
Please tell me if I have a gross misunderstanding of the financial system at large, but the stock market seems to be a massive drain on humanity.

Who does it serve, really? I’m not necessarily looking to make a point, but hopefully to be proven wrong… These days our retirements are tied up and bound to the stock market. We should be grateful with the upward trends on Wall Street. Yet, the money sending company stocks ever higher comes from us. It comes from our labor. Our labor is the engine that drives the economy. It comes from our pockets. Our purchases are what powers any successful company. There has to be a better way. How many times over, again and again does a company go public, or is otherwise bought, and the product or service suffers as a result? How many concessions are made in the name of the shareholders? In the name of profit alone? Billionaires, for the most part, aren’t worth actual billions, at least not in immediate cash. Their money is their stake…


There was a riot in 1831 over the new sewing machine making tailors obsolete


I don’t know if I can coexist with capitalism

I have had multiple conversations with my mother lately about the fact that my depression keeps coming back, no matter what I do. It feels like I have tried everything, from being more social, therapy, working out, eating healthy, being outside more, finding hobby’s, trying new things etc, and every time I think ‘I just need to do this and then I’ll be happy’, which never is the case. I find myself thinking about capitalism and how most of my issues stem from it I think. I’m also neurodiverent (ASD) which makes me (currently) a ‘non-contributing’ member to society, by not working or being in education. I don’t see myself ever being independent and owning a house, having a stable job, marriage or kids. Every day that I try to ignore the system and just do whatever makes me feel good in the moment, my mind wanders off to all…


Went off on my boss about lack of communication

My workplace has crappy communication and my boss is to blame, so two days ago I point blank told him so, with everyone around. He tried to give excuses and justifications and I was having none of it. At the end of my rant, he said I was right, but I know not a damn thing will change. Why do I even care? I have come to realize I hate it here. Oh and he is such a lack luster of a manager that I know I won't be disciplined for my unprofessional outburst. All any management seems to care about is making production.


What if we started a targeted boycotting minimum wage employees

I mean it would be nice if people could we distribute this image. A general strike is not in our near by future but there are things we can do to help the working class right know.


How do I write this up?

For background, I manage two staff in a situation where we have high responsibility and little supervision. I did not ask to be manager, I was asked because I was effectively doing the job of a manager in this situation. Last week I brought up a safety issue with one of the staff, who has documented history of hostile behavior toward me, and they responded with arguing escalating toward entering my personal space in an aggressive way without making contact. In our jurisdiction this does fit the definition of assault. My boss, who is aware of ongoing issues, responded by telling me that “we don't consider you to be in any danger” and that I should write her up and if I need to escalate contact the police. I did file a police report, now I need to write them up. How do you write somebody up for assaulting you?


Manager making co-workers life hell

Background I'm in the UK and work for a big Company is the building trade. I work with 6 women in my department everyone goes above and beyond at there job I'm the only male member of the team. We are all managed my 1 male manager Situation So the manager we have wants to move up in position so he never does any of his duties he passes them all along to the ladies, he literally sits in the office doing fuck knows what. But the issue is how he talks to the ladies he disrespects them in the worst way possible talking to them like their the worst piece of shit in the world. Forcing them to cook for charity days (or go buy cakes from the local store) all using their own money/time while he goes and gets the shitest cake in the world which no one…


How do people enjoy “idle jobs”?

I've forgotten the exact term people use, but basically a job where for your 8hr day you do about 20-30 minutes of work at the very most. Its so damn boring, to be fair I'm on a temp contract for a project (I'm the only one doing the project, and basically have to ask questions/annoy people that are always extremely busy with other things so most of my job is being idle waiting for them, and 9 times out of 10 they don't know what they want or have to dig into it themselves with no set timeframe as to when they can before I can do anything. Some people love it, but I don't understand why? I find it so dull, to the point in some cases I just go home in the afternoon when everyones fully booked all day (of course, I then don't get paid for that…


Threatened to be fired for having Music apps on the company laptop

Hey everyone, it's my first time posting here, and I need to share what's been happening at my job. So, I got a “strike two” warning for having Spotify and Apple Music on my work laptop, even though it was initially allowed. They're strict about not using the laptop for personal stuff, but when I joined, they gave me privileges like WiFi access and phone usage that now feel misleading. I've been playing music and listening to new podcasts quietly, and upper management gave the green light. The work environment is seriously strict, and I think that's contributing to a high turnover rate. Despite an average-lower salary and them expressing how much they need me, I recently got scolded in a meeting over this. Honestly, it feels like the last straw. Working there has become like a real-life “Severance” episode. Any thoughts or advice?


Can someone help me write a letter?

I accepted job that seemed to have great benefits and pay, but after thinking about it and talking to my current boss about reasons why I am leaving she offered me a deal I simply can’t refuse. I don’t know how to gently tell this lady that I’m not going to be taking this job. I’ve never been in this situation before and I’m not sure if I should lie or just tell her the truth 🥲