
What happens after your Hateful boss is finally fired?

General question: I've been burned out for years. It looks like my patience has paid off and after many complaints from many people my boss is getting fired. For those who lived thru it…now does the burn out go away? Is my life at work happier? Or have you found that you still carry a lot of resentment? If I do decide to leave, well, I've outlasted her and now I would be leaving with no unfinished business. FYI there likely won't be a replacement. I think they will eliminate her position.


Is this legal for holiday pay?

I’m a housekeeper at a hospital in Texas and I’ve been informed that holiday pay for us tomorrow is just an extra 8 hours tacked on to our check, not time + half. Is this legal? For some more context, I’m a contracted employee, not a hospital employee.


It’s sad how the government pretends the job market is in good shape just because people are afraid to be homeless

Every article that we keep seeing these days is how unemployment is down, unemployment claims have gone down, number of people that face unemployment is down. But then you see other articles saying that confidence and happiness in the job market is at its lowest point ever in American history…. People are not staying at jobs because they're happy, people are terrified, people don't want to be homeless, they need to pay bills, and if you don't pay all of your bills exactly on time, you get hit with crazy high, ridiculous fees that you'll never be able to afford…. The job market in the USA honestly is in shambles. If we ever needed help and relief, it's now more than ever. Yeah, you know why? Because everyone has bills to pay.


UPDATE to possibly getting fired over dye stains on skin

Previous post is So a few hours ago I got out of the meeting. I did read as many comments as possible and listened to everyone's opinions. I promised an update soo.. I get to the meeting and despite all the listed issues only regarding hair dye stains, sure enough it was a laundry list of problems they had for me. The meeting consisted of two mid-level managers, one recently promoted. I was basically not able to plead my case at all in this meeting and I was talked over if I tried. They called it a “performance review” and when I asked for further clarification on whether or not this was a disciplinary meeting it went unanswered. In the meeting they told me that the hair dye stains, despite being accidental and lasting only one day, had caused them to review the dress code and what they deemed…


Can my employer redact worked hours and replace it with unplanned PTO?

I am not sure where else to post this so please delete if not allowed. I have been sick this week and running a fever. I sent an email to my boss explaining the situation and he said on 11/20 “if you are sick and running a fever, please use PTO, I can adjust your time card accordingly.” I worked 11/21 from home and had my productivity units to show for my work for 8 hours. On 11/22 he emails me back saying “I noticed you put down on your time card that you worked yesterday. Unfortunately, since this was not authorized to work since you said you were sick, I changed your time sheet to reflect unplanned PTO.” Is this allowed? He redacted my entire worked day and units and charged me 8 hours of PTO.


Why do American companies still lack in benefits, specifically time off?

There have been multiple studies that have indicated that allowing employees more vacation time leads to higher productivity results from them and the company and overall satisfaction of employees. In 2022 EY ( Ernst & Young ) “for every additional 10 hours of vacation time that employees took, their year-end performance improved 8%, and another study showed that using all of your vacation time increases your chances of getting a promotion or a raise.” So, if companies are showing that these things increase overall productivity which is a good thing for the business to begin with, and we know they increase satisfaction, why is the average amount of vacation days in America less than half that of the mandatory days in most European countries?


I really wanna stop working here..

I just needed to vent im sorry About a month ago I applied for a job, did an interview and got hired. It seemed so promising but there are only mean ppl and the job in general just sucks. I have not worked for over a year due to sickness and i am still sick unfortunately but at the moment i don’t really have a choice. My man and I are trying to buy a house and for that i need specific documents only a job can provide me. I already requested the documents at my job and im “patiently” waiting. I just want the damn documents and sign the contract for the house so I can leave the damn place and never return. The worst thing is i will only be able to quit somewhere around January. Im already applying to other things and telling them im available around…


your tips on how to optimize your time at work

​ how fast do you work eg 60% how do you handle the pressure to do more How do you fight with colleagues who leave you with a more difficult job? How do you relax at work? how to work smart during work do you do activities during work like listening to an audio book what kind of jobs do you choose in general


what job should I do?

what job should I do so that I have free time and if it's not difficult I want to live like a minimalist and work so that I have more time to draw


Vent- 28 Interviews and no offer so far

I just need to vent. My current work place is toxic. The CEO, his buddy and my boss are trying their best to mob me out of my job. I'm not US-based so I enjoy job protection as a father of a baby and it would cost them firing me. They hate that I can't work overtime anymore due to my responsibilities as a father and I'm not one of those who they bullied into submission before. Hah, no thanks I rather leave on my own terms. So I have been interviewing and went through these whole 6-7 interview rounds hellscape. And I just missed that little bit of luck to beat my competitors. I'm so fed up with this BS hiring. Fuck HR and their fucking case studies and fucking BS questions. I'm good at the job I'm doing, I have experience and can answer all the questions, but…