
Scam Job Listing or Just Assholes?


The US outlawed General Strikes, but the UAW is preparing the ground for a legal way to have one anyway, & you can help:


Update on getting stripped of my employee discount on surgery

First off, thank you all so much for your support and advice. I couldn’t believe the overwhelming amount of comments I got. So, I decided to start putting together everything I could use to back up my argument as to why this was completely wrong. First off, yes I am so aware I completely messed up by giving such a big notice- will never ever ever do it again. That being said, I had only just mentioned that I was going to be moving and gave vague details of dates. My manager was the one who came to me the next day and told me she needed a written letter stating my last date. I had to figure out a date I figured would work just to appease her. I had no idea at the time, she was basically asking me to write a letter stripping my benefits as an…


Uncle kept asking what I do for work, was puzzled when I didn’t tell him

I’m 34 and was at a family get together today. The type where you only see certain out of town family members once a year. Everything was fine, it was nice seeing so many after a decent amount of time went by. Maybe this is my “fault” but it just really bugs me how “what do you do for work?” Or something along that line is always the go to question for someone you haven’t seen in a while. Everything would be a million times better if someone asked what someone LIKES to do, not WHAT they do. Since you know how people immediately get judgey based on your job. Anyway, my uncle is notoriously known for always being all work and no play. I remember around 20 years ago when I was a young teen he would always ask “what I wanted to be”, what my grades were, etc.…


My boss is assigning me pointless work, how can I complete this project fast?

I work in environmental planning and my boss has assigned me this project to research every county and jurisdiction within our state, find their planning website and find each jurisdiction and counties site plan requirements for permits. Mind you there is a range of permits one can apply for. It’s a skillless task that is literally googling and copy and pasting. The end goal is a check list for site plans (even though counties and jurisdictions have different requirements and type of permit). AND the permitter on each project already does this and makes sure all the documents are according to the county/city needs. I work more as a biologist than planner and I’ve already addressed this is not in my position description. I’m in my first year of probation so I have no grounds and my boss and work partner just like turned on me a few weeks ago.…


I hope I get hit by a car on my way to work

I started working for my local government a few months back. I was brought in as part of a changing of the guard since the old director retired and a new one came in with her staff. The director is demanding of course but the first issue was when I was to be transferred to the position above mine, with a small pay raise. One of the supervisors contested and insisted on interviewing for the position. She was then especially cruel to me during the interview and instead hired her friend. I later found out she was not supposed to hire for that position and she took advantage of the deputy director being out sick to promote this girl. The same supervisor then secretly demoted my direct supervisor and took a pay raise that should have belonged to my supervisor. The director did not bat an eye. The same supervisor…


Mandatory testing should be compensated right?

Located in Illinois. My lady friend has to take a sexual harassment course/test before the end of the month. Is she supposed to be compensated for time spent doing that? Would this apply to Bassett and sevsafe testing as well?


Scheduling you for work outside of your availability is the same level of disrespect as a no call no show

Basically title. No-call no-show is often the worst offence you can do at work that's not at least technically or potentially a legal issue. But we've allowed scheduling outside of availability to slide. Whether it's a gradual pushing of boundaries or just an outright refusal to respect the schedule that was agreed on when hired, its fairly normalized. I think it should be treated as the disrespect that it is.


Can my employer disclose a corrective action to other companies?

Long story short, I was (stupidly) adjusting time card entries at my current job, which is a work-from-home position in Canada. The company eventually caught on, gave me a corrective action, told me that this was time card fraud and illegal, but still kept me on as an employee. There has been no legal action on this, thankfully. Since then I have not repeated any such action, and I still remain with the company. My question is, when someday I need to move on, will other the jobs I apply to find out about this? What kind of info gets disclosed in reference checks or employment verifications? Have I screwed myself over?


What’s the legality behind my boss requiring me to have a truck?

I work in construction. I've been with this company 5 years. I've been provided with a work vehicle up until this point. Any new hires in the last couple years have been required to have a truck, but I was hired before that. This week my work van broke down and it was determined it's not worth fixing. My boss is saying I need to buy a truck. He offered to put $7500 towards it. He would pay for gas and I would legally own it. The thing is I don't want a truck. I'm just not a truck guy. Me and my wife already have 2 vehicles and I don't have room for another unless I sell my beloved sports car. Bottom line is I'm not going to do it. But I'm just wondering about the legality.