for example, who manages the department that somewhat arbitrarily contains (among other things) Flutter, Dart, Go, and Firebase. Her department nominally has a strategy, but I couldn't leak it if I wanted to; I literally could never figure out what any part of it meant, even after years of hearing her describe it. Her understanding of what her teams are doing is minimal at best; she frequently makes requests that are completely incoherent and inapplicable. She treats engineers as commodities in a way that is dehumanising, reassigning…


Shift leader tells us a “funny” story

We work in a factory and this shift leader and few others are in charge of choosing new people to join our sector, so he told us during our lunch, he never eats with us but with other “bosses” this time he stayed overtime to cover for his colleague, so he ate with us at the same table. Him and two other had a interview with the new guy, after the guy told him his name he burst out laughing and left the recruiting office. he thought it was really funny and laughed for few minutes before coming back to finish interview which he left again after few minutes, for those wondering guys name rhymes with male genitals. Some manager at HR wanted this new guy hired because he had the skill, but shift leader told him as a excuse that “he would not fit in”, this same shift leader…


Just ‘colleague things’?

I've been working shifts at a chemical plant for 22+ years now. Some things that my colleagues do and say are somewhat weird or sometimes even scary to me. I have no idea what's okay and what isn't anymore. Could use some input here. My colleagues like to smell each other's farts. They'll walk over to another colleague, fart, and judge the smell together. They don't do it when women are around, though. Another colleague keeps talking about wanting to shoot jews and blacks while a few others cheer him on. One colleague cornered me in the break room to tell me that I'm not allowed to adopt kids because that is unnatural after he found out I'm gay. I've never talked about any of that before at work and have no intention to adopt, so that was a bit out of the blue. Another one thought I wasn't allowed…


Some Firms Are Demanding Steep Repayments If Staff Depart


Office Landlords Can’t Get a Loan Anymore


This black Friday will be the lowest grossing one in American history and I’m so glad

Capitalism is finally falling apart before our very eyes. Libs have spent the last 3 years gaslighting everyone about Joe Bidens economy, dehumanizing the poor and homeless, and even defending genocide. It's easy to find propaganda articles about the economy everywhere on the internet. But black Friday is gonna be the straw that breaks the camels back for this recession. And stores know it. Even if libs can get away with saying e-commerce and cyber Monday are what most people do nowadays, which isn't necessarily even untrue, this is the worst recession in history. We're gonna see so many stores close the next few months. Mark my words. I'm getting the hell out of this country because Americans deserve Joe Biden but I'll say this much, there are 5 million reasons he's the worst president we've ever had. please stop using his age. Not only is it irrelevant and discriminatory,…


I’m so happy I don’t work at my old job anymore

I recently quit my job at a bakery, where I worked for over a year. Despite the bakery being very busy, this job always made me feel mentally checked out. And honestly, I didn't really click with any of my coworkers. I had this one shift lead named Betty, who was a few years older than me. She wasn't a bad shift lead, but she was one of those annoying ones that can be a bit overly pretentious. We kind of got off on a rocky start, but things are better now. It was one of those long weekend days, and I was walking behind a guy packaging a cake. This guy is kind of big, and he stepped on my foot. It hurt. He turned around and looked at me and didn't say anything. I told him sorry and he just stared with his mouth open. Betty was walking…


Bullying and gossiping at work and it is exhausting

I am a newish hire at my place of employment. But for some reason, these people already can’t stand me! I literally haven’t done a thing “wrong” to anybody, or screwed anything up work wise, I have been getting glowing reviews from the higher ups, so I know it can’t be anything to do with my performance.. and i’m just so, utterly disappointed that not only to I have to work a shitty 9-5, I also have to work with stupid fucks who gossip and attempt to bully me while I am there for no apparent reason. I smile and say good morning, I am pleasant and focused on my own shit. In fact yesterday was our staff meeting, I walk into the room and say hey, and take a seat.. tell me why they all just stared at me and then burst out laughing. I have never wanted to…


Bank run boycott

Instead of trying to boycott other industries, a bank run would be far more effective. FDIC is to prevent a panic, not people intentionally attacking a single bank by withdrawing all funds out of spite. Boycotting takes time, while banks fall apart extremely fast if they are having all their money withdrawn, demands would be met rather quickly.


I got fired and I am screwed

I got fired last friday out of the blue. I was not expecting it. If I knew it was coming i would have done things differently, for example not getting my hair dyed, waiting to adopt my cat ( but now that i have her you can take her from me over my cold dead fingers) and start job hunting a lot sooner. I am freaked out and on the verge of tears of how I am going to live. I dont have a lot in savings because well I didnt have fucking time to save. I also cant go back to my abusive mother. I didnt have time to develop that nest egg. Now i am stuck trying to get a loan while unemployed because who fucking knows how long i am going to be unemployed and I cant trust that i am going to be eligible for unemployment.…