
How to “safe clog” a toilet at work

So I was bored. I went to the bathroom and took a wad of toilet paper and shoved it into the trap out of sight. Then when someone flushed, the water backed up. It caused quite a commotion! But because it’s only toilet paper, one hit with the plunger cleared it and there was no permanent damage. This was such an entertaining way to end the short week!


Being driven mad by more work with no pay increase

A rant to keep my sanity. Apologies if bits don't make sense. I'm writing this as I stress out on my lunch break. I work for a publishing company that is so poorly run and managed, there's an emergency every day. It operates on the basis of the boss' massive ego and churns out some of the worst fiction I've ever read. I'm paid below 25K and my role is incredibly nebulous. I work in two departments and I'm expected to pick up extra work when management are busy. Since starting, my duties keep expanding, including taking on half the work of my old manager, who went on maternity leave. She was basically the only member of management with a semblance of humanity so since she's left, the job has got worse. I also didn't get a pay increase for taking half her role. I just can't believe my employer…


I sick of this ppl

Today we have a visit from our Company group leaders. Half of them Chinesee 60+ ppl, who dont even speak English. The other half 80+ Swiss/German oldfarts. Its a really big Concern. Im sick of this world….


60% off time – WTF

Work have just said they want us back in 60% (3days a week for 1000+ people) – currently do one day and it’s pointless for my role. UK company, based in the centre of a busy city. Most will have to drive with parking at £6 a day and a hour commute in heavy traffic. Utter joke, adds a layer of cost both financially and time based to every member of the staff and Polluting a the city more. Peoples lives have changed, the world has changed. Utter BS as to why, What is it with the scared senior management within business that make them need to see staff. It’s not like the business is doing badly! Got to think of the poor carpark and multinational shop owners!!! Edit: fuck – typo in title, so angry!


I just want 1 day off

So, I’m trying to get Friday off. I want to say family emergency. Should I just leave it at that or just keep it vague? It’s not bereavement leave so I wouldn’t be getting paid.


Goodwill dehumanizes Disabled Workers.

Speaking of Goodwill. Not the altruistic advocate for disabled. My disabled son takes photos of items for their online catalog. The workers are not allowed a chair at their work desk or station. Management said not having a chair increases productivity, each minimum wage staff on the production line, has an hourly # to hit. The higher productivity means more money for Goodwill. Kind of makes sense from a money perspective. (Clarification: Disability can be autism, sensory impairment or intellectual or medical impairment.) The “no chair policy for hourly staff” applies to most production departments. Example if you work in the back sorting hangers, you have to take the mangled hangers out of the bin & hang them on the rack. You need to fill so many racks in an hour. Or hang so many garments in an hour. Same if you are assigned to photography, you have to complete…


Boss invading privacy of women in gym

I worked at a high rise building (Southern California) as a security guard and a coworker informed me that my boss was watching women, pervertedly, in the gym (early in the mornings). He zooms in with the cameras and watches them as they work out, slumped back in his chair. I reported this to property management and got removed from my position the next day by my employer. My employer told me that I got removed by the client for my unprofessional emails to them (me criticizing them for ignoring my bosses behavior, I assume). I reported his behavior to my employer but they haven’t done anything at all. My boss also assaulted a man in a elevator a few years back after he lost his cool. This was also reported to property management but they did nothing. Any advice on what to do?


Supervisor is going to “try and honor my PTO request”

Started new night shift job back in July and it's been pretty decent. Pay was better but only because its night differential. An opportunity came up to work at another facility and I jumped on it, better night hours for me and closer to home. Since I've switched over, I've been asked to cover shifts at the other place because they have so many call outs and it gets really busy there. I worked 6 days in a row for two weeks because of it. First week of December two night shift people are off for a week and I've already been asked to help cover. I put in my PTO the next week and got a message that he'll try to honor it but he can't approve two people at same time. Well that's a lie because of the two the week prior to my PTO and also the…


I need help about what to do with what just happened.

Hello, I just wanted to start by saying this isn't a throwaway account or anything like that, but I am having trouble getting into my original account, so I decided to make a new one anyway. I'm here because an incident at work happened that I personally haven't encountered, and I am pretty upset about it. I started working part time in a store. I work in the bakery section of that store. Now it is required to give two hours notice before calling off, and I was throwing up. I felt terrible, so I called, and the assistant manager answered(Dave). I told him I wouldn't be able to make it in because I'm throwing up and that I can even make it up tomorrow. It's quite hectic being the holidays. He then said, Who is this? Even though I previously stated my name, he then said that every time…


Do I have a case for the Department of Labor?

Throwaway acc just in case, but I’m wondering if I have a case to make a complaint to the Department of Labor about the wages I believe are being stolen from myself and my coworkers. Here’s the facts: I’m a tipped employee (server). Opening servers show up to work an hour to half an hour before the restaurant opens to prep, and these hours seem to be counted as tip credit on our pay stubs. i.e. 5/60 hours spent working before the restaurant opens, but all 60 hours report as $2.13 on our pay stubs. In the downtime before and in between tables the expectation is that we are doing sidework the entire time. For example, it’s expected and told that if we don’t get a table until an hour/hours after we come in we are to spend that time cutting vegetables, unpacking boxes, cleaning, and any other sidework we…