
What the supervisors made for people working Thanksgiving. Donut forget…


No more coolers

I make pontoons, for context. A guy got hurt yesterday, cutting his hand on the bandsaw by pushing too hard and the guard fully up. Today, at end of the day, my group leader said that I couldn't have this anymore. (Been there for 2 years). I told them that it's really not a fridge because it doesn't have freon. Doesn't matter they said. So what would you recommend having that's considered a pail or lunchbox with cooler options


No pen, no paper, just huge fungus coated dead roaches: the perfect suggestion box for most employers

On the label 'remove dead roaches'. They've been there at least 3 years.


Does anyone else think about how much of our lives we’re missing out on because of work?

I'm in my mid 20's. I'm lucky enough to work from home every day, but I still work 8-5 Monday to Friday. Recently, I started thinking about how work takes away the best hours of our lives. As someone in the prime years of their life, I keep thinking about everything that I could be doing if I didn't have to work. I would live the way life was meant to be lived. I would travel around the world and experience different cultures. I would probably move to the Pacific Northwest area of the US and enjoy a peaceful life surrounded by nature. I would spend more time with the people I care about while also being able to spend more time on myself and my hobbies/interests. I imagine myself being able to go anywhere and do anything at any time without needing anyone's permission or approval. That would be…


Friend might lose his job because he is in a studio apartment.

They don't consider a studio apartment secure enough for their equipment. He found out just this week after working for them over a year. They don't pay enough for a single father to have a one bedroom.


How to stop feeling shame for working dead end jobs ?

I understand we must respect all jobs and there is no such thing as big or small jobs. But maybe I'm feeling insecure since majority of my cousins around my age group working remotely and some at hospitals and office desk jobs meanwhile so far I've had experience in fast food & retail. I just hate the fact like why am I not finding something better that I can build experience and networking for better opportunities down the road. It just feels so discouraged and shameful especially interacting with customers on daily based having to work at companies that don't have good reputation. You just kinda feel devalue.


Would you rather work as a janitor or at a grocery store?


How to change the RTO / WFH narrative?

Browsed my linkedin feed today, and came across a post pushing for more RTO. Intrigued, I took a closer look, and realized that the OP works in CRE (big surprise) and literally cited a study that he and a co-worker performed on “the benefits of getting employees back in the office.” With CRE making so much noise about the benefits of RTO – even going so far as to cite themselves as reliable source of measuring these benefits, how can the rest of society correct the narrative? With the amount of money in politics and the number of big industries that stand to gain from RTO (real estate, auto, insurance, oil and gas, food and beverage, hospital/medical facilities) it seems to me that these business interests of the few will always be prioritized over the interests of the many, at least in the US. With so many potential benefits to…


The company provides benefits, so you are expected to work overtime.

This is what my boss told me the other day, after not being able to stay late two days in a row. I'm mostly ranting because I am still heated over this exchange, but I'd love to hear what other people think. I'm trying to stay a bit vague for identification purposes. For context, I am a salaried remote employee. Our typical business hours span from 8am – 5pm, and your breaks/lunch are supposed to be flexible. I made it very clear to my boss previously that I value separation between my personal life and work, but if it is really necessary, I can stay a little later. I firmly believe that nothing in this business can't wait until the next morning or next Monday after a weekend. It's not life-threatening, the world will not shut down, it's just capitalism. The days my boss asked me to stay late I…


bosses so incompetent you have to do their job for them

My coworkers and I are running low on a particular form we need to fill out multiple times per shift. The current form is also outdated — it has terms we no longer use. I tell the bosses we need more copies of this form. Days go by. I ask again. Finally we get new copies of the form, but … it is a copy of a copy of a copy. And! The old, outdated terms have been whited out and the new terms have been sloppily handwritten in their places. On every single form. What I mean is: instead of opening up the original document, doing a find and replace, printing a new original, and copying the new original … one of the bosses sat down with a stack of old forms, a pen, and a bottle of whiteout, and whited out the old terms on each form and…