
What labor do the owners of labor have to do to earn more capital than they use?

The successful owners of capital end their day with more capital than they started with at the beginning of the day while labor tends to live pay check to paycheck. The mathematical result of this is accumulation of capital, with owners of labor adding more value to capital owners rather than themselves. This, wealth inequality. The service economy and the automation economy aren't very successful with decreasing wealth inequality. Is there a labor that labor owners can perform to acquire the capital of capital owners rather than the other way around?


Holiday dry begging from company

In a span of 3 weeks I’ve been put into so many different team chats all asking for donations and money towards various things. First it was for a teammates baby shower — okay fine I donated $30. Then adopt a family, then a turkey drive, then another teammate fostered a child so our boss keeps asking if we can contribute towards a gift card for her. Don’t get me wrong I know it’s not “required” but they still make you feel bad. On Friday she even sent a message “Just sending a reminder about this since it’s payday”. I love helping when I can but we are normal employees, mostly trying to survive ourselves. These billion dollar companies should be solely contributing to all causes themselves!


Snapped at boss today

LONG POST So it feels like over the last few weeks he's being doing something to piss me off. Today he literally blamed something on and had a proper go at me for no reason. I work in food retail, I cook what pastries are trayed up for me the previous day, nothing more cause we are a small shop. Today we had left overs he yelling at me cause i cooked to much, I'm like I cook what I get given so don't blame me, blame the person who trayed up. Then he's there saying shouldn't be waste, well I can't force customers to buy them. Honestly I don't talk up a lot but this really wound me up since it wasn't my fault. He's being doing little things and the way he talks to me like oh I delegate responsibility to you it's like fuck no your the…


The Money Macy’s Spends/Gains On Thanksgiving Parade Every Year Should Be Paid To Their Employee Wages Instead

$15-$17 an hour for employees, but spends 13 Million on inflatable Grogu, Broadway performers, Lego and advertising slots full of lies on cable as an endless commercial each year. I consider it traditional negligence.


I volunteered to work on Thanksgiving for the extra pay. Now the owner says NO ONE is allowed to work.

The cheap bastard won't let and maintenance, housekeepers, or laundry work today because he doesn't want to pay the time and a half. I work at a hotel. My manager told everyone that they can come in to work thanksgiving only if they want to. 8 hours later she gets a text from the owners saying that there can only be a front desk employee clocked in all day. He also recently made a rule that unless there are at least 30 checkouts no laundry or housekeeping is allowed to come in. Way to choke your employees right as the holiday season is coming up huh??


Boss bought us donuts the day before Thanksgiving. Kiss-ass coworker replies all to the email

(I posted this earlier but it was removed due to me posting a screenshot of the email; so I just copy and pasted the email) Pretty much just sharing how our Boss emailed us she brought Donuts for us yesterday. And this suck up coworker replied with this exact message-the only thing I removed was the company’s name: Sounds yummy! And it was !!!! Thank You !!!! I’d like to THANK YOU for always having our back and making sure we have everything we need to do our jobs. And I can sincerely say that in all the jobs I’ve had over many years, you’re the best manager I’ve ever worked for. Don’t ever leave (company’s name). Safe travels with, and to your family to celebrate the tradition of Thanksgiving! Like stfu, it’s just donuts stop buttering up to her. Hate kiss ass coworkers like this, how about she do…


Boss says I’m coming across “flat”

Just joined a company a matter of a month ago or so. I’ve been shadowing, doing work I’m asked, and contributing where I can. I had my first employee review on Monday, where my boss gave me full marks on everything. Today, she called me in to a meeting and said she felt I was coming across as “flat” and that someone had mentioned this to her in passing in confidence. In truth, I don’t care about the job, only the money. I also have been applying elsewhere casually for places with a higher salary. This morning, I turned on my “open to work” frame on linkedin, but made it only accessible to recruiters. I don’t understand why she thinks I’m coming across as flat, because I AM engaged and I DO act like I care at work; I try hard to not let my apathy show. Is it possible…


Store owners watching us like hawks…

I have a new job in a food service department in a grocery store. My store is run by a manager and then two store owners. One sits in the office with a huge wall of CCTV’s watching our every move. We technically aren’t allowed to speak to her but on my first day, I accidentally met her in the bathroom. She watched me closely as I washed my hands… I was finished but was nervous so rewashed them. It was awkward. She usually just sits on the office… watching… Her son also works in the department next to mine. We share the same space, and he watches our every move. I always see him glaring at me. He has never spoken to me but speaks to others, so I feel like he is closely judging me. I’m a hard worker but on my feet for many many hours a…


Can a job force you to be in social media content?

As the title states. I had an uncomfortable experience the other day where my boss effectively refused to take “no” for an answer even after expressing my reasons for being uncomfortable with it eg: online abuse, privacy concerns, anxiety etc. My boss threatened to go to HR and the CEO if I refused to comply which they later apologized for however they still expect me to participate in social media content despite my refusal. Can they force this? I’m in the UK and I have not signed anything stating I must be willing to appear in Instagram/Facebook content.


Why I’m Union for life, in a nutshell

It's Thanksgiving morning and I'm at work. I'm a truck driver. I left this morning at 3AM to get home in time for family dinner time, but I've run into a closed road due to an accident and I've been sitting parked on the expressway for a little over three hours now. I'm not sure I'm going to see any of my family today, and that sucks. But, because I'm a Teamster, this is how this works: My hourly rate (when I work hourly) is $30.50/hr. Holiday pay today is 8 hours. If I'm working the holiday (I am today) I get double pay. If I'm stuck in traffic, I get hourly pay for that as well. So I'm sitting in traffic playing on my phone making $91.50/ hour until things get moving again. Wherever you work, Unionize. Your local union will help you with all the necessary steps to…