
Background checks invasion of privacy

Have you ever seen how absolutely invasive companies can be with these? Does it bother you that they can look at everything about you that's documented? I was looking to “adjust” some titles and job duties on my resume to beef up my chances, and I was curious as to what they can see. This gives off very strange, creep energy.


This guy predicted the death of the middle class in 1994. He also predicted that it would cause a populist uprising.


Linkedin restriction

My account on linkedin got temporarily restricted for areason ai dont even know, and im a fresh grad so this is important to me. When i upload a scan picture of my passport to get back access to my account the system rejected it 3 times How in the hell can i contact linkedin support? I cant log in to fill a form And they dont respond on twitter If i bought a new phone and changed my number (to get a new ip adress) can i creat a new account using the same name and picture as the restricted account or it will also get restricted?


Lmao my job is so petty

We were suppose to have half day today before the holiday but because myself not another coworker wanted to come in super early to be in Northern VA so they took away our half day lol these mfers ain’t shit


PTO on offer is different from company handbook.

Hi all. I received this offer letter with 5 hours of PTO per pay period starting with the first paycheck. Now the supervisor is telling me PTO was 3 hours of PTO per pay period AFTER 6 months of continuous employment. Is there any legal obligations to the 5 hours PTO? This is a small clinic and our practice administrator was fired due to embezzlement… we don’t even have HR it’s a private clinic.


Last blow for Tesla Sweden?

They will not win or overcome this one. The only legal way to get registration signs from the Swedish Transport Agency, is through mail by Postnord. Tesla will not get any mail from Postnord from now on because of sympathy strikes, which means that there will be no new Tesla cars in Sweden until they sign. Sorry, only source is a news paper behind paywall at this moment. I will update when we get more reports:


Stop letting employers treat you like slaves and demand what you are worth.

I used to work for a non-profit insurance company that had reasonable work load, decent pay, time off, and benefits. A few months after I got hired, we got bought out by an out-of-state conglomerate. It became harder and harder to take vacation days, raises stopped, holidays were taken away from us, and they laid off people that actually did the work. When the company's performance suffered, they hired ineffective temps through a temp agency to help with the work load. I eventually saved up enough fuck you money to rage quit, and had a new gig lined up in my original field of study, chemistry.   My new job and boss was far worse than the previous employer. Boss refused to supply protective equipment. Ended up with a nasty burn on my hands, which made it impossible for me to move my hand, let alone weigh chemicals and operate…


This week marks America’s ONLY real holiday.

Other countries and cultures have communal holidays. The USA does not but for Thanksgiving. Office workers (most not all) are getting a 4 day weekend, the only one all year. Stores and such may be getting they're first day closed (off) in over 11 months. The roads will be empty for 4 days. This is important because, I was anticipating having no real work to do this week. If I don't get to something, it doesn't matter, someone internal or a client isn't expected to see it either. It's laid back. If I wanted to take last Thursday/Friday off, I would have to debrief my “replacements” the day before. I would have to try to race to finish everything before I go. I would have to keep my laptop with me at all times for just in case an “emergency” arises. I would have to come back to a ton…


Is job hopping becoming normal because there is no way up the ladder anymore?

I am about to leave my senior job paying £30,000 a year before tax (which is a normal salary in the UK!!) I am looking to move jobs after just one year. Loyalty now just doesn't pay, with little access to promotions. Instead, it pays to jump up the career ladder by moving often. What do you think?


Unpaid wages. What can else can I do?

This is in Texas. I have filed with the TWC and I am reaching out to lawyers but to be blunt, I only worked for 2 weeks part-time and as such, I am only filing for a little over $500. Perhaps more if any of the clients I reached out to signed on as I am due a commission on that. But in the meantime, I am wondering what I can do that won’t land me in any hot water but will put a fire under my former employer. To be completely transparent, it isn’t about the money for me entirely. It was the blatant lies, him clearly blocking me, deleting my employee email and creeping me out the entire time I worked for him, bordering on sexual harassment. Would it be wrong to email him again? Can I connect with former clients, specifically those I reached out to? I…