
Quit and then terminated twice.

The week before Halloween I went on a job interview. Three days later they called me and offered me the job and I took it, desperate to escape my current extremely toxic work environment. I had no ill will to my direct boss, and knew my leaving would be extremely determintal to him so I gave him a heads up I would be putting my notice in but didn't have a start date yet so I wasn't sure when my last day would be. I should have known better. He went to HR and told them. HR told him he had to take me off the schedule in a week. He did so but didn't tell me, I found out when I looked at the schedule for the next week and found myself off of it. He refused to talk to me about it. The day my new employer calls…


Bosses find about my side hustle and wanted to fire me.

English is not my first language and writing is not my strength, but I want to share my story. So before I start I want to share that I live in Eastern European country and things here are awful in almost every aspect. So tomorrow I mark exactly 1 year since I started my current job(PPC Specialist, mainly Facebook and Google Ads). Before that I had 2 jobs that were terrible and in the second I was fired, because I opposed my boss. He wanted to fine me 3 times for mistakes he made, but I got screenshots that it was not my fault. Also I figured out that I was the only one getting pay in my team and the other 2 people never got any money. So I confronted my boss and was fired. The 1st one was terrible again because my boss had OCD and let it…


What do I do if I don’t have any references available?

Hi, I’ve recently landed a job at a company that seems amazing. I passed the entrance requirements, the interviews and the assessment centre day and have been given an offer but it requires a minimum of three references. However, the issue I have is that these references do not include private work. I have been working as a private tutor for the past four years and whilst I do have one ‘corporate’ reference, I do not have three. I received an email from the company that says that my offer will be accepted based on my references. What do I do?


Exausted and just want to vent

I'm currently feeling burnt out and it's so frustrating. I just started working as a Package handler for FedEx.This is literally back-breaking work just to fulfill the market of people overconsuming material items they don't really need. Also, we don't get breaks, literally slavery! I'm only on my second week, my body is aching and I'm exhausted I'm working from 6 pm-4:30 am 6 days a week totaling 60 hours a week. Mainly because I have to get a new apartment and of course, I need to be able to show proof that I make 3x the rent to be approved. I'm only planning on doing this for 1 month to get approved for the apartment but it sucks and frustrates me that I have to work so hard just to barely survive. I just moved to a new city to pursue a career in acting which is challenging on…


Two weeks left and burnt out

I’ve been in healthcare for 5 months. I took on the position of activity director, hired without the right credentials, but i didn’t know what I didn’t know. Cue my set up for failure a success. I did a wonderful job despite having no assistance from admin, the facility, or anyone actually. I got loads of lovely compliments from the residents all the time. But when that admin quit and the facility was sold, the interim admin essentially told me I was being demoted. I tried. For 6 more weeks, I gave it everything I had. But I was already entering autistic burnout which is almost impossible to get out of unless you change your circumstances. So I got a new job in a profession I’ve worked in before and love, and I put my two weeks in last Friday. Y’all, I am trying. But I feel like I’m slogging…


How is it legal for jobs not to allow jackets/coats in winter?

I just started at Domino's. They said I have to earn a company one. I'm not allowed to bring a jacket from home even if it's plain black. They don't have heat on and I have low iron so i'm always very cold.


Don’t get invited ever to holiday parties?

I have been working in my current job for about 2ish years now. For some reason, I never got invited to the office holiday parties. With the holidays coming up, I realize that somehow I was never added to some listserv or my manager isn't forwarding the invite to me. I only found out there were holiday parties when another department member asked why I didn't go. I brought it up to my manager the first time around and they said “ok” and after a second time “they said ok and OK”. I stopped after that and just assumed they did not want me to join LOL. Anyone else experienced this? I am a little introverted and would prefer to keep things to myself. I'm not sure if they do not want that in a holiday party. There are other people who were invited who are more socially awkward than…


Abysmal Promotion

Feel so defeated. Work my tail off for a promotion and get a whopping 5% increase. Sucks


The time clock was on the other side of the store…

This is from a couple years ago when I was working shitty retail at a supermarket. The time clock was on the complete other side of the store so you would have to punch out, then walk the floor with your uniform on just to get to the break room. A customer stops you and you spend 15 minutes of your break helping them?? Not managements problem. They would pull you aside and warn you if your break was longer than 30 minutes. Even though half your lunch break was spent walking the floor and grabbing a sandwich, going through a till, just to get to the break room.


Experience with a company getting bought out?

Our company got bought out and most of our staff were transferred over to the company that acquired us. What's fucked up is that they handed all of our job duties over to their existing employees. So if you were in charge of G-division, you now reported to someone who knew nothing about G-division and was now going to take most of your job duties and micromanage the rest. So we had really nothing to do at this new company every day but sit around with just our dicks in our hands. As a result, out of the 10 people who were brought over, 6 have resigned and taken jobs elsewhere, including myself, signed my offer sheet with another company this week. The ones who are still there have only remained because they can't get hired somewhere else, it's a tuff job market right now. I don't know what was…