
My boss scheduled me 2 hours before my agreed start time.. I don’t get the amount of hours I was hired for, the shift length that was promised or the days that were in the job description. I don’t get breaks. I get auto clocked out after shift so I work some free minutes every day.

How do I address this? No matter where I work I don’t seem to just get a regular old job where I have regular scheduled hours, do the work and go home. Theres always some nonsense attached and I always let it happen and I’m so done. Everywhere I’ve ever worked I end up doing favours, and just letting things slide and not setting any boundaries and I end up being used instead of appreciated. Theres a lot of things that my employer and I originally agreed upon that they aren't really honoring. But main issue is starting 2 hours before my normal start time. This involves waking up at 4am, and then buses don’t run as frequently at 6am. So if a bus is late/early I’m screwed. Last time I ended up having to walk an hour freezing in the snow because my second bus went by early and…


[rant] No warnings, put on suspension without pay while having a mental breakdown and not notifying anyone I was gone for an hour

I had a meeting with the executive director (my supervisor) and went into it thinking if I have a job, great, if I don’t have a job, great. It just feels like a toxic environment & even though I would probably get paid less working elsewhere, I did want to work again. Little things started adding up, and one day someone that I hired as a volunteer was trying to make me open up about my own (adverse) childhood experience which threw me off because it was a sensitive topic and grief about my brother came up. The following day we had a staff meeting, and ED is not there. After the meeting I asked about the new timesheet system. I noticed Thursday wasn’t on there and I work mon-fri, I asked the manager responsible and she came up to me face-first waving her hand around stating she has never…


Only jobs in this area are light industrial 12 hour shifts, on feet whole time, shit pay and benefits

Just spent the morning going around to all the temp agencies. All they have is light industrial gigs that require 12 hour standing shifts, which I can’t do due to a disability. I’m willing to work, but all that’s available are grueling jobs that both require excellent physical health and will also destroy your physical health, with shit pay and benefits. bUt nO oNe Is WiLliNg tO wOrK


My company took away three paid holidays without informing us, what can I do?

It’s outlined in our signed offer letters and our signed employee handbooks. Our time tracking and payroll software shows -3 paid holidays than our handbook. We were never informed of this and had these days off last year. What avenues can I take?


Things to do before leaving a shitty company…

Hi there, leaving a shitty company at the end of the week where the boss is surely going to go onto my machine (an Apple Mac mini) after I leave and go through everything he can. Any tips/advice on what to delete / how to leave my machine “clean”? I don't have sufficient tech access to be able to wipe it clean and reinstall the macOS from scratch unfortunately. Also any other tips for leaving? Like, leaving kippers in the blinds so it stinks the office out?! thanks in advance! ​ delete google chrome passwords delete google chrome browsing history delete google chrome entirely log out of web Whatsapp on all browsers clear Safari browsing history / passwords / autofill etc. delete all files in the downloads folder delete all files saved locally in drives like documents, music, video etc. delete any “extra” programmes I installed remove the “view recent”…


Policy should apply to everyone or it shouldn’t be policy…

I’m so tired of these inconsistencies in my workplace… if a policy can be ignored or an exception can be made then it shouldn’t be a policy. Management should not be allowed to hide infractions or only enforce things when they want to. I’ve gone from being one of the top workers to being passed over for a promotion because management has begun to “enforce” policies that none of us have heard of but are still “in the handbook.” I’m so tired of these games and of rules that are seemingly made up on the fly.


Car dealer hung up on me… cuz I suck??

I work for myself. I do petsitting and various gig jobs (via the well known apps). I have a POS Jeep Renegade that breaks down every other month. I cannot afford it AND the payments anymore. So I want to trade the POS in. Only I don't have much to put down, my FICO sucks, and I owe over 1k in car taxes to a wealthy crappy town. I live with parents right now bc I can't afford a mortgage….. oops I mean rent payment every month on my wages. This douche calls me from a dealer north of me. I explained my situation and that all I want is a reliable compact. Not another CUV, not a luxury car. A fucking compact with affordable payment. Well after hearing I'm upside down on my car loan, bad credit, and have $800 bucks to put down he hung up on me.…


End of year employee awards

make me sick, literally I have physical reaction while there, on compulsory in person meeting in the conference room. When I did work hard on significant things, brought much more added value than expected – nobody have noticed. I am very resentful to these awards ever since… Regular colleagues are being awarded for not much special things. This year, many colleagues were awarded that are in company 1 year or less and “oh they are such a quick learners” – ffs, they take full salary, they should be learning quickly! Meanwhile it is demotivating for long term stable employees… because this is award coming with significant money bonus, and it hurts to be overlooked. Do you think that such employee awards can even be contraproductive, when they pick and choose average employees and award them, when meanwhile other very good performance employees get demotivated?


I’m hating engineering

I especially hate working for my boss. Everything I do is wrong or not the way she wants it or it’s not fast enough. I hate staring at the computer 40+ hours a week. I hate my needy clients. I just feel stuck and depressed.


Colleague getting mad at you for not letting them take credit

I've noticed for a while now that somebody at work keeps sending a list of chores for other people in our subteam to do then she blantantly says infront of our manager that she did them. This has been mainly little jobs so it never seemed like something to bring up. Yet, recently she's been tasked with writing a report about a series of events our team ran, and she sent me a massive list of data to retrieve and compile which is not a light job. Knowing exactly what she was doing, when I finished all the data, I sent it to everyone in my sub team, only to get a not best pleased message saying she wanted to add it to her report before sending it to everyone. Convenient. Bad luck. Good old passive agressive tactics come to the rescue.