
Not only are a lot of comments on this sub not anti work but some are effectively pro work ultimately

The typical post here where a humble downtrodden worker shares the toxic situation they have to endure is often met with: either neutral comments that offer some help “get supportive footwear, talk to a fellow coworker, etc.” but don't actually address the key issue and as we know, neutrality sides with the oppressor. or put the onus on OP to improve in some small way while they're stuck in an overwhelmingly unfair situation, or have a “well just deal with it” tone which is especially jarring as… None of us should be working in a traditional sense. That's the point. Every piece of input should relate to that in some way. Naturally.


Manager scheduled mandatory unpaid in office overtime on 12/26

We are a salaried sales team with huge ebbs and flows based on seasonality. This is our slowest month of the year. They are expecting big numbers and productivity on this 12+ hour day in office. Surely our clients (and decision makers) will all be working and willing to speak to sales reps, after hours, to shell out thousands of dollars the day after Christmas. Not even factoring in how much this limits holiday travel opportunities, it is just an absolute waste of effort when over 3/4 clients will be on PTO themselves and unable or unwilling to speak about business until Q1. Edit: we’re hybrid


Fixed that for you


current job.

So there is this business its like a beer and burger place, my mom worked as a bartender and my sister works as a barista. They only get paid 3 dollars an hour, They rely on tips. My mom was petty with this job, In the house is around 3 1/2 kids. My moms bestfriend got sent to a mental hospital cause she wanted to . die. and of course they still made her work that day.


The story of why I was fired and don’t regret it.

So, my grandmother died in late summer. My mom -who had been exclusively taking care of grams on her deathbead for years- planned months ahead that she wanted to move outta that house and state. I told her I would take off work and help her through that process. I requested PTO like 2 months in advance and it was denied. The wording of the email was ‘you don’t have enough PTO hours to cover the two weeks requested.’ My understanding was, ok, I’m just not gonna get paid for that time off. Sucks, but I’m not gonna not help my mom. Fast forward two months, my manager and everyone in the office knows my story and I’ll be out for two weeks. I fly halfway across the country, pack up my mom, her stuff, and her cat, drive 12 hours straight and get her set up in her new…


Character assassination preventing me from getting a job

This is just gonna be me venting. But the title is essentially what happened to me. I’m a healthcare worker. Actually a sterile processing tech. Typical thing sterile processing techs and any other healthcare workers deal with is the fact that there are very, very toxic workplaces. I made the unfortunate decision to leave one toxic workplace in the summer to finding out the new job I went to was actually even worse. I don’t wanna elaborate too much because I’ve honestly mulled over this for so long that now I feel completely hopeless. The manager of this new place has 2 best friends. She tasked them as my orientation trainers. They ended up not liking me for some reason. I cannot tell you how nonverbal and quiet I was with them. Didn’t matter. They didn’t like me. Although other people on the shift were fine with me, they actually…


I got a better job offer and you’re really shocked I’m taking it?

Title says it all. A classic case of performing the jobs of multiple people and being the lowest paid (seriously; I’m the ONLY person on my team NOT earning six figures for the same level of work/effort). So you go to upper management to talk about a promotion/raise. Of course, they give you the old “we can’t afford it”, while simultaneously promoting others, and even threatening to go as far as getting a contractor if the work load was “too much to handle”. So off in the job hunt you go. You apply, interview, and eventually you get an offer and accept it. And the kicker: it’s the same job function with the same level of responsibility you have now, only you get a 15% pay increase. So you go to tell your manager and of course they act all shocked that you’re leaving. Even try to pull the whole…


If you took PTO, and during that time, your coworkers got to go home early, then shut your mouth and mind your own business…

A coworker from another department was complaining to me that it feels like every time she uses PTO, her department gets to leave early. She was upset that she used 8 hours of PTO when her coworkers really only worked 7 hours. She wanted to make a complaint to upper management, but I told her to “save her breath”. I understand how someone can feel a bit miffed or neglected by this occurrence, but I cannot fathom being so petty as to make a complaint. To complain about this jeopardizes a privelige extended to the entire office that by chance she didn’t get to partake in. To me it shows immaturity, and an ignorance to the consequences of her own actions. How does r/antiwork feel? Would you guys complain about this, or would you just shut up and hope you are in attendance for the next time it happens?


40% of staff fired over email

I, along with about 49% of the staff, was fired effective immediately over email with no explanation. At least the email said it wasn't for cause in case I need to prove that. But this happened right before the holidays with no warning. Even worse, a couple weeks earlier, the CEO explicitly said that layoffs were not on the horizon. I hate it here.


Work is work.

When you start a new job with rose colored glasses, but then you slowly become calloused and realize that it’s all the same shit. Yeah, my new job is much more suitable for me, but work still sucks, bosses still suck, it’s all the same under the surface. Working my life away, when I’d rather do anything else.