
CA Labor Laws: Job positions posted months after layoffs?

I’m guessing it’s not illegal, just shitty, but can a company legally lay off a bunch of workers and then post the open positions months (under 6) later? I don’t know if background is necessary, but I worked for a large company that had 3 rounds of layoffs this year. I was impacted by the 2nd round in summer. I’m still looking for a job and saw a couple weeks ago my old position posted as a new opening. Same job, just hybrid now instead of remote (and probably less pay, it looks like?). I assume it’s just shitty business, not anything they could get in trouble for, right?


The workers at OpenAI are a fucking embarrassment.

The fact that they collectively organized to get their boss his job back is so pathetic I’m having a hard time grasping it. Would he give a fuck if any of them were fired? Yeah I get it they are all “passionate” about the work which in itself is a fucking joke too.


Boss bought us donuts the day before Thanksgiving. Kiss-ass coworker replies all to this email

Like stfu, she bought us donuts stop buttering up to her. Hate kiss ass coworkers like this, how about she give you a holiday bonus or an extra day off? I guess I’m extra irritated cause this boss is useless when I go to her , she wasn’t the one who hired or promoted me, and instead of looking into my concerns she suggests that I demote myself when I go to her with a concern, she suggested i could demote myself if the position is causing me too much stress . I haven’t had many jobs, but this is my worst boss yet


Employment terminated

Hello r/antiwork My employment was terminated today and I was not given any indication as to why it was terminated. I have not recieved any verbal warnings or written warnings in regards to my performance at work. I did however raise some issues with HR that my supervisor and manager didn't like. Without giving too much away, I am in BC, Canada. Looking for a no win, no fee lawyer to take on my case as I feel that this was unfair dismissal on the grounds of my supervisor and manager being upset that I raised my concerns with HR.


Check out this terrifying s***


My manager takes all my sales and I don’t know what to do anymore.

I (20M) work at a local gym in my city. This gym is a small chain in the NorCal region, but I will not be naming it for privacy sake. I initially was a janitor, but due to my demeanor (or so my boss said), I was offered a sales potion back in mid-September after having only worked as a janitor for 2 weeks, at the beginning of the same month. That month is also when the new manager arrived. Now, this manager doubles as both manager, and a salesperson. He is quite good at his job, and I, being fresh into my new position, sought to learn from him. However, he turned out to be much more “hands off;” he’d taught me the basics, but essentially would laugh whenever I tried my best at calling prospects or giving tours to potential customers; instead of helping me, or making calls…


General manager planning on firing co-worker for missing too many days.

So this is still in the rumer mill, but if it turns out to be true, they will be chosen as the first person in my life I want to physically attack. The general manager has been mentioning this to the odd person with lines along with (What am I? A charity case?) (He should prioritize work) and (Real men work though illness) Now onto the reeeeaaallly fucked up part. This cowork was diagnosed with cancer. He had surgery to get it removed and is currently on low level chemo to keep it in check. His dog is on its last leg and is dieing of old age. I have never met such a disgusting individual. Just venting here 🤢


tech worker community

not sure if this is best place to post but here goes im a 23M tech worker, mainly wfh, and i just do not care abt my job. the ppl are nice, the tasks are pretty boring, i do minimal work (have been working here less than 2y) and idk when/if i'll get fired. job appeal is 99% salary (i think for a lot of people factors like the people/workfriends, task engagement, meaningfulness of company factor in – not me) was wondering if there was a community/discord for ppl like me 1) in tech/coding 2) do not care abt work 3) do minimal work. i find joy in lots of stuff (outside work) but do put up the facade of enjoying work (at work) and try to make it look like i do enough work so not to get fired (if i did i wouldnt cry tho) lmk!


Experience never good enough

Spend 10 years at a job and your not experienced in anything else. Spend 1 year at a job you don't have enough experience. Meet in the middle and spend 5 years at 1 job you got experience but outside of pay expectations


Do you think a rent strike would gain enough traction to make a change?

My friend and I were talking about the horrible housing situation we're facing in our city (Victoria, BC), and he suggested some kind of mass protest. And while I liked the idea, we quickly realized how futile protests often seem to be when it comes to enacting real change. That's when I mentioned the recent writer's strike, and how by refusing to play along, they actually won and had a lot of their demands met! So I guess I'm just opening a general discussion on the matter. The main challenge I see is that we wouldn't be striking against one particular establishment like a writers union or a factory; it would be against a wide variety of building management companies, as well as independent landlords. You'd also run into the problem of finding a common goalpost to set, considering every city and town has wildly different living wages and situations.…