
Private school discourages gifts for teachers, encourages giving money to school.

Wouldn’t want to give the working class people who spend 8 hours a day caring for your children who will probably be poor for the rest of their lives a Starbucks gift card, that wouldn’t be “equitable”! instead give the school money and we’ll publicly announce who donated the most, which is usually to the tune of $5000, that’s much more equitable!


Want to ruin the company and the executive’s careers I used to work for

I left this investments operations job several months ago. I talk to my friends who still work there. I found out that one of them got fired today. I couldn’t believe it because this department NEVER fires anyone because of how desperate they are to retain employees. In the past year, the team in general kept making mistakes. A couple months ago a co worker loses $17,000, what happened to her? Nothing. Keep in mind, she doesn’t have a family to provide for. Probably just got yelled at. Today, my buddy got FIRED for losing $18,000. Plus, he’s only been there for a year and he’s only 22 AND has a 2 year old daughter. Poor guy was crying his eyes out. What makes this crazier is that his manager wasn’t at the office today, but the executives who don’t know anything about how our department runs fires him. They…


What’s the most casually dystopian thing you’ve ever seen in the workplace?

I'll go first. One of my first jobs was at an unspecified fast food franchise founded by a piece of human scum. At this job, in the drive thru window, was a screen. This screen was one that stayed on even overnight, I don't know if I ever saw it shut off. The only thing this screen showed was a leaderboard for drive thru times, filled with us and the other stores in our franchise. They had restaurants within their own franchise competing with each other, and they advertised it to their workers. I don't recall seeing it at another store in a different franchise, so I've often wondered if that's just something that first one did.


Fifth week of mandatory overtime

I’m burnt out. The extra money is nice with the holidays but damn at this rate I don’t know if I’ll even be able to see them. And what good is buying them presents when all they want is time together. I know a lot of you have it a lot worse than me but damn am I sick of it


Took a Stand Against Mandatory Overtime and Won

Feeling proud and a bit shocked. I work in a call center, notorious for its 'mandatory' overtime. After a particularly grueling week, I was scheduled for yet another Saturday shift. Enough was enough. I approached my supervisor—not with a resignation, but with data. I showed the impact of constant overtime on our team's health and morale, backed by articles and a well-being survey from our own floor. I proposed an alternative schedule with voluntary OT and shift swaps. To my disbelief, they're piloting the idea!


“Firefighter suspended for criticizing cops in a group chat”

Not sure if this has circulated on here but I saw this tik tok/ news story for the first time yesterday. Blowing up the fire fighter group chat like this is both crazy and the most amazing thing I’ve seen. Will replay it whenever I’m having a bad. I hope he’s somewhere doing well.


My brothers wife who is European asked why Americans don’t take vacation days and love working. Her friend started arguing with me after I responded. I don’t GET why people defend the 40+ hour work week. Such jealousy.


Boss yelled, screamed and swore at me in red faced anger for 15 minutes! (Dumbfounded!)


I hate income restricted apartments.

The premise is good on paper, but not much in reality. So many in this area are income restricted. For 2 people here, the cut-off is $38,580 a year. The min wage currently is $13/Hr (IL) That's 2,967 hours two people can work, or 1,483 hours per person. Which is 28.5 hours a week…at min wage. You almost have to be poor on purpose. If someone works full time, at minimum wage, the other person could only work 17 hours a week, and most places wouldn't even bother hiring someone for such few hours. ​ ​ ​ ​


Our rich CIO told us to “do the job the love, not the money” when we told him we didn’t make enough to live

So the title says it all really. We had a very rare sit down and speak with what appeared to be a caring, wholesome, understanding leader in our group. He asked about what we needed and our concerns, so we of course brought up the fact that people who work there with even multiple degrees couldn't buy homes or save money. At best most were living check to check. He suggested that we should view the job as a chance to give, not to earn. He said no one works for the passion anymore. That they're cutting cost to the customer and they simply cannot afford it ( while raising prices and making record profits of course). Apparently completely obvious to his monumental amount of privilege he was bathing in while telling us all about how hard he's had it. He continued to go on about how he's not here…