
Technology replacing your job should be liberating, not a death sentence.


“Man, it sucks you guys have to be here instead of spending the holiday with your family.”

People really are this tone-deaf and unaware, and it baffles me. My guy- I WOULDN'T be here if corporate didn't think that people like you would come and give them one more day of profit. I would GLADLY be at home with my family.


Regional Manager pulled us out of our cubicles to celebrate record sales with Subway cookies and apple juice

47 million dollars over expected quarterly earnings so far. No talks of raises or bonuses. To add insult to injury by the time I got to the cookies all that was left were oatmeal raisin


I’m somehow already exhausted reading this job description


Does Texas have Unions?

I was curious if texas has union's? I've noticed since in started in the work force people with my degree are looked down on and treated poorly. Geologist are a specialized scientist responsible for many of the resources we use as a society. I was just curious if Texas had unions and how I could look into joining one. Does my employer have to be unionized or is it an individual thing? Do I just keep getting shafted because I'm just working for poor employers? How do unions help individuals?


Thanksgiving dinner given to those who had to work


poverty, hunger, homelessness, squalor, pollution, murder, theft, addiction and inequality all exist, because the wealthy want them to.

All of humanity's most pressing and humam issues are manufactured and fabricated. They could all vanish in an instant if any of the mega wealthy and their multinational corporations had a heart. If nonprofits actually were humanitarian and philanthropic and not just a way for these entities to dodge taxes while claiming to be philanthropic humanitarians. Yet, despite the wealthiest and the self-proclaimed most intelligent people in the world being so focused on repairing these issues, and even though millions upon millions of dollars are said to go by toward each and every cause one could think of and some no one can, human civilization as a whole continues to rapidly devolve. Disintegrating into an unrecognizable and incoherent plague upon the earth that spreads like cancer and acts like cancer too. And all of this is intentional. There is enough for everyone. Every person's needs can be met with what…


Worked a different position than I was clocked in as, wasn’t compensated

Everyday I work I do our carryout until our carryout person gets there, it’s for about 3-4 hours and they REFUSE to let me clock in as carryout, but they promise me I’ll get any tips. So I’m doing my job and carryout. But not once have I ever gotten any of the tips I made. I speak to them once a week and they don’t do anything. Fast forward yesterday we do special cold prepped dinners for thanksgiving and carryout is the main job for this. For my 8 hour shift, I did carryout pretty much the whole time which consists of making these dinner boxes, running out in the rain to get them and set them back up, Bringng them to the car, and doing normal carryout stuff. HUNDREDS of orders I did. Wasn’t even clocked in as carryout for half my shift. But its fine cause I’m…


A new trend in corporate parasitism: stay-or-pay labor contracts.

Unfortunately the New York Times article is pay-walled but here is a summary: More bosses try 'stay-or-pay' move By Jake Perez, Editor at LinkedIn News Stay-or-pay clauses, where employers try to seek “reimbursements” from workers if they quit within a specific timeframe, have now seeped across the U.S. workforce. These contracts, once relegated to high-paying or specialized roles such as pilots or software engineers, affect industries that employ roughly one in every three workers, The New York Times reports, citing legal experts. Many employers offering mid- to lower-income positions — salespeople, truckers, nurses, teachers and other roles — are now using stay-or-pay clauses, including one known as the training-repayment-agreement provision, or TRAP, as a retention tool during the ongoing labor crunch. Earlier this year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report outlining the risks of employer-caused debt, including stay-or-pay clauses. Workers' rights groups say these clauses often go…


AZ minimum wage will be $14.35 starting January 1, 2024

Arizona residents voted for an increase in the minimum wage around 2016. Each year it went up until 2020. Starting in 2020 the minimum wage was increased by whatever the Consumer Price Index went up. In 2024 it will increase to $14.35 from $13.85